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Chapter 6 Back To The Past 1437

  • Flashback
  • Catherine rushed home, tossed her backpack, and was about to head out again. Her mother intercepted her.
  • "Cat, where are you going?"
  • "I'll only be out for a little while."
  • "Where to?" Her mother noticed her daughter wasn't focused on her studies—she was leaving the house every day and neglecting her grades.
  • "Catherine, you got low grades on your math exam, and your father is very angry. Come back and do your homework."
  • "Low grades?" the girl replied impatiently. "Mom, I promise I'll work harder next time."
  • Despite her mother's sigh of helplessness, Catherine darted out. She wanted to see Lucian, who was now in college. Last she heard, many girls liked him. Sergio even mentioned seeing a girl send love letters to Lucian. He was handsome and the president of the student union. It bothered her; she couldn't wait for him to grow up and be with another woman. No, Lucian belonged to her.
  • Though Catherine was young, she was determined. When she set her sights on something, she achieved it. She had to make Lucian hers. Today was Friday, so she could do her homework tomorrow. She decided to go see if many girls at school liked Lucian.
  • The James' house was not far from the Landong's house. Catherine dashed through the front door straight to the room of the boy she liked, but Brenda, his mother, saw her and stopped her.
  • "Catherine?" Brenda asked, taking her hand and leading her to the living room. "What brings you here today?"
  • "I wanted to say hello, Aunt Brenda." Catherine had a sweet way about her and knew how to please older people.
  • The two families had been friends for years, and Brenda's company had many collaborations with the James family's companies. It was normal to see each other frequently.
  • "You're such a good girl," Brenda said, sensing Catherine's feelings. Although she was only thirteen years old, Brenda could see the look in her eyes destined for her eldest son. They would be perfect together in the future. But the older her son got, the colder his personality. Brenda didn't know how to approach him. After thinking about it, she sighed.
  • "What's wrong, Aunt?"
  • "I regret not having a daughter like you in this life," Brenda said, holding Catherine's hand. "You should come over more often. Aunt likes you."
  • Catherine was a sweet girl from a good family. Though young, she would grow into a beautiful woman.
  • "Thank you, Aunt," Catherine said, nodding. Occasionally, her gaze drifted to the second floor, to Lucian's room.
  • "Is he home? I really want to see him."
  • Brenda smiled and pointed to a plate of fruit on the coffee table. "He just got back from college and said he was hungry. Let me take him a plate of fruit. You sit and wait for me."
  • "Aunt," Catherine said quickly, "I'll take it."
  • Brenda understood the little girl's intentions but didn't refuse her request at all.
  • "Well, then, you take it."
  • "Thank you, Aunt."
  • Catherine was so happy that she picked up the fruit plate and headed towards Lucian's room. She had been to the Landong house so many times that she was familiar with everything about the family.
  • After arriving in front of Lucian's room, she opened the door and went in. She left the fruit plate on the small table in the living room, looked around, and whispered, "Lucian?"
  • No response. She walked further into the room and realized that there was no one there.
  • "Where is he?"
  • Catherine should have turned around and left, but she couldn't bear the curiosity. After thinking about it, she turned around and went to the study, on the other side of the small living room. Lucian was not inside, but there were two books on the desk, one open next to a cup of coffee.
  • It seems he was here a moment ago.
  • Catherine really thought about leaving, but she was drawn to a pink envelope on the desk. Curiosity overcame her, and without minding invading his privacy, she took a step forward and opened the envelope, revealing a love letter.
  • "So, is what his sister said true? Does Lucian really like many girls?"
  • Lucian belonged to her; no one could like him more than she did.
  • Catherine was only thirteen years old, but as the eldest daughter of the James family, she had always been spoiled since she was a child. As long as she wanted something, her parents would give it to her. At that moment, seeing someone sending a love letter to Lucian, hatred grew in her heart. She took the love letter and tore it to pieces.
  • "I hate you, I hate you! I won't let you have Lucian, he is mine, and one day I will be Mrs. Landong!"
  • "What are you doing?"
  • Lucian had gone out for a moment for some things. When he returned, he saw Catherine stepping on some pieces of pink paper.
  • He frowned and quickly stepped forward. "Catherine, what are you doing here?"
  • "I..." She blushed, feeling a little embarrassed. Though Lucian was only eighteen years old at this time, he was already attractive and mysterious, nothing like the frivolous boys his age.
  • He looked at her with deep eyes and a serious expression. Catherine felt a little guilty when she saw him like that, but she wouldn't back down. She raised her head proudly to look at Lucian.
  • "I'm helping you deal with the trash." Without waiting for him to say anything, she continued. "This girl dared to write you a love letter, and the words of admiration are misspelled. Who gives her the right to bother you? You shouldn't like this kind of girl, so I helped you take care of it."
  • "And why do you say that? Should I thank you?" Lucian's face turned colder.
  • He never accepted love letters from anyone, and he had seen this one moments earlier, unread. He didn't know who sent it, and he wouldn't say that he could like that girl, but he also didn't appreciate Catherine's behavior.
  • "Of course, you should thank me."
  • Lucian was silent. Though the girl in front of him was close to the family, that didn't mean he wasn't bothered by her arrogant and superior attitude, particularly because he couldn't stand girls like that. Everything seemed to indicate that the eldest daughter of the James family was just another spoiled daddy's girl.
  • "Do you like that girl?" Catherine questioned.
  • "Whether I like her or not is none of your concern," Lucian stretched his finger and pointed to the door. "Please, leave."
  • "I won't leave," Catherine said, feeling offended. Since she was young, everyone had indulged her every whim. Even Brenda treated her like a daughter. Now Lucian was treating her like this.
  • "I like you, Lucian. And I won't allow you to like other girls, do you understand?"
  • Lucian's expression remained indifferent. He was bored with these childish words. "What do you know about liking? Do you think just because you like me, I will like you?"
  • "I know you will come to love me," Catherine said, taking a step forward and looking directly into Lucian's eyes. He towered over her by two heads.
  • "I love you. I beg you, don't like others, only I can please you. Only me."
  • Lucian's patience was wearing thin. He was in the middle of final exams and didn't want to waste time on the childish fantasies of his lifelong neighbor. He passed by her impatiently and walked to the desk to sit down, picking up his book to read.
  • Catherine was furious. "Am I not pretty? Why don't you like me?"
  • She took a step forward and stood in front of the desk, leaning in, snatching the book from Lucian's hands, and gripping his face in her hand, forcing him to look at her.
  • "I will also be very beautiful in the future, and I am very intelligent. Why don't you like me?"
  • Lucian glanced at the book she held, completely ignoring her, and said, "Give me back the book."
  • "No!" Catherine shouted. "Answer me, why don't you like me?"
  • He saw the stubbornness on her face. To be honest, she was pretty — her pink lips, youthful face, and piercing blue eyes assured that she would indeed be beautiful in a couple of years. But that wasn't what interested him. He wanted a real woman, not someone superficial. Someone intelligent — that would be the perfect woman. Unfortunately, the girl in front of him lacked all of that.
  • Bored of her senseless words, he decided to be frank with her.