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Chapter 2 Soul Returns Home

  • Prosperia's Marinopolis International Airport.
  • "Make way!"
  • "Get out of the way!"
  • Dozens of thugs rushed into the corridor, moving with urgency as if facing a formidable enemy.
  • Passengers who had just disembarked hurriedly made way. Most of them were unaware of what was happening, but the sudden appearance of so many thugs left many feeling bewildered.
  • After the plane landed, the overweight man blocked the exit arrogantly, cursing loudly and displaying an extremely arrogant attitude.
  • "On my turf, you bastards better prepare to die. Once my brothers arrive, I'll make sure you two won't leave here alive!"
  • "Dare to lay a hand on me. Both you and the old man, don't even think about leaving here alive."
  • The glamorous woman assisted the overweight man in blocking the door, hands on her hips, confidently ignoring the persuasions of the flight attendants. They refused to let anyone pass.
  • All the thugs arrived, and the arrogance of the overweight man became even more overwhelming.
  • A group of people arrogantly blocked the door, boldly awaiting Ken's appearance.
  • Passengers were driven away one by one, creating a chaotic scene.
  • Inside the first-class cabin, the flight attendants wore anxious expressions, appearing as if ants on a hot pan.
  • "These two guests, the person you hit is Randolph Bentham, a well-known local tyrant and real estate magnate. He controls everything, and reporting to the police won't help. You should leave through the cargo exit."
  • Even the air marshal seemed anxious, nervously glancing at the situation outside before continuing:
  • "I heard about a university student who once had a verbal altercation with Randolph. That day, he had both hands chopped off, nearly losing his life. Randolph is not someone to be trifled with. Why aren't you worried at all?"
  • Ken remained calm, showing no signs of urgency.
  • "Scum like him shouldn't be allowed to live."
  • After saying this, Ken took out his phone and dialed a number, uttering only one sentence.
  • "Let everyone into the airport; I'm going to deal with a piece of trash today."
  • Hanging up the phone, Ken noticed the comrade's father beside him, visibly tense, shaking with the urn in his hands.
  • Ken patted the father's hand and whispered:
  • "Don't worry, I can handle it. Look outside."
  • Outside the airplane window.
  • Countless military vehicles drove straight in, entering the airport. The long convoy of vehicles came to a halt, and numerous individuals in black descended from the vehicles.
  • Uniformly sporting crew cuts, white shirts, and black trousers, there were over a hundred of them. What was even more shocking was the black cloth wrapped around their left arms—mourning bands!
  • The newcomers formed disciplined ranks, well-trained, exuding a formidable aura.
  • Everyone who witnessed this scene was dumbfounded.
  • Ken calmly stood up and said, "Let's go, old man."
  • "What is this..."
  • The comrade's father was dumbfounded.
  • The awe-inspiring scene didn't end there. Several cars approached from a distance, and the people descending from them turned out to be generals of Marinopolis' National Guard, rapidly approaching the airplane entrance.
  • The thugs blocking the door were left dumbfounded upon seeing this.
  • Randolph, the overweight man, didn't recognize the newcomers. Meeting them with a show of strength, he asked:
  • "Are you here to help me?"
  • "Who are you?" one of the generals questioned.
  • "I am Randolph. I assume you were sent by someone above. That's right; there are two people on the plane. Capture them for me. I want to personally kill those two bastards."
  • Slap!
  • As soon as Randolph finished speaking, a slap landed on his chubby face. The force wasn't too great, but it left Randolph bewildered.
  • "Why did you hit me?"
  • "Capture them all!"
  • The newcomers waved, and their bodyguards swiftly advanced, all armed. Without hesitation, they apprehended and restrained all the rowdy thugs.
  • At this moment, Ken calmly appeared at the exit.
  • "Salute!"
  • The formation stood rigidly at attention, shouting in unison, their voices echoing through the airport.
  • "Salute to the War God!"
  • The deafening shouts reverberated throughout the airport.
  • "War God? Who's that?"
  • The controlled Randolph, bewildered, asked, but as he strained to turn his head and saw the person considered the War God, his eyes nearly popped out.
  • "He is... the War God, the ruthless killer... Ken... Ken Buckle!"
  • Randolph was dumbfounded. He hadn't expected that the person he had clashed with was the unstoppable god of war on the battlefield.
  • Randolph's legs went weak, and he involuntarily lost control of his bodily functions.
  • Ken, facing the soldiers, returned the salute and made an unexpected gesture—a polite invitation.
  • Amidst the stunned crowd, a white-haired old man, holding an urn with utmost care, slowly walked out.
  • The soldiers returned to formation, a solemn salute to a fallen comrade. This was the highest respect, the most sorrowful elegy.
  • After three rounds of gunfire, everyone stood at attention, focusing on the father holding the urn.
  • Ken reciprocated the salute and said, "I entrust my comrade's funeral to you. My only request is that it be grand."
  • The leader saluted again, "We promise to fulfill the mission."
  • Ken nodded and, finally, gently caressed the urn, saying softly:
  • "Brother, have a safe journey."
  • With those words, Ken tilted his head and looked at the now trembling Randolph.