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Chapter 7 Retribution

  • The next morning.
  • There were a series of knocks at the door.
  • "Coming! Who could be knocking at this hour?" Jose mumbled as he shuffled towards the door.
  • Meanwhile, in the living room, Daphne and Tahlia were enjoying their breakfast, while Samantha had gone out for a morning stroll.
  • Typically, Daphne would drop Tahlia off at school on her way to work.
  • Hugo led a group of men standing outside as Jose swung the door open. A quick glance was enough for him to recognise them as thugs.
  • "Good morning, Uncle Jose!" Hugo greeted him with a smiling face.
  • A cigarette hanging from his lips. He exhaled smoke in Jose's direction.
  • Despite their blood relationship, Jose had little influence in the family hierarchy, which led Hugo to treat him disrespectfully.
  • Clearing his throat anxiously, Jose started to get worried and alarmed.
  • He voiced his concern, asking, "Hugo, what's the reason behind bringing these men here at such an early hour?"
  • "Uncle Jose, you've got it all wrong," Hugo retorted.
  • Taking a drag from his cigarette before pushing past Jose and striding into the villa with a smirk. "Can't I visit my own home?"
  • "It's you again."
  • Daphne noted Hugo's arrival with his entourage of thugs. She reached for her phone to call the police.
  • "Hush, Daphne! Don't bother with the police! They won't be of any help."
  • Hugo interjected with a grin as he settled into the living room.
  • Glancing at the simple breakfast spread on the table, he shook his head disapprovingly. "I feel sorry for you and Tahlia. Is this breakfast fit for humans? Even pigs eat better than you two."
  • In a defiant tone, Tahlia retorted, "You're the bad one here. You're the pig, and your whole family are pigs."
  • "This child isn't sensible." Hugo chuckled sinisterly, reaching out to playfully pinch Tahlia's cheeks.
  • "Release her!" Two men forcefully pushed Daphne back as she rose from her seat.
  • "If you want to confront someone, talk to me. She's innocent in all of this," Daphne insisted, her voice edged with frustration. "Why are you targeting her? She's just a child."
  • "I don't quite get why you are so protective of her. She's nothing more than a b*stard," Hugo retorted callously.
  • "But don't fret; I'm a good man."
  • With a cruel smirk, Hugo released his grip, leaving a bruise on Tahlia's face.
  • Unfazed, Tahlia returned his glare without a hint of tears.
  • "Where's Maxwell?"
  • Hugo's voice dripped with vengeance as he blew out a puff of smoke.
  • Following a brutal altercation with Maxwell the previous day, Hugo had gathered his men to settle the score early that morning.
  • "Maxwell isn't here. Leave now," Daphne asserted firmly.
  • "What's the rush? I'm not finished," Hugo continued, his tone menacing. "I have two demands: firstly, Grandpa wants the house back. Secondly, if you wish to stay, you must marry Magnus."
  • Turning to Tahlia with a smirk, Hugo added, "Looks like you're getting a new daddy."
  • "Bad man! I don't want a new dad; my dad is Maxwell.
  • "I don't want a new daddy! My dad is Maxwell. He's a hero—strong and brave. He's a soldier."
  • Tahlia declared defiantly, her voice ringing out loud and clear. "If you harm us, my dad won't let you get away with it!"
  • "A mere soldier dares to challenge me?"
  • Hugo scoffed, his disdain evident. Learning about Maxwell's military background, Hugo thought his strength makes sense. He speculated that Maxwell had likely returned after leaving the army.
  • "Is your father a hero? He's a fool."
  • Hugo jeered, brandishing a ten-dollar bill. "Here's the deal! Admit your dad is a fool, and this money is yours to spend on dolls."
  • "You're the fool," Tahlia spat back, defiantly rejecting Hugo's offer.
  • Enraged, Hugo's expression turned grim. He seized Tahlia's hair and threatened, "You insolent child, say that again, and I'll end you."
  • "Hugo, release Tahlia. Don't act recklessly," Daphne interjected, her anger and fear evident. Hugo's bullying tactics against a child were shameless and despicable.
  • Meanwhile, Jose found himself immobilized on the sofa by the others, unable to reach for his phone or break free.
  • "I'm not afraid of you," Tahlia proclaimed boldly, meeting Hugo's gaze head-on. "I'm not scared of bad people."
  • Hugo moved his neck. He was lifting a cigarette butt dangerously close to Tahlia's forehead, his threat looming ominously. "Little troublemaker, do you think I won't leave a mark on your forehead?"
  • "Hugo, please don't harm the child. I need to talk to Grandpa," Daphne implored.
  • Her face was drained of color from fear. She resented Maxwell for the troubles he caused when he returned and had brought this upon the family.
  • Though Hugo had been a tormentor in the past, he had never been this cruel.
  • Maxwell's altercation with Hugo had sparked this vengeful turn of events.
  • "Mind your tongue, kid, or I won't show mercy, regardless of our blood ties."
  • Hugo cautioned sternly before delivering a sharp slap across Tahlia's cheek.
  • Releasing Tahlia's hair, Hugo made a call to Carsen. Once the call connected, he handed the phone to Daphne.
  • "Marry into the Bensons, cut ties with Tahlia, or face disownment." Carsen's voice came through mercilessly over the phone.