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Chapter 6

  • Jaselyn's POV
  • It was Rion, the Beta who had been nice to me when I had been forcefully brought here.
  • My cheeks flushed pink in embarrassment when I realized he'd caught me and basically saved me from falling but he still held me securely in his arms and my hands gripped his shirt tightly.
  • “Um…..” I tried to speak and he seemed to understand as he dropped me to my feet carefully.
  • “Are you alright? That scared me quite a bit, you could have suffered some serious injuries.” He said with a worried look on his face and my heart skipped a beat.
  • “Thank you for saving me.” Was all I could manage to bring out.
  • “There's no need for thanks. It's just lucky that I happened to be passing by. But seriously though, what were you even doing? You're the Alpha's mate, you shouldn't be painting walls.” He uttered seriously, every trace of the warm smile disappearing from his face.
  • “Well I'm not anymore and he won't even let me go. Isla forced me to do this. I'm no stranger to strenuous work, I would have done it without any issues if I wasn't so hungry. I was on the verge of blacking out and didn't realize when I let go of the ladder.” I explained.
  • “Really? She's starving you too? That's crazy. Wait here, I'll be back in a jiffy.” He said and left before I could even ask questions.
  • He soon returned with a plate of delicious looking food, my mouth watered at the sight of it.
  • “Here, have it. Eat as much as you can.” He said with a smile and I damn near snatched it from him like a crazed woman.
  • I devoured the whole plate in minutes while he watched me with an amused expression like I was a child trying something out for the first time, it made me feel self conscious.
  • “Thank you.” I uttered gratefully, feeling like a new person.
  • “Don't mention it, if you ever need anything, just let me know and I'll do my best. I want you to know that I'm not any way in support of what the Alpha's doing to you, I honestly think it's disgusting and I would put an end to it if I could but regretfully, my hands are tied in this situation.” He spoke with remorse, like he was genuinely sorry for me. It made me feel funny, I liked it better when he smiled at me. He has a wonderful smile.
  • “It's OK, you're already doing a lot for me. If you hadn't saved me, I would have been in a world of pain.”
  • “Speaking of which, you don't need to do this anymore.” He said and I threw him a questioning look.
  • “I'm not in any way trying to doubt your ability, I just think a woman as beautiful as yourself should spend her time doing something she enjoys. Leave the rest of the work to me, I'll handle it.” He said and my mouth fell open in shock.
  • Dear goddess, he's full of surprises, isn't he? The good ones though, unlike somebody I know.
  • “I— I couldn't, you're the Beta of this Pack. You shouldn't be doing something as mundane as painting the walls.” I declined only because Isla would have my head if she found out.
  • “If anyone's supposed to be doing something more important, it's you. You're the true Luna of this Pack. If you're worried about Isla, dismiss your fears, I'll make sure she doesn't find out. Even if she does, I'll take care of it. No harm will come to you, I give you my word.” He reassured me and my stomach flipped with butterflies. When he's asking this nicely, how could I refuse?
  • “Thank you so much, this means a lot.” I thanked him, a blush settling on my cheeks.
  • “Don't mention it, now please go to your room and rest, you've done enough today. We wouldn't want you falling sick now.” He said and picked up the bucket of paint and the brush, climbing the ladder and quickly getting to work.
  • He made it seem so effortless and managed to look graceful while just painting the walls. He's very handsome, strong and looks regal. Is he really just a Beta? He could easily pass for an Alpha but then again the moon goddess has always had such a sick sense of humor. She gave me that cold hearted idiot as a mate when this ray of sunshine would have been all I needed.
  • “It's good to see you're scaling through this better than I am.” Nila finally spoke, breaking out of her self imposed withdrawal.
  • “We'll be fine, Nila. His presence gives me hope so I know we'll be just fine.” I reassured her and she nuzzled against me, giving me a comforting cuddle internally.
  • I finally retreated back to my room and thankfully none of Isla's spies—I mean maids were around to spot me as I made my way through the halls.
  • I can't stay here forever, I need to get out of here as soon as possible but for that, I need a foolproof plan. I'm bone tired right now and my brain won't come up with anything so it'll just have to be tomorrow.
  • I dragged my weary body up the attic stairs. Darkness surrounded me as I reached my room, and the drowsiness of sleep overwhelmed all my senses. I just wanted to fall into bed and sleep for all I was worth. I switched on the lights and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest.
  • Sitting on my bed, legs crossed and a smug smile on his face was none other than Zane himself.
  • “Ah, you're finally back, my little pet. I was beginning to get bored.”