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Chapter 6 The Will

  • Inside the Graham's mansion few steps lead to the door entrance which is made up of two giant doors with a fine brown painting and carvings engraved in them. A large space lies behind these doors and it's illuminated with the lavish golden and silver chandeliers, their mixtures blend to give off an elegant and luxurious feel. The floor is patterned with italic tiles imported from Italy as Mr. Graham was a huge fan of foreign furniture, he loved the Italian tiles cause it reminded him of his first visit there. He loved his rugs and had them specially designed for him. A white artificial horse which he paid thousands of dollars for, stood at the corner of his slant wall that got well attached to the large stairs. There was also a spot for his life tree which was at its original spot, Mr. Graham's loved it and didn't want to get rid of the short tree so he built his house around it. A bronze carved piano also on his special request was seated within the large space.
  • There was nothing much occupying this interior except for few but detailed furniture that held wealth behind it's motionless view but it wasn't left completely vase in space as a large statue that had no beauty in it but a secret one behind it's creativity sat at the center of this space. It was made by the famous Artist George from France and he spent a fortune to acquire this rare piece.
  • The Graham's butlers are seen in their professional mode as they prepare for this meeting. It wouldn't be the grahams if the occasion wasn't graced with lavish dishes the old man loved to be treated like a king at all times and had passed this trait to the rest of the family.
  • "It's almost time." Miss Charlotte says, she is the mother to Graham's two sons and also his ex-wife a woman whose countenance speaks of nothing but elegance. A beauty that had heard turning when she walked in, even in her old age. Why the Grahams sons was known for their unearthly beauty, they simply took after their mother.
  • Matilda had been absent-minded throughout the ride but she gave attention to the environment once they made it passed the gates of Graham's mansion. She couldn't help but let her jaw drop at the magnificent sight that graced her eyes. She brought the window down to get a clearer view and have a better experience of this beauty. Mr. Graham was this wealthy and lived in such a place yet he was so stingy to her. She loved the flowers and trees they passed as they drove through the drive way to the main mansion. The distance from the gate to his mansion got her wondering what he needed all that space for.
  • The moment the door was opened for her to step out, she felt suddenly nervous. Everywhere spoke of luxury that she never imagined in her life. She had missed most of the important details because she was not of high class to know the real value behind them.
  • "Everyone is in already. I'm told you are the only one they are waiting for." The driver cut her tour of the environment short.
  • "Me?" She asked pointing at herself. They were waiting for her, that wasn't good. She was just a sugar baby and even though they knew Mr Graham had planned on giving her a great deal of his fortune she knew they held resentment for her except Bruno, the only son of Graham that was fond of her for every negative reason.
  • "We should go in now Miss Matilda." He said leading her into the building.
  • The door opened slowly, she was scared of the scary faces she was going to see and once her eyes fell on the people before her, her face fell and her shoulders dropped. What was wrong with this people? They were all smiling at her. This felt uncomfortable.
  • "I see you've arrived." Charlotte said to Matilda once she was standing a close and comfortable distance from them. She studied the environment silently. There was no much hostility the only face that didn't seem welcoming was that of Ivan, the last son of the Graham's family. He stared at her with an expressionless face, more like he didn't care about kind gestures and wanted to get over with things. Miss Charlotte had a warm smile on her face that made her feel comfortable while Bruno as expected couldn't stop admiring her from where he stood. Then the last man who had a serious and professional look, she bet he was the lawyer no contest to the fact.
  • "Can we now begin?" He asked waiting for their approving gesture which came immediately.
  • They were led to the dining by the house stewards, wow! She muttered everything was done so professionally. The dining was a reasonable size for the number of occupants and the furniture caught her fancy. She could only wonder the cost of it. She noticed one thing though, the Graham's sons were supposed to be three in number but she was only seeing two of them and knew only one out of them. Mr. Graham always spoke about his first son and the grudges he bore towards him for cheating on his pregnant mom way back but she had believed he would turn up at least for the reading of his father's will.
  • The main gates to the Graham's mansion paved it's wings as a brown Lesvie car makes its way through it. Inside of it is seated the heir and first son of the Graham's family. In a smartly fitted black suit and a sunshade on. He didn't need the shades but he certainly didn't want to look anyone clearly in the eye. Those pink muted lips perfectly lined seductively without efforts. His calm self constantly troubled within. Did he make a mistake coming here? How he detested each time he needed to be here.
  • Once they got to the Graham's mansion, the door is opened by his personal assistant who leads the way into the building. Seeing the building before him, he released his breath slowly before proceeding towards the entrance. The face of the head stewards greets him first. He seemed to have been waiting but then why was he staring at him dazed like he wasn't expected to be there.
  • "You should close your mouth before a bug gets past it."