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Chapter 3

  • Jasmine was not prepared for what she met at Brown-links, she had to get used to long hours of meetings, briefings, conferences, and more meetings.
  • Brown-links corporation was not into just tech anymore, basically at first, the company had Hi-chat, a social media platform with millions of users all over the world. Now, the corporation has integrated other businesses like Aviation, shipping, and real estate and now bidding to buy Zink computers, one of the biggest computer manufacturers in the U.S! Her father had taken a less demanding post in the company, and when she asked for his opinion on what is expected of a CEO, he told her to “see to the general operations of the company, ensuring maximum profitability whilst managing the company’s organizational structure” and that did little to help, it only got things complicated the more. The deal with Zink computers was a difficult one, she needed a strategy, she needed something to clear her head. Jasmine knew “tough situations do not last but tough people do” as her dad would say.
  • Her boyfriend, Josh called her. He never did, and when he did, it was always at the wrong time.
  • “Hi babe’’ he called; his enthusiasm was apparent in his voice.
  • ” Josh” she drawled insouciantly.
  • “Nice one huh, when were you planning to tell me?”
  • ”Josh, I was going to call before it flooded the social media”
  • “What the fuck Jasmine, you were planning to tell me, huh, you made an absolute fool out of me. Cohen and the guys went on laughing, I am with a girl and I don’t even know anything about her, I
  • Don’t know her plans, her goals and shit. Jasmine, how bad can that be?”
  • Jasmine was sad, she didn’t know what to say next.
  • “Josh please, I am so sorry. It would not happen again I promise you, don’t let’s do this please” Jasmine begged, she knew how unforgiving Josh could be, he could give her a cold shoulder for days, and she hated the silent treatment he subjected her to.
  • “Alright, no problems. Danny and the guys asked me to come along to the gazers tonight, wanna come along?”
  • The Gazers is an illegal race course downtown where spoiled rich kids come to rendezvous; smoke, race their cars, and engage in salacious lovemaking. Jasmine had gone twice before and she had hated every bit of it. The loud raunchy music, the deafening sound of cars crashing, the choky smoke, and the sexual obscenities all pissed her off.
  • “I am having a meeting tonight with executives, I am sorry but I will make it up to you. I am
  • Sorry Josh”
  • “ I thought as much, so I would have to go alone to the Gazers right?” he asked incredulously.
  • “Josh your friends, you would be going with your friends and would barely notice my absence,” she said almost silently.
  • “Like for real Jasmine…….” He said and hung up angrily.
  • Jasmine loved Josh, she was madly in love, but she was tired of doing things she did not approve of to please him. She tried calling him but he refused to pick up his calls. She decided she would just go home and soak herself in the bath, it was summer and she needed to just clear her head. Her phone beeped and she took hold of it, a text from Josh read: just a few minutes a CEO and you do not give a fuck about nobody again, when you are done being weird, you can call me.
  • “Lisa I am going home now and I need you to call me the car right away please”
  • Lisa was like a sister to Jasmine, she was cool, smart, and pretty cute. She works as a logistics manager at Brown Linkz and she warmed her way into Jasmine’s heart on her first day. Soon the car was ready and she was on a journey home.
  • Jasmine met her father at home, he had a bottle of Bonterra Equinox Red Organic Wine in his hands and he was on the phone with somebody. She wondered endlessly who it might be and she tortured her mind, for some second, then she concluded that it might be a business executive or someone else. Soon he was through with the call and noticed her for the first time.
  • “Hi Jas, Lisa how do you do” he asked smiling and at the same time shifting his glasses up his nose.
  • Jasmine nodded, and Lisa bowed slightly, each of them smiling.
  • “How do you do Mr. Grant?” Lisa said
  • “Hi Dad, you know sometimes I still wonder how much of that stuff you consume weekly”
  • “I don’t know. I mean I like it so much that I don’t even care how much of it I take daily. What does it even matter? It’s healthy. I feel nostalgic with every sip, the good old days. Let’s leave that can we? How was your day as CEO?” he said, smiling coyly.
  • “Dad, it was a hell of a day. Quite enjoyable though, I feel being a CEO is not that much of a stress, minus the mental torture though.” She said and sighed.
  • “Securing the Zink computer deal is hellish Dad” she complained, tomorrow, the board expects me to come up with a brilliant idea and an efficacious strategy. Dad they do not even want to help and it’s frustrating” she hollered in exasperation.