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Chapter 6

  • Scarlett's POV:
  • " head ". I said holding my head between my hands.
  • what do I expect after crying the whole night, I woke up looking at the place where my violin fell last night. well it wouldn't fell if someone didn't threw it on purpose.
  • if there's something I feel for Anthony now then it's nothing less than hate.
  • I took a quick shower and dressed up for school. I looked to the mirror.
  • "oh! no! ". I said checking the scar on my cheek. it was new, I touched it with my right hand.
  • "ouch! still hurting". I said .
  • I opened my door to see Anthony facing me, i ignored him immediately. i can't even face him, I think I need time as much as he do.
  • I decided to not have my breakfast. I kissed mom on the cheek, " morning mom, I'm not in the mood for breakfast today".
  • "oh! darling? you feel any better? ". mom asked me with her worried eyes. "i'll let you know when I' am mom". I said holding my backpack.
  • I was ready to go to school cause i already texted Jason to come pick me up, i was out of my house waiting for him.
  • I was tired and don't want Anthony to act like a jerk.Again, i don't have energy for it.
  • He opened his car door and jumped inside, he's waiting for me. but I'm waiting for Jason.
  • "we're gonna be late". he said still acting cool ,like nothing happened last night.
  • I ignored him looking at the empty street, hoping that Jason would appear in any minute.
  • "hello? I'm here? I said we're gonna be late!!". he said with lil more patience.
  • I ignored him again. this is how I'm gonna treat you from now on.
  • " that's it". he said getting out from his car, then started walking towards me with angry deadly glare.
  • all he did was staring at me,he was acting weird,he stood there beside me without any words. we stood there for minutes, till I saw Jason's blue car approaching.
  • I ignored Anthony and heading to Jason's car. I opened the door but suddenly the door was closed by Anthony's hand. i found myself facing his angry black eyes, they were full of darkness and anger. if this is his way of saying sorry then i don't think he knows what sorry means.
  • I stood there without saying anything. "come on, we're gonna be late". Anthony said grabbing me from my wrist.
  • you freaking out of your mind?.
  • "hey? what the hell is wrong with you? ". Jason said coming towards us.
  • oh crap.
  • why am I feeling like this won't be a good thing to watch.?.
  • "this is none of your business, stay out of this". Anthony said opening the door ,he faced me,he was waiting for me to get in the car.
  • "this isn't how things work, she doesn't want to come with you!!". Jason said looking at me waiting for me to confirm what he just said to Anthony.
  • when I looked at Anthony I've been surprised to see he's already gazing up at me, studying my face. after he got what's my eyes were saying ,he jumped inside his car leaving me and Jason staring at the smoke that left from his car.
  • "what's wrong with this guy?"Jason said after we jumped inside the car. "he's not fine, I mean you know everything, can we just go to school, I don't really wanna be late"
  • remembