Chapter 14
- Victor reached over and grabbed the doctor’s hand with a smack as their flesh connected. “No pills. No needles. No drugs.” His voice sounded almost lethal, and a chill went up my spine. “If you can’t find a physical, or medical reason then you need to go and dig up some history books and find something. We’ve existed for thousands of years and have had many seers, surely this isn’t the first one with a coping problem.” He looked at me, his eyes softening a bit, then back to the doctor. “She’s absolutely petrified by your very presence.” He held out his arm with the bloody welts that I’d left in his arm. I felt bad for that, but they looked like they were healing right before my eyes. “The other side has medically abused her enough in her short life, we will not add to that.”
- The doctor was nodding his head so fast I was sure he must be getting dizzy. He glanced at me, then right back to Victor. “I will call and talk to the elders.”
- With an abrupt nod, Victor slowly released his hold and straightened up. The doctor got up so fast, I’m sure he got a head rush from it. I watched him leave then grabbed Victor’s arm and looked at it. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” My hands were shaking.