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It's Too Late To Cry

It's Too Late To Cry


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • “Ouch, why is my head paining”, she whined opening her eyes. She was shocked when she saw that she was not in her bed but rather a different place or to be exact, a hotel. She immediately stood up only to find out that she naked without any clothes on, and only pain in between her thighs. “oh fuck, what’s the heal going on?”, she shouted and her movements and shouts woke up the man who was laying beside her and also naked like her.
  • They looked at each other questioningly and she immediately pulled a shirt that was near her and I put it on. He also pulled a blanket and covered himself. She started wondering how come they are both together in bed and naked?, did anything happen between them? But before she could ask any question, the door to their room was forcefully opened.
  • She was so shocked that she lost her balance and fell in the man’s embrace.
  • She heard my step sister’s voice shouting with hatred and jealousy, “what’s going on Julie, why are you with Sam”, she asked with anger and jealousy fully evident in her voice.
  • Before she could answer her, she began slapping her and pulling her hair, she shouted for help but no one came to her rescue, They just stood there seeing her stepsister taking the life out of her, not even her father who she saw entering behind her stepsister. She tried to call the man who she spent the entire night with but he just looked away and told her coldly that, “it’s just the beginning, the worst is yet to come”. She did not have time to think about his threat because of the pain she was feeling, she was tired from the last night’s activity so she tried to defend herself and pushed her sister who lost balance and fell down. Everyone in the room run to her side including the man who I just spent the night with and took my first time. He did not even care about his image, he just run to her covering himself with a blanket.
  • “Helena, Helena, wake up”, everyone called her name lovingly including her father who has ignored her since he came in. He was calling her with a worried voice while sending diggers to her. Sam told the reporters who she has not yet noticed were present to switch off their dam cameras and come and help him to carry Helena.
  • She felt guilty when she saw her in that condition and she wished not to have fought back with her but again she thought that she will be the one laying there and no one will care.
  • The did as they were told and after making sure that Helena was carried away, her father Henry Salvador and Sam the man she just spent the night with warned her, “if anything happens to her I swear to God I will make your life a living heal”, they both said in union forgetting that if not for Helena fighting with her, she will not be in that kind of situation but who was she to defend herself or voice out her thoughts, she was just an illegitimate child cursed by everybody and hated by everyone.
  • Tears started strolling down in her eyes thinking about her life, destiny and everything she has gone through”.
  • “Give me my shirt?”, Sam said coldly bringing her back to earth. “I’m not seeing my clothes and I can’t leave the hotel wearing nothing”, she replied him shaking. She was always scared of this man even though she had a small crash on him when growing up. “I don’t care how you go out side, the only thing I want right now is my shirt I have to see how Helena is doing”, he said breaking her heart into pieces thinking that even though they were not in a relationship but with everything they shared last night the least he could do is going with the vest and leave her with his shirt but no he forced her out of it not caring that the reporters and other people who came to watch the show were present in the room. He left running after putting on his shirt not before warning or rather threatening her, “it’s not yet over”, he said.
  • That was the most humiliating day of her life, being stripped naked in front of so many people including her father who did nothing to defend her dignity. She cried for herself and cursed my mother for dying and leaving her in this cruel world. “All of you get out, the show is over”, she shouted at the people who were still standing there looking at her with pity and sympathy. “And close the door on your way out”, she shouted after them making them to roll their eyes.
  • “What’s there to see, we already saw everything”, one replied shutting the door hard making her to cry harder. She cried for sometime after she got a bed sheet from the floor the one Sam was using and covered her self before getting my phone and calling her best friend Sophie to come and pick me up from the hotel, she refused without even thinking giving her, her stupid excuse that, “she’s with her parents and they will not allow her to go anywhere especially meeting me”.
  • She was so hurt that even her best friend the one she shares her secrets with could not come to her rescue, she wondered why she was in this world. She looked through her ten contacts that she has in her phone trying to find someone to call and come for her rescue. But no matter how much she went through it again and again, she could not come up with any contact making her to doubt all the people around her. She was about to throw her phone away in anger when she saw a number that she have not called for years, She hesitated for a second and tapped it and prayed that he picks up. He was her only male best friend or even her only real friend, they meet in kindergarten and they became friends, he protected her like a brother and always told me to run away from home and go somewhere else to start a future from there and her being her, she never accepted because she still had small hope in her that her father will love her and accept her as his daughter one day but she guess now that day will never come.