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Chapter 3

  • Dante
  • I am so furious to the point where I can't take it anymore, I feel like the veins in my head are going to burst at any moment. That damn worm Stefano, how dare he pressure me about the wedding in front of the council of leaders I had this morning.
  • He was very cunning, suddenly bringing up his supposed "good intentions." claiming that the peace offering he is making is done with all the desire to resolve the misunderstanding that occurred regarding my sabotaged businesses. I swear by all that is sacred that I will get revenge on that worm, I will hit him where it hurts the most. I won't stop for anything or anyone in the task of breaking his daughter, I will take away his territory right in front of his eyes. As for the old bastard, I have something else reserved for him, maybe I'll get rid of him very slowly so he regrets messing with the wrong person, I'm still not sure.
  • But what I am sure of is that it will serve as an example for others who want to mess with me, if they dare, no one will live to tell the tale.
  • I take a few deep breaths, I need to focus and stay calm. I have to think more about the damn wedding, it's in a few weeks. Tomorrow I will meet my future wife, they must come to my mansion, I don't trust that treacherous snake, so it's better here in my house than in his territory.
  • I quickly call Emilio to let him know that he must add extra security for tomorrow and that we will not be hospitable in any way to them, let him and his foolish princess go to hell if they think they will have me in their hands.
  • As soon as I finish the call with Emilio, I take the opportunity to call a luxury boutique to place a special order for a dress in the size her father gave me for my stupid "courtship" gift. I must not let them suspect my true intentions, I give them the color I want and the specifications of how I want it with matching shoes.
  • Once I finish the call with the boutique, I call one of my clubs. Ramiro, the manager, answers:"Good afternoon, boss! How can I serve you today?" He smiles wickedly, knowing the plan I have in my head.
  • "For tomorrow, I want you to send me one of the most beautiful girls you have, dress her elegantly. I want her here at 6:00 pm, I have a dinner with some future partners and I want to make a good impression." Just the thought of imagining what her reaction will be amuses me greatly.
  • He responds very obligingly " "Understood, boss! Any other specific instructions? Or do you trust my choice?" I think for a few more seconds and the truth is, I don't care, whoever they send will do.
  • "No, none, anyone will do. These people are not that important, they will be satisfied with watching anyone who is pretty and I demand that she has good manners. I don't want to be embarrassed because she doesn't know how to behave. Goodbye." I hang up without waiting for a response, what I say goes, period.
  • I turn to face the garden, from the window of my office. Allecra Cavour, I will make your life a hell where all you will want is to run back to your daddy's arms, but not without first leaving you completely ruined for any other man, so you will learn not to be so servile to your father and his whims.
  • Allecra
  • I wake up with a terrible headache, lying on my 3-seater bed, my sister Isabella is curled up near the wall, Bellarosa sleeps in the center, and I, exhausted, fell on the edge of the bed. Moving seems like a bad idea right now.
  • But I have to get up, so I do it very slowly, because it seems that if I do it faster, the drum in my head will sound louder. When I manage to stand up, I take slow steps until I enter the bathroom, struggling to undress, I turn on the shower and let the hot water wet my body, to wash away the sweat and tears that gently flow, remembering what I saw yesterday in the taxi.
  • My tears are also disappointment because I feel like I am alone in this world, without a father, mother, brother, or someone who cares and truly loves me. After crying enough and almost running out of hot water, I know that in a few minutes father will send for me. He hates it when I go to Marco's, says that people of our class should never go there, that we humiliate him every time my brother and I go.
  • Yes, perfect Luciano seems not so cold after all, he must have his own vices. I stop thinking about it for a moment and focus on washing my hair and my whole body well, which helps to alleviate my headache a little. I turn off the shower and wrap myself in a towel, I approach the mirror to see my reflection but I don't recognize the girl with a sad and haggard look that looks back at me.
