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Chapter 9 The Moon Shines

  • ~ Savannah’s POV ~
  • “I think the lake’s still ten miles that way, we shouldn’t be walking in our human form,” Logan says as he points in a direction.
  • “You saying we should transform?” Harlan asks.
  • “Ten miles will take forever,”
  • “Aren’t we gonna get in trouble if we transform here?”
  • “Alpha Wilcox is inviting every Alpha out there to come to his house, it only makes sense if they sense us being here,” Logan argues.
  • The brothers exchange a look before turning their eyes to me.
  • “What do you think, Savannah?” Harlan asks.
  • “Y-you want me to transform into my wolf?” I stammer. “H-here? In front of you guys?”
  • “Why not?” Logan asks.
  • “I… I don’t do that… in front of people…” I say meekly.
  • I always regard transforming into our wolf form to be a private act. Firstly, you gotta get naked if you don't wanna ruin your clothes. Secondly, I feel self-conscious knowing someone is watching as I transform into shapes that might not look so attractive. Even though I’m an Alpha, my wolf is kind of… small. I don’t think I’m the best looking wolf out there. Definitely not the strongest or the fastest. So yeah… no, I don’t like transforming in front of other people.
  • “You don’t have to do it if you’re uncomfortable,” Harlan says. “You can ride with us,”
  • Ride?
  • As if to answer my question, the brothers start stripping their clothes. First comes the suit jacket on the ground, followed by belts, ties, and shirts.
  • Woah, woah, woah!
  • I’ve never seen men strip in front of me before. Not even Derek. We haven’t gone that far. But here they are, Harlan and Logan Kaiser, taking their clothes off, right to their underwear. It’s not that I wanna look, but I can’t look away. Logan is ripped to shreds and he has tattoos all over his body. Harlan doesn’t have big muscles like Logan, but his body is well sculpted as well. It’s looking at two Greek gods with beautiful abs and that V leading down toward their—
  • “Liking what you see?” Logan catches me as I was gawking.
  • “I-I wasn’t looking!” I say quickly, turning my face around. Hoping to dear Moon Goddess that they don’t see me blushing beet red.
  • With my head turned away, I can’t see what they are doing, but I hear some noises. A groan and a loud thud, and suddenly, I feel the air around me shift. I look back around and Harlan and Kaiser aren’t there anymore. On their spot are two large, and I mean large, werewolves. One of them has jet black fur, as dark as coal, and the other one has bright white fur, as white as snow.
  • They are, undoubtedly, the most beautiful werewolves I’ve ever laid my eyes on…
  • The black wolf nods at me, instructing me to come closer. I take a step closer and as I’m standing next to him, I can feel him say, “Ready to ride, princess?”
  • I swallow hard. I look at the white wolf and he seems more gentle. He seems more safe.
  • “I think I’ll go with Harlan,” I say instead, moving toward him.
  • Harlan nods in approval and bows his head at me, allowing me to climb up to his shoulder easier. Harlan’s wolf is huge, kind of like the size of a horse. I sit as comfortably as I can, and I hold onto his fur for support.
  • “Ha, she picked me,” I can feel him say to his brother.
  • “Whatever, loser,” Logan scoffs as he dashes away.
  • “Hold on tight, Savannah,” Harlan says.
  • And just like that, Harlan dashes out in a flash. I’ve run the woods in my wolf form before, but I’ve never gone this fast. This feels like flying, like I’m on a roller coaster or something. The brothers are going so fast, I have to close my eyes at times, afraid that we’re gonna hit a tree. But wow, they are fast and super agile too. We don’t hit anything and we just keep soaring like the wind. Something about that feels very liberating. And though I start the journey scared with my eyes closed, by the end of it, I have my eyes wide open and I’m laughing and giggling all the way.
  • “Oh my gosh! That was so fast!” I say as we arrive at the lake.
  • Harlan bows down again to let me down gently and I get off. As I’m doing that, Logan turns back into his human form. I wasn’t ready for that. All of a sudden, a naked man is standing right in front of me.
  • “Aah!” I yelp, closing my eyes with both hands in response.
  • Instead of feeling embarrassed, Logan just laughs menacingly.
  • “Put your pants on,” Harlan snarls, throwing Logan a pair of pants. Harlan had turned back into his human form as well, and he was gentlemanly enough to bring both their pants with him.
  • I wait until I hear the sound of zippers closing before I open my eyes again. This time, though they aren’t wearing anything on top, both brothers are wearing pants. It’s dark in the woods and the only source of light was the full moon above. But still, I see the beautiful silhouettes of their bodies and my wolf starts doing backflips.
  • Oh, geez! Keep it together woman!
  • “It’s a beautiful lake,” Harlan comments, looking out at the lake in front of us. The water is calm and it’s reflecting the glimmers of the moonlight above.
  • “Yeah,” I agree, stepping closer toward him. “I’ve never been here at this hour. It’s so quiet and beautiful,”
  • There’s something about the way the moonlight dances on the surface of the water that is so captivating to watch. I can stand here and look at it all night.
  • “So, how long have you lived here?” Logan asks, standing next to me as he looks at the lake.
  • “Since I was born. I never left anywhere. Except for college starting next fall,” I reply, I find a cozy spot on a rock and take a seat.
  • “Where to?” Harlan asks, taking the seat to my left.
  • “University of Vermont,”
  • “That’s a nice campus,” Logan says, taking the seat to my right.
  • “Yeah,” I agree. “I really can’t wait…”
  • After eighteen years, finally… a little taste of freedom.
  • “Cheers to you, princess, happy eighteenth birthday,” Logan says as if he can read my mind. He takes out a bottle with some dark liquid inside it. How and when did he take it? I don’t even know.
  • “What’s that?” I ask.
  • “Moonshine,” he replies. “I swiped it from your dad’s cellar, hope he doesn’t mind,”
  • Logan opens the bottle before taking a swig of it. He grimaces at the taste and nods approvingly. He then hands the bottle to Harlan, and his brother does the same thing.
  • “Is that like alcohol?” I ask.
  • “Yeah, except a lot stronger,” Harlan answers. “Perfect for us wolves,”
  • “You wanna try some?” Logan asks, putting the bottle in front of me.
  • Okay. I’ve maybe tried a glass of champagne or a glass of wine before, but moonshine? What even is that? I know I probably shouldn’t be doing this, but my heart starts beating in excitement.
  • What’s a little risk, here and there? What’s the worst that can happen… right?
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  • - - - - - To Be Continued - - - - -