Chapter 6
- Just as Tony was finishing his meal, Maxwell and his wife entered the hotel lobby, their presence exuding wealth and power. It was clear from their regal bearing that they were the prominent clients who wanted to partner with the hotel. Maxwell's family was a prominent force in the city's real estate market, and the lugard had always been keen to maintain a strong relationship with them. Maxwell's marriage to their daughter had been a key part of that strategy.
- As Tony emerged from the dining area, he was met with snickers and jeers from Maxwell and Cecilia who had just entered the hotel. their faces twisted in mockery as they looked him up and down.
- "Look who's here," Maxwell said with a mocking tone. "The great job hunter himself," he added, the words dripping with sarcasm. His wife chimed in, her voice dripping with disdain.
- "I'm sure he's here looking for one low-income job as usual," she said, a smirk playing on her lips and they both burst into laughter.
- "Greetings, Maxwell and Cecilia," Tony said with a measured tone, choosing to ignore their mocking laughter. "You both look great," he added, meeting their gaze with a level stare.
- "There is never a day we look bad," Cecilia retorted haughtily, a smug smile playing on her lips. "After all, we have all the means to look extraordinary," she added, preening slightly.
- Tony's lips quirked into a mocking smile. "Indeed, your wealth is quite extraordinary," he said, the sarcasm in his voice unmistakable.
- "Feel free to stick around while we speak with the manager," Maxwell said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe we'll find some low-level position for you, like always," he added, his tone condescending.
- Tony's smile widened his expression one of cool amusement. "Your generosity knows no bounds, Maxwell," he said, his tone dripping with insincerity. "I'm honored by your gracious offer."
- Maxwell scowled, clearly displeased by Tony's response. "Whatever," he muttered under his breath.
- Tony excused himself the moment he saw the manager approaching them. He didn't want Maxwell and Cecilia to know who he was. At least not now. Maxwell and Cecilia watched in stunned disbelief as the manager bowed to Tony as he walked past. They felt they were the ones who misunderstood what just happened. Tony was the least important person to be given such an honor by a five-star hotel manager.
- "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez," the manager greeted them warmly, her voice a pleasant contrast to the confusion they were feeling. "If you would follow me to my office, I'd be happy to discuss the details of the partnership with you," she added with a smile.
- The Rodriquez's followed the manager in a daze, their minds still reeling from the strange encounter with Tony.
- As the meeting drew to a close, Maxwell and Cecilia were making their way out when they spotted Tony leaving the executive suite. They exchanged knowing glances, and their whispers grew louder as they approached him.
- "I don't trust him," Maxwell said, his tone full of contempt.
- "Me neither," Cecilia agreed, her voice equally disdainful.
- With a mocking tone, Maxwell turned to the manager and said, "You should be careful with who you let in here. A lowlife like him could be up to no good. I doubt he's not here to steal," he said loudly, his words dripping with disdain.
- "I don't trust a man like that," His voice carried through the hall, clearly audible to Tony and everyone else in the vicinity.
- His wife chimed in, "I agree, you should be more careful about the kind of people you let into the hotel. You don't want someone like him ruining your establishment."
- "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure who you're referring to," the manager said, a look of puzzlement on her face. "Are you talking about one of the hotel staff?"
- Maxwell let out a dismissive laugh. "Oh, you wouldn't know him. he's probably some new hire who doesn't even know his way around the place."
- Tony's amusement grew as he watched the exchange, a smirk playing on his lips.
- "Take care when dealing with someone like him," Cecilia warned, her eyes fixed on Tony. "You don't want any trouble in the hotel."
- "There must be some misunderstanding," the manager said, her brow furrowed in confusion. "Are you sure you've not mistaken him for someone else?"
- Tony suppressed a chuckle at the irony of the situation. They were so sure that he was some lowly worker, and yet he was the one who had the authorized signature to award them the contract to partner with the hotel.
- "I'm so sorry, sir, for the rude behavior of my guests," the manager apologized, shooting a glare at Maxwell and Cecilia. "Please forgive them, they made a mistake."
- Cecilia seemed amused by the turn of events, chuckling in disbelief. "You are the one making a mistake, Miss,"
- The manager's face flushed with anger and embarrassment, and Tony could tell that she was struggling to maintain her composure.
- "Mr. Rodriquez, in light of this incident, I'm afraid I have to suspend our engagement," the manager said, her voice stern and authoritative. "I will need to seek further instruction from my boss before we can proceed."
- Maxwell's brow furrowed, confusion still written all over his face. "What on earth are you talking about?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief as he chuckled. "I have no idea what's going on here."
- "Don't worry about it, there's no need to get upset," Tony said, a bemused smile playing on his lips. He patted Maxwell's shoulder reassuringly, then turned and walked away, leaving Maxwell and Cecilia staring after him in confusion.
- "Is this some kind of joke?" Cecilia called out after him, her voice ringing through the lobby. "I don't understand what's going on here." Tony ignored her, continuing to walk away with a confident stride.
- "I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave," the manager said firmly to Maxwell and Cecilia. "Your behavior is disrupting the hotel and its guests, and I can't allow that."
- Maxwell sputtered in protest, but the manager held her ground. "I'm not joking," she said, her voice rising to match his. "Please leave, or I will have to call the authorities."
- As Tony approached the exit, he could hear the manager instructing the security to remove Maxwell and Cecilia from the premises. He felt a twinge of satisfaction at the thought of them being escorted out of the hotel. It was a satisfying moment for Tony, to be able to put them in their place without him causing a scene.