  • My ordeal has not even begun, I don't want to imagine how I will look in a few weeks. Where did my dreams and plans for my life go? I can't help it and a few more tears escape me. I turn on the faucet and wet my face a little in an attempt to calm down before the girls wake up and see me like this. I better start removing the remnants of makeup since I didn't do it yesterday before going to sleep.
  • I come out and get dressed, not looking for a fresh blouse and tight jeans, I start brushing my hair gently, I search in the drawer of my nightstand to grab the bottle and take two Advil, I drink them with a little tap water, that will surely relieve my headache in no time.
  • I hear a knock on my door, I sigh tiredly, I knew it was too good to be true that maybe father would wait longer before calling me to his office to scold me. I sincerely hope he is in a good mood, maybe he just wants to punish me or give me a strong reprimand and that's it, but if my mother is with him, only the worst awaits me.
  • Because that would be a true hell to endure right now.
  • I open the door halfway and on the other side is Camilo, one of the men who works for my father, he is somewhat kind to say the least, he smiles at me, but I can sense his discomfort.
  • "Good morning Miss Allecra, your father is waiting for you in the office, he said he wants to see you immediately. Will you come with me, please?" Although he tries to keep his face calm and friendly, he fails as his smile turns into a grimace.
  • Sighing resignedly, I open the door all the way and step out, closing it softly behind me"Sure, lead the way, friend"the faster they scold me, the faster I can return to my room to rest.
  • In a few minutes, we are standing outside my father's office. Camilo approaches and knocks gently, receiving a response to come in. He opens the door for me, gesturing for me to enter.
  • But once inside, I regret it, because I see Giulia Castagna Garibaldi, my mother. She is very well made up and styled, dressed in designer from head to toe. My heart freezes in my chest and my veins fill with ice from fear. I try not to show anything and keep my face blank, because if not, she will use it against me.
  • Quickly, I look down and cover my face as best I can with my hair, asking quietly, "Did you call Father?" silently begging God to help me this time.
  • Please, let her just want to scold me.
  • Please, let her just want to scold me.
  • Please, let it be that and nothing more.
  • When I hear my mother's voice:"It seems I have a daughter who is blind because she only addresses you, I think you should teach her manners, dear, if you don't want me to embarrass you with her future husband's family, Go ahead, Stefano! My love, you cannot allow her to treat me like this." I don't know how someone like her can be my mother, sometimes I think she is just as bad or worse than him.
  • Just because we have the same eye color and because I resemble her mother in certain features, I know unfortunately she is my mother, but that doesn't stop me from hating her with all my soul. Giulia wants Isabella to be just like her in everything, from how she dresses to how she behaves, being cold and heartless. Fortunately, my sister has a good heart unlike this wicked woman.
  • I hear the sound of a chair being dragged back and quick steps approaching me. I feel a hand grip my hair tightly, lifting my head and slapping me hard with the other hand, hurting my lip. The force of the blow makes me fall to my knees on the floor. I know Father hits hard, but this time was more than usual.
  • My ears are ringing, I am disoriented, my head is exploding with more pain, but Father doesn't release his grip on my hair. I can feel the strong tug of his hold and taste the blood from my split lip. He looks at me with intense hatred. "Why do you insist on defying me, Allecra? I told you that you were engaged. Why do you go to Marco's like a cheap whore, drink, and let Rafaelo grope you on the dance floor, Do you want to screw me over?" He shakes me forcefully, and I can't help but groan in pain and regret.
  • "No, Father, it's not like that! I’m sorry! I won't do it again, Luciano also goes, I didn't think he would be mad that I went!" I beg like I have never done before, I am angry but also very sore, I have to be more submissive so he doesn't want to hit me harder.
  • I feel another strong blow and am thrown completely to the floor, my head hitting the marble floor hard and leaving me dazed for a moment.
  • I can breathe a little easier now that my father is not pulling my hair with force, but my head is killing me. My face and lip throb, and I make an effort to prop myself up on my forearm and take deep breaths. A few seconds later, I can focus my eyes properly and see what is in front of me.
  • I see father looking somewhat distorted, but I can assure you that he is glaring back at me with anger, clenching his fists, the vein on his forehead must be about to burst. How I wish the sky would take pity on me and make that happen! So I could be free from the hellish life I lead in this house.
  • "You're lucky I can't beat you to death because I need you. Tomorrow you will meet your fiancé. I just hope you do a good job because I swear to God, Allecra, I will make you work day and night in the worst brothel I own in the lowest and ugliest streets of London. Get up and get out of here! And don't forget, you must be ready by 5 pm tomorrow. We're going to Dante Morello's house. I don't care if you have to screw him in the bathroom, but make sure that arrogant bastard doesn't come up with some cheap excuse to reject the marriage." he gestures for me to leave his office.
  • I manage to get up and walk to the door, opening it with trembling hands. Once I can steady myself, I walk out, lifting my head high. Even though they hate me, I am a Cavour.
  • I must try to be strong in front of these people who may one day be under my command. Although it's no secret to them that father hits me, I can't let them use those weaknesses against me, ever.
  • I reach my room and go straight to the bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. What I see leaves me stunned.
  • Congratulations, Father! Good job with what you just did to my face. You want me to seduce the pig you want to marry me off to and you bust my lip. I must remain calm, although Rafaelo won't be of help, Gabriel and Bellarosa might. But maybe I shouldn't burden them with that, not for now.
  • If this Dante turns out to be an option, I must explore it not for my own good or my father's animalistic desires, but for Isabella's sake. She deserves a better life than the one I have right now, even though father still doesn't hit her and seems patient with her.
  • I wonder, why then does he hate me so much? It's true that Luciano and Isabella have blonde hair with reddish highlights just like my mother, but father and I have the same hair color. I don't understand why he rejects only me.
  • I clean my face and my lip's blood very carefully, put on makeup, and try to apply a strong lipstick, a wine shade, even though if you look closely, it's swollen.
  • The problem will be tomorrow, hopefully it won't turn purple. I leave the bathroom to see that both are already awake. I approach my sister and hug her tightly, then plant a kiss on her head. I swear that if I ever become a mother, I won't let anyone or anything touch my children, and I certainly won't hurt them the way they do with me.
  • Bella notices how swollen my lip is, and I see her features contort with anger. I signal her not to say anything, and she storms off to the bathroom in a fury. I feel Isabella squeezing my waist tightly, I look down and smile at her.
  • "Hello, beautiful sister. Did you rest well?" I hope she maintains her innocence and never becomes someone like mother.
  • "Yes, Allecra, I did. Did you have fun yesterday, sister? When can I go with you to the club?" she asks all excited. I can't disappoint her by refusing, so I stroke her hair.
  • "When you're 17, sister, I give you my word. Just wait a few years, and we can go together. But remember, you can't be with boys, just dance, nothing else. Is that okay, sister?" I say, smiling at her.
  • He smiles back at me, but suddenly his gaze falls on my swollen lip and his smile disappears instantly. His face transforms into one of complete horror and concern – "Did father hit you again? Why does he do it? I don't understand, he's supposed to take care of us, don't allow it Allecra, let's ask for help, someone must be able to help you." I don't let desperation and sadness fill me, I have to be strong for her and for myself, because even if it costs me my life, I won't let anything happen to her. With this, a new plan forms in my head, I will demand to take Isabella with me.
  • First, I must make my best effort to get to know this Dante guy, later I will search for him on the internet to see what comes up about him, to know what to expect. If there is a possibility that I can take Isabella with me, I will do it. I won't leave her in this place with this family that is not really a family.
  • I rub her back and tell her that nothing will happen, even though I'm not sure of that myself, but I make her believe me. I will get my sister out of this, and when I do, I will make all her dreams come true. I want her to marry for love, not like me... being traded for my father's benefit.
  • God, please help us this time.