Chapter 58
- Emma: "I'll be back in a while, and Sander calm down, nothing will happen to me", she began to trot at a slow pace and patting the horse affectionately, she whispered, "very good, Mollin, good horse", then heading towards some trees, she commented, "now that no one is looking at us, show me what kind of thoroughbred you are"- with those words, he gave his feet to the horse and the horse began to gallop in such a way that he thought he was flying while passing the trees and jumping over small obstacles, for the first time in a long time he felt free and enjoyed feeling the fresh air hitting his face, the horse responded to all the movements she demanded and that gave her the confidence to let go of her hands and fly over the green blanket of the meadow, they climbed a hill, from there she could admire the fortress and the village, how small everything seemed to her from there, taking a breath of air next to the horse, who was also snorting from the ride, "Mollin you have made me enjoy this ride very much, you are a good horse and you don't deserve to be stuck day after day in the stable alone, that's why I would advise you not to bite Sander, he is a good person, and above all to behave well with the people who are trying to take care of you."
- The horse snorted shifting uneasily, making her smile, "that's good advice, you see if you take it."
- "I think you'd do well if you follow his recommendations."