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Chapter 7 Family!

  • Raajnandini's POV
  • I stood aside as family greetings exchanged between Alex and my parents.
  • I looked at the girl and noticed her wiping her sweaty hands on her dress. Poor thing! It's so obvious that she is scared between us.
  • Alex looked at me and I looked away, I am angry with him. Whatever he is doing is wrong and he needs to understand that.
  • "You look fat!"
  • He teased and I whined looking at my mother.
  • "Alex!"
  • She scolded him. He always does that.
  • I scowled at him and walked out towards the balcony while I heard Dad ordering him to bring me back.
  • I looked at the huge garden in front of me while crossing my arms over my chest.
  • He made his presence known as he stood behind me.
  • "You know how to make me dance around your little finger, don't you, little devil?"
  • He tried to touch my arm but I jerked my hand back.
  • He released a defeated sigh as I refused to look at him.
  • "You don't look fat, I was just teasing you."
  • My eyes watered as I looked at his arrogant eyes.
  • "Don't play innocent, Alex... You know that's not the reason."
  • His eyes dropped down as he puffed out a frustrated sigh. He extended his hand and slid the glass door, blocking the view from our parents.
  • "You think this is some kind of joke?"
  • He looked at me as anger rose in his eyes. His eyes are just like my father. Amber and they hold nothing but darkness.
  • "Maybe for you it is"
  • I turned towards him as my own body started shaking with anger.
  • "But I am breaking from inside. I am tired of you controlling my life..."
  • "You would have been mourning by now if not crying."
  • His jaw clenched as he spat those words.
  • "What do you mean?"
  • I don't understand.
  • "Dad ordered me to kill Andrew"
  • His declaration brought down thunder on my heart.
  • "Of course he doesn't want the low life to live who dared to touch his daughter..."
  • Tears slipped from my eyes.
  • "And you are telling me that you went against him?"
  • I don't believe him. Alex will do anything but go against Dad.
  • "I didn't!"
  • He declared.
  • There was another shock to my heart, he killed Andrew.
  • "Alex, you can't!"
  • I gritted as I grabbed his collar.
  • He grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands away from his collar.
  • "I didn't kill him, Raan... Listen to me first. I don't mind killing him but I care about you and your mental health... I promised dad that I will kill him if he tries to contact you even after my warning so he is safe until and unless he doesn't contact you."
  • I sobbed as I fell on his chest.
  • "Why?"
  • He wrapped his hand around me while placing one on my head and patting me.
  • "I can't go against him, Raan. You know the consequences... I love you, little devil and I am trying to protect you... There is a reason why I have taken this issue in my hands. Do you think dad will think even once before killing men who touch you?"
  • I looked at him horrified. Dad can do worse than Alex.
  • "Exactly, you know what I am saying?"
  • He read my face.
  • "And Dom, you think he will give a fuck about your opinions about weak men you are selecting for yourself."
  • Dominick is worse than Alex. He doesn't even show emotions, showing mercy is the last thing you should expect from him.
  • "I need you to understand that I am trying to protect you... You can't hate me."
  • He kissed my head.
  • "I am tired of this"
  • I cried on his chest.
  • "I am sorry!"
  • His voice shows how bad he is feeling for me. I am sorry, Alex. I should have understood that you are helpless just like me.
  • He wiped my tears and handed me his handkerchief.
  • "You ruined my shirt"
  • I chuckled at that while fixing my face.
  • "You deserved it, asshole."
  • He smiled at me as we decided to go back.
  • "Here is your princess, dad... I hope I am not getting beheaded for my sin to offend this etherly beauty"
  • I rolled my eyes as I sat beside dad and he kissed my head.
  • He is being over dramatic.
  • I looked at Bella who was looking around like a lost child, she is cute. She gulped when Alex sat beside her.
  • Mom was right. There is a handprint on her cheek and the way she has done her makeup, it failed to hide that.
  • God, how badly did he slapped her? I glared at Alex.
  • I know he has a habit of punching men like a punch bag but she is a small woman. I wouldn't have cared if she would have been Amanda but this girl looks innocent.
  • Maids served our dinner and my eyes sparkled.
  • "Lobster! You specially made this for me?"
  • I looked at Maa.
  • "Enjoy"
  • She winked at me.
  • Dad helped her and me to cut it and I noticed Bella struggling with it. She looked at Alex who had walked away from the table to answer the phone and she looked at her plate nervously.
  • She probably doesn't know how to cut it.
  • I nudged dad and cocked my head towards her.
  • Dad saw her looking at her plate dumbfounded and exchanged his plate with her. Her lips turned into a bright smile when he did that. I know it must be difficult for her to act between people who are famous to be dangerous.
  • I don't know what she has gone through with that asshole of Amanda's father, disgusting man. I hope they didn't hurt her.
  • Alex came back and I noticed a small smile when he saw her eating lobster. He looked at dad and gave him a nod of acknowledgement.
  • We all were having dinner silently when Bella suddenly got a swollen face. I think she herself didn't know that she is allergic to lobster.
  • She doesn't even know how to hide her identity, a girl with zero survival instinct.
  • Here her real identity is truly revealed because Amanda doesn't have an allergy to seafood.
  • Maa treated her but we had to wipe her makeup to stop any reaction from makeup and I saw that angry purple handprint on her cheek.
  • Screw you, Alex!
  • I lost it and dragged him away from everyone.
  • He looked at me like I had gone crazy. Ohh! the fuck I care.
  • "You hit her?"
  • He looked at me offended by my look of disbelief.
  • He rubbed his temple as showed disinterest in my accusation. What made me frown that he didn't deny it.
  • "Let me check if she is going alive from here, how can someone be so stupid to not know what are they allergic to."
  • He released a annoyed sigh and walked towards his fake wife.
  • Bella was fine and I finally got the chance to come back to my room when the drama was finally over.
  • This room holds so many memories, I entered the wide space which dad designed for me. Maa always says that he loves me more than my brothers and I know it.
  • Even after being the most feared man, he has never raised his voice at me. No matter how angry he is, he always turns soft when he talks to me.
  • My lips formed a small smile when I looked at the portrait of dad and I hanging above my head which Maa gifted me on my eighteenth birthday. Dad is holding me in his arms, I was seven years old back then and he was my hero even though he is the villain of everyone's life.
  • This is one of the reasons why I haven't confronted my father for whatever he is doing. How can I question him when I know he wants to protect me and that's his nature. He only knows how to hurt other people to protect his own.
  • I freshened up and wiped my makeup. Last night's marks came back t o life making me blush.
  • Tonight won't be as thrilling as yesterday's. I wonder what they must be thinking about me, do they even care?