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Chapter 5

  • My eyes opened but I shut them back up quickly due to the bright light that washed on my face from the window. I opened my eyes once more and blinked severally before my vision finally cleared.
  • I looked around and saw I was in a beautiful room and on a soft bed. It took a minute for my brain to finally register that I was in the Alpha's room!
  • But how did I get here? I tried to think back and my brain finally remembered what had happened.
  • The hits by Zephyr must have caused me to lose consciousness but the realization that I'm awake, almost made me want to cry. Then this only means that I'm not dead, I'd only passed out and despite all the abuse, I've woken up again to continue this miserable life.
  • I had to start wondering if I was immortal or if the moon goddess was just playing a cruel trick on me.
  • My eyes roamed around the room and finally caught sight of the Alpha and a woman who I vaguely remember to be the pack doctor.
  • They were seriously conversing about something but the doctor turned and saw that I was awake.
  • "Oh, thank the gods, she's finally awake." The doctor exclaimed and moved in my direction, the Alpha followed behind her and I withdrew into the bed, I was very scared of Zephyr.
  • "Calm down wench, I won't hurt" Zephyr said and the doctor tried to get me to relax while she checked my pulse.
  • "It's a miracle that she's still alive, she was almost dead a few hours ago and her body has survived a severe shock. This is no joke but she was dead cold." The doctor revealed and I was so shocked that I certainly would have gasped only if I had a voice.
  • "Then how is she alive?" Alpha Zephyr questioned.
  • "I don't know, I guess the moon goddess considers her special and so refuses to receive her yet."
  • The doctor guessed but I just smirked derisively. For me, it was the opposite. She didn't want to accept me because she was punishing me.
  • The Alpha must have had the same thoughts as me because he laughed sarcastically and said, "I highly doubt that, the little bitch should be called a werecat instead of a she-wolf because that's what she is. She has nine lives." He snorted.
  • He walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist forcefully, applying much pressure to it and I whimpered.
  • "Listen bitch, don't ever repeat this. Your little stunt has left some people worried about you. You were passed out for three days and everyone thought you were dead but you've just popped up again like life and death is some kind of joke." He warned coldly.
  • "Enough of this Alpha, do whatever you want to me but I can't keep quiet about this anymore. She almost died because of all of the abuse she's had to bear for so long, her body was ready to give up but her heart wasn't. She's strong but there is only so much she can bear before she won't be able to handle it anymore. She's very weak right now and the only thing she needs is care and not brutality. If you're hard on her now, she'll certainly die. You will lose your little doll forever."
  • The doctor warned, the woman had tears in her eyes and my heart melted, this was the first time somebody had stood up for me or tried to feel my pain in such a long time.
  • Alpha Zephyr sighed before saying the words I never thought he'd say.
  • "So what do you suggest? That she doesn't work for a few days?" He questioned and the doctor smiled appreciatively.
  • "Yes. She shouldn't be made to work for at least 3 days, and she should be fed very well and made to rest properly. She also needs to take her medicine regularly. She should not be made to suffer abuse of any kind during her recovery time. Neither physically, emotionally, or psychologically. Please follow my instructions strictly because the sooner she recovers, the sooner she can get back to work."
  • The doctor advised and Alpha simply nodded.
  • He escorted the doctor out of the room and I was left with Tara.
  • "Welcome back dear Evelyn, at that moment I thought we were going to die." She said and I nodded.
  • “Me too, and though I'm not excited about staying alive, I'm at least happy that we won't have to work or get beaten for at least three days.”
  • I said to her in my mind's voice.
  • "That is good because two days from now is your birthday and we'll finally be able to meet our mate. We'll finally get the life we deserve."
  • Tara rejoiced and I rolled my eyes.
  • “I've told you already Tara, stop talking about that mate nonsense. You know that no one will ever accept us.” I told her and just then, the Alpha returned.
  • "You must be happy, bitch. Causing trouble and getting a break from everything but it won't be long, you'll only get respite for 3 days and after that, I'll personally beat you up all night until you bleed. I will make sure you will never find a single fucking mate!"
  • He threatened and left.
  • I didn't want to worry about that until the moment would arrive. I'm too tired to worry about something that I've become quite used to. If the Alpha doesn't turn me into a masochist then I don't know what will.
  • I lie back, deciding not to worry about the future, it would just have to take care of itself. It wasn't long until I fell asleep.
  • Two days passed quickly and they were the closest thing to bliss that I've ever felt. I was given a room and wasn't made to sleep on the cold, hard floor of the cellar but rather on a very comfortable bed. I was given well-prepared, hot meals, no one shouted at me or even laid a finger on me, I wasn't made to do any work, heck, I wasn't even allowed to leave my room and the Alpha always came to check up on me, making sure that I took my medicine and rested and for me, it was the royal treatment.
  • Finally, the day is about to come.
  • Tick-tock, tick-tock. The clock was now near 00:00 for my birthday.
  • I was scared but also excited because it would be the last day I would be treated like a person, but I would also be able to find my mate.
  • Dong-dong-dong. The clock had hit 00:00. It’s my 18th birthday!
  • "Get up Evelyn, get up." Tara urged me.
  • 'Why? What's the matter?' I communicated, a bit worried by the urgency.
  • “Get up, I can feel our mate close by and I'm sure he can feel us too," Tara told me and I became mad at her.
  • “Tara we've talked about this countless times before, there's no need to go looking for our mate because he'll probably reject us so come off the idea this instant.”
  • I warned and I felt her whimper.
  • "Don't you want to at least know what he looks like? It will just be a sneak peek and we'll leave. I'm curious to know what our mate looks like and I know you are too."
  • She dragged on and her words managed to spark curiosity in me.
  • I guess she's right. What's the harm in getting just a glance at our mate?
  • With that resolve, I slowly walked to the door but instantly bumped into a hard chest, arms quickly wrapped around me and prevented me from falling.
  • I opened my eyes to see it was the Alpha and in that instant, Tara gave me the biggest shock of my life.
  • "Mate! Mate! He's our mate!"
  • She screamed and my eyes widened in shock.
  • The Alpha must have found out too because his gray eyes which held mine in a sharp gaze seemed to burn with a fire that threatened to consume me.