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Chapter 4

  • Alexa's Point Of View
  • I had no idea when I fell asleep but I know I slept for a long time because it was almost sunrise when I woke up.
  • "You're up?"
  • His voice snapped me wide awake. I looked down and realized I was still riding at his back. I looked around where we were.
  • "Where are we?"
  • We were no longer in the forest. I could see little children playing around with kites and they greeted the vampire happily as we passed them by. I looked ahead and sighted a white mountain. Even from a far distance, it looked tall, I wonder how tall it would look if I was standing in front of it.
  • "My Pack." He pulled me out of my thoughts.
  • "Pack?"
  • He nodded.
  • "Welcome, Alpha."
  • "Did you have a safe trip, Alpha?"
  • "Welcome back, Alpha."
  • Members of the pack kept greeting us as we walked ahead. They are brainwashed just like other people. They all think the vampires are great saviors that deserve love and praise.
  • "I can walk now."
  • "No, you can't."
  • "Let me down," I deadpanned as I wiggled behind him. He didn't let me down. I proceeded to hit him on his back but I'm sure my hits feel pillowy against his back.
  • Thankfully, he let me down and I shuddered at the feeling of the cold tile against my bare feet. Just then, a white-haired boy came running.
  • "Alpha!"
  • He seemed disturbed and urgent.
  • "What is it?" He demanded.
  • "Akira, you're back,"
  • Oh, so his name is Akira? Akira faced the woman approaching us. "Mother,"
  • M-mother? I looked at the woman up and down. She looks like his sister!
  • "The pack elders are furious," she said, coming to a stop in front of her son. "Why didn't you inform them about your departure to Raven Pack? You know they have always been against your reign and they'll find any excuse to depose you."
  • "I know, mother. I had to go unannounced. It was... urgent,"
  • She frowned. "What could possibly be urgent?" She asked, her gaze falling on me. She eyed me up and down. Her brows knitted as her eyes zeroed on my thighs. She's probably repulsed by my dressing. Maintaining eye contact, I extended my left leg for her to have a good look. She tore away her gaze and faced Akira.
  • Good choice.
  • "Go meet them quickly and explain yourself."
  • "Yes, mother," he faced the white-headed boy, "Riaz, take her in and make her comfortable. I'll be back,"
  • To hell with comfortable. I'll probably be gone before you come back.
  • Riaz bowed respectfully and came to me. "Please follow me," He said, extending his hand ahead. I nodded and went ahead of him. My hips swayed as I walked in a way that demanded attention. I wasn't doing it on purpose to get someone's attention or anything. It was like a reflex action. It was drilled into my head to always remain as Diaz slut.
  • Riaz and I walked through a series of halls. There were several pictures of which I guess to be past alphas and Luna's on the walls of the halls.
  • We finally reached another dark cherry wood door and Riaz pushed it open.
  • "Please wait here for alpha, he'll be back soon," he said smilingly. I returned the best fake smile I could muster and he bowed before leaving.
  • I entered the room and I hate to admit but I loved it. After years as a slave, anything was an improvement and this beautiful grey and black bedroom was definitely an improvement. I sat down on the king-sized bed with black and grey sheets. There was a nightstand next to me with a silver lamp and two extra doors. I'm guessing a bathroom and a closet.
  • I walked to the window and looked down. I was taken aback at how high I was from the ground. If I attempt to climb down, it'll only end in two ways - death and...death. But I could make it if I... no. Never.
  • Pushing my intrusive thoughts behind me, I decided to take a warm bath. I stripped in the bathroom and it took me a while to understand how the several buttons worked but in the end, I did and had a nice warm shower. I was used to cold dirty water. It was all they gave us. I tried my best to forget everything of that time. I just had to enjoy this one moment. It shouldn't be that hard.
  • I stepped out of the shower and dried out my ginger curls before braiding them into two braids that stopped at my back. I walked out of the bathroom in no mood to wear the dirty clothes I just stripped off. I tied my towel like a toga around me and proceeded to the door.
  • I shut the door as quietly as I could and I walked down the hall. The side was weirdly deserted. I followed the sound of voices until I came across a brown door. I could hear muffled voices coming from inside. I placed my ear against the door in curiosity.
  • "What if the elders decide to dethrone him?" I heard a male voice ask.
  • "They can't do that. Alpha is the only one that can protect the pack and they know it." That was a female voice this time.
  • "He'll probably be punished severely. Gosh, I can't even think about it." The same male voice said.
  • "I wonder what Raven Pack has to do with Alpha. Since I've known him, he has always been curious about that Pack." A new voice said.
  • "Wait-"
  • Everything went quiet. I could hear whispers but I couldn't decipher what they were saying. I pressed my ear against the door harder. I was trying so hard to hear something when the door was suddenly pulled open inwardly.
  • It was too late to control myself. I fell face flat on the cold floor. I swear I heard something break. Wincing, I raised my head, only to see three pairs of shock-filled eyes staring back at me.
  • "Um..." I tried saying but I couldn't form any words. What could I possibly say?
  • Clearing my throat, I stood up and dusted my body. The white-haired boy who escorted me to my room was also there. My eyes met his and his gaze zeroed in on my body. I looked down and realized I was clad in just a towel.
  • "I'm so sorry," I quickly said, stepping back. "I was just.."
  • "Is this the girl that alpha brought back?" The brown-haired girl among them asked as she stepped forward. Her eyes were cold and her hair was packed in a high bun with little strands falling over her face. The glare in her eyes told me enough. She didn't like me. And I didn't like her either.
  • "Don't glare so hard at her, Xena, you'll scare her." A cool voice said. "Hi, I'm Ace." He introduced, stretching his palm for a handshake. I eyed his hand and looked back up at his face. He had a smug smile plastered on his face. I just know this guy kisses his reflection every morning.
  • I let out a fake smile and shook hands with him. "I'm Alexa."
  • "I'm Riaz!" The white-haired boy chipped in excitedly. "I know." I smiled genuinely at him. He's bubbly. I like him already.
  • "Sorry for eavesdropping. I was just passing by and I heard voices coming from here. I let curiosity get the best of me."
  • "Nah, it's fine. We weren't discussing anything important." Riaz said. "Just casually chatting," he added, poking my shoulder with his finger. I felt uncomfortable so I shifted.
  • "We were." Xena chipped in angrily. "Who are you? Why did alpha bring you here?" She demanded.
  • "Where is your alpha?" I asked Ace, completely ignoring Xena.
  • "Probably being whipped right now," Riaz replied sadly.
  • I raised a brow. "Whipped?"
  • He nodded. "Don't worry, he'll be fine." Ace assured and I scoffed out a laugh.
  • "Who told you I was concerned?" I shrugged. "I'm rather curious. What was his offense?"
  • "He-" Riaz tried saying but Xena nudged him in his stomach.
  • "You don't tell Whitepeak Pack business to strangers," Xena said.
  • Whitepeak Pack. So that's the name of his Pack.
  • "Your alpha brought me here and ordered you to take care of me," I said smugly, folding my arms, "shouldn't that tell you that I'm not a mere stranger?" I countered.
  • She opened her mouth to talk but Ace chipped in.
  • "Enough chartering. We have things to do but first, let's get you something to wear." He said, pulling me along with him.
  • He told some maids to dress me up. I was dressed in an emerald gown which was short in the front and flowy at the back. When I was done, I couldn't find anyone. I decided to take a look around the palace. I should at least take a look around the place if I wish to devise an escape plan.