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Chapter 4

  • Harper's POV
  • Belatedly,I noted his brother. Both the Luna and Annie and mentioned that there was a younger brother, Banks.
  • Banks seemed to favor his mother's genetics. He was not as big or as intimidating as Wyatt, His blond hair was neatly trimmed, and he had a more willowy,graceful figure. His eyes were very blue, and very amused. As much as his brother had eyed me with hatred, I had the distinct feeling that this one was laughing at me,and I didn't like it. If there is one thing I can not tolerate, its being laughed at.
  • I didn't worry about the younger brother for long,because the closer Wyatt stalked,the stranger I began to feel. I felt like I couldn't get enough oxygen in my body, and I wondered if I might actually pass out. I'm not one of those weak, fainting girls. I've never passed out in my life. But at that moment I was seeing funny little black spots around the edge of my vision,and I was awfully dizzy.
  • "Wyatt," Luna spoke, a sharp edge of disapproval in her voice, "Its nice of you to join us. Come and meet Harper, your heir's..." Wyatt jerked out a chair, and instead of offering me a hand,or a greeting or a good old-fashioned "nice to meet you," he growled at me.
  • He growled at me.
  • No. Oh no no no. He hates us. He doesn't want us.
  • I picked up my fork and tried to push my sluggish mind into some coherent thought.What were the odds that I get thrown into an arranged marriage, and the husband forced on me is actually hate me? Like one in a billion, right?
  • He hasn't said the words, but I can feel the aura of rejection wafting off of him almost as surely as I can smell his cedar-scent. How utterly cruel and unfair was that? Its like the universe having some great cosmic laugh at my expense.Well, what am I going to do?
  • I'm not going to cry in front of all these people. Most importantly, I'm not going to cry in front of that insufferable man.
  • I pushed my shoulders back, I shut off my whimpering wolf, I lifted my chin, and I looked him straight in the eye, as I took a bite of the lasagna. I'm sure it was as delicious as it smelled, but in that moment it tasted like dirt in my mouth. But I'd be damned if I let that man know that I had lost my appetite over him. I chewed and swallowed,and washed it down with a swig of water.
  • He met my eyes briefly, and then he turned to his brother and completely ignored me. His brother however, at least had the decent manners to greet me, and to welcome me to the pack.
  • His keen blue eyes traveled back and forth between his older brother,then across the table to me, and back again. Then he shrugged and dug into his food.He made polite conversation with his mother, and sometimes he included me. "How are you finding it here, Harper? Is your room comfortable? Do you need anything?"
  • "Oh yes, everything is great."I said, forcing more enthusiasm into my voice than I actually felt. Oh yes, everything is peachy. I've just been yanked out of my childhood home for the sake of some stupid treaty. Yes, your home is very nice, and most of the people have been very friendly, but the man I'm supposed to marry hates me. Everything is great.
  • I forced myself to eat mechanically, and made it through half the lasagna on my plate before I gave up and sat back in my chair. I stared at Wyatt. He looks like Jason I thought. Without the beard and with better hair. I wonder if he had any tattoos hiding under his clothes. My sisters would be jealous... until they realized that he's an absolute tool.
  • Dinner plates were cleared away, and I was eager to excuse myself,but before l could push away from the table, a decadent dessert of tiramisu was brought out. I was no longer hungry.Even the prospect of sugar wasn't appealing at the moment, but I was painfully aware that I was new, I was a guest, and I needed to behave accordingly. I took a couple of bites, and really wished I had the appetite to enjoy the dessert, but I was far too aware of the man across the table. It annoyed me that he was completely unaffected. He shoveled in his food, carried on conversation,and acted like I wasn't even there. When our eyes did meet,I was met with icy, angry daggers and some silent warning that I didn't really understand.
  • Finally, when I saw a few other people excusing themnselves around the room,I saw my opportunity to escape. "Luna, thank you for a lovely meal," I said politely. "Please excuse me,"I pushed back my chair, said goodnight to the rest of the table, and did my best to make a dignified exit, but it was getting harder and harder to walk normally and my stress and my exhaustion seemed to be compounding on me. But the absolute last thing l wanted at that moment was for that arrogant bastard to see that I'm weak.
  • He already hated me for no reason,how much more would he despise me for my weakness? I had just barely exited the room, when I felt an iron grip bite painfully into my arm,and spin me into the wall. If I hadn't had the support of the wall behind me, I would have fallen over myself. I found myself face to face with Wyatt. Where his hand bit painfully into my arm,I felt the sparks.
  • "Let me make something perfectly clear," he growled. "I do not want you, and I do not need you. You are only here in this house because my father is an old-fashioned pig-headed fool and you! Have my baby! I will marry you to fulfill the treaty contract, but you will never be the Luna, and you will never be my mate." As if to punctuate his rejection, he gave me an extra shove against the wall, and then he stalked off in the other direction... and I was left staring after him... my mouth open,my face pale,and my arm aching.
  • It wasn't a real rejection,right? I mean if he was formally rejecting me, I have to be his mate and he would have to say the words."I Wyatt Elliot of the River Bed Pack,do hereby reject you Harper..." And then the treaty would break.
  • But I'm not his mate and he hadn't said those words,exactly. Still there was a pain in my chest like something was ripping away. It was powerful enough that I had to hold my chest and gasp for breath.
  • A few other people were trailing out of the dining room now, casting curious glances at me, and I knew I had to get upstairs before anyone started asking me questions that I couldn't answer. I was tired now,and I dragged myself to the stairs and made my slow, painful climb up three flights.
  • "Are you all right madam?" someone asked. I didn't even look at them, just ground out,"I'm fine." and kept climbing. Once I was at my floor,my legs and waist were so bad I could barely walk at all. I used the wall to balance as I made my way down the hall to my own door. Once inside I turned the lock, and fell across the bed.
  • "I will not cry." I chanted. "I will not cry." And I didn't. Damn Wyatt Elliot to hell,I wasn't going to shed a tear for him, nor was I going to wallow in self-pity. He didn't want me? Well l didn't want his arrogant ass either. I would play nice until the new moon. When the marriage ceremony was completed, and I give birth to this baby, I will leave myself!
  • But...then what? What the hell do you do with the rest of your life?