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Chapter 18

  • I had another nightmare that night and the following nights. I've been living in the palace for two weeks now and each night, I always had a nightmare about Zephyr either beating me up and killing me or raping me. This gradually plunged me into insomnia and then depression. I couldn't eat properly and I grew scared of sleeping. Tara tried to talk me out of it but she couldn't. It was apparent that she was also scared too.
  • Elsie noticed my sudden withdrawal and she tried to find out what the problem was but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I knew telling someone would help to bring me some relief but I still felt scared, I didn't want to recall what he did to me so many days ago.
  • Ana hadn't been feeling well so she didn't find out about my withdrawal and it was better she didn't know, I really didn't want to add to her problems.
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