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Chapter 4 Four

  • The guards at the entrance bowed the moment they saw him walk towards the huge double doors.
  • With a stoic expression, he marched forward into the room once they pushed the door open.
  • The hall where the meeting was to be held was buzzing with noises of his angry relatives who saw his lateness as an offense to their personality. But the moment the doors were pushed open and he strutted in, the noises seized at once.
  • There was no way around it, they all feared him. He might have that pretty face and that annoying smile all the time, but they knew the person behind that facade would even kill a person while smiling.
  • "You're late, Marco!" His uncle finally mustered up the courage to let his frustration out.
  • Marco glanced in his direction and raised a brow, "Am I?"
  • The man suddenly felt his throat run dry as he couldn't find the right words to reply to that question.
  • Marco ignored the curious glances being thrown at him and finally found his seat at the head of the table. His father, Matteo, had his gaze solely on his son as he nonchalantly sat down without acknowledging him.
  • "Let's start the meeting." Marco declared lazily as he relaxed in his seat. The same uncle who scolded him stood up again to begin his nagging once the meeting was declared open.
  • "Uncle Franc, before you begin your never-ending nagging, let's spare a moment to say a prayer." Dante, Marco's favorite cousin, and his consigliere, said to him with a small smile. Francesco glared at him and averted his gaze, bringing his attention back to Marco.
  • "Marco, what is your position again in this family and organization?" He asked as if to remind him.
  • Marco yawned and eyed his uncle. He immediately regretted why he didn't have breakfast before arriving at this God-forsaken meeting.
  • "The leader." He managed to reply.
  • Francesco nodded and continued, "You're the leader, yes. But you aren't a responsible one."
  • Silence followed after he said those words. Marco raised a questioning brow at him for his statement.
  • He waited patiently for an explanation from Francesco. Not everyone could openly insult him and get away with it, but Francesco was biting more than he could chew.
  • "Have you heard the recent news? I promised myself that I would never keep my mouth shut in this very meeting this year. We all are here, those of us coming from other continents as well. Look over there..." He pointed at his sons, the famous snake-eyed Twins who were rarely seen in any family gathering.
  • "My sons even came specifically for this reason today, this is to show how important this matter is."
  • Marco frowned, "What exactly are you unto?" He asked.
  • Francesco who had succeeded in drawing his full attention, raised his chin in pride and finally voiced the issue.
  • "A few days ago, we informed you that the cargo containing our incoming products would be arriving yesterday night, yes or no?"
  • "Yes."
  • Francesco nodded in satisfaction.
  • "And we asked you as the leader to keep watch over it and receive it when it arrives, yes or no?"
  • Marco rubbed his forehead, already guessing where the discussion was heading.
  • "Yes."
  • "Then what happened last night? You weren't seen at the seaport yesterday."
  • Francesco asked finally, knowing this was his chance to deal with Marco and Matteo.
  • Marco sighed.
  • "A few things came up and I.."
  • "A few things like taking a random bitch to bed?!" He cut him short with a yell.
  • Marco's gaze darkened on hearing that.
  • "France_"
  • "Let me finish." Francesco used a hand to silence him again.
  • "Because of your sluggishness and carelessness, we officially lost the products," Francesco announced.
  • "What?!" Marco asked in surprise.
  • "Yes, a masked mercenary called Double S, stole those items yesterday. I'm sure you know who Double S is."
  • Hearing that dreaded name again, Marco's blood ran cold at once.
  • Of course, he knew the Double S, a masked mercenary who really was rarely seen. Each time he comes out of his spot, things get stolen and things get destroyed.
  • If Double S really stole the products, then they were in big trouble. Knowing Double S, he would give the items to the police and it would attract unnecessary questioning of him.
  • "Shit." He cursed in a low tone, but enough for them to hear.
  • "It's not about cursing! It's about admitting your mistake. I keep saying it and will always say that Matteo didn't raise you well!"
  • "Watch it, Francesco!" Matteo, who had been quiet finally yelled back at him.
  • "I won't watch a thing! You're an irresponsible father!" He refused to keep shut.
  • The next minute, Matteo’s anger intensified as he sprang up from his seat and pulled out his gun.
  • Francesco seemed to have expected it because he also pulled out his gun and they pointed at each other with it.
  • Marco face palmed himself, seeing where the conversation had brought them.
  • Noise filled the hall again as the others tried to make them bring their guns down. Never in the history of their ancestors has anyone pulled out a gun during the annual family meeting.
  • The noises increased with no sign of stopping soon and after Marco took in a deep breath, he turned to Dante and gave a nod.
  • Dante understood the gesture and pulled out a gun from his band. Before anyone could realize it, he pointed the gun upwards and fired two shots in the air.
  • This worked like magic because the next moment, everyone ducked under the desk, thinking an attack had been launched against them.
  • Only Marco, Matteo, and a female who happened to be working in their organization sat still. The female was named Miracle and she was Marco's cousin as well.
  • When everyone finally realized themselves, they all sat up straight and glared at Dante who shrugged in return.
  • "The name of Jesus wouldn't calm y'all down, but this one did." He said with a small laugh.
  • "Everyone sit back down and keep shut!" Marco finally got serious as he used his authoritative voice on them.
  • Everyone obeyed and sat back down instantly.
  • He turned to Francesco who seemed to have the biggest problem with him.
  • "So what was your suggestion on this matter?"
  • Francesco immediately gave an answer.
  • "It's simple, we want you replaced as the leader of this Clan. You are no more qualified to rule."
  • "And why? Just because I was careless enough to lose our cargo?" Marco asked in amusement. His uncle was something else.
  • "Do you know what that means? Double S would spread it out in the black market and if everyone begins to purchase it, there is a high chance of it getting into the hands of the police. Then the police would come for De Luca Clan!"
  • Indeed, he was right. It was a dangerous thing to lose a cargo filled with cocaine. Marco had messed it up and the only solution was to find that mercenary, Double S.
  • "You want me to step down so badly, and I'll grant you that wish." He said and stood to his feet.
  • "Listen up, everyone. one month is all I need to find Double S. If I can't retrieve those items from him in one month, I will gladly step down from being the leader of this Clan and let whoever Francesco chooses to be the leader, ascend. Meeting closed." He announced and without waiting for a response, he walked towards the door and out of the room.