Chapter 79 I Love You Isabella
- Author quote: The phone number used in this chapter was formed and not real. So be forewarned in case!
- Isabella found it awkward to share a car with the man she had just had sex with. She felt anxious and turned to stare out the window to distract herself as Matteo drove onto the road and headed in the direction that led to her place.
- The cold breeze that blew in through the window unwind all her emotions and made Isabella feel relaxed. She smiled as she looked out through the mirror and blushed as she recalled the moment Matteo made love with her. To say today was the best day of her life would be an understatement. Instead, it was the most blissful night that she experienced the best sex she had ever had. Bianca was right after all; she really needs a real cock inside her, and Matteo was just the right choice to prove Bianca right. Matteo was indeed so fucking good in bed, and she doesn’t know if she will be able to do away with him anytime soon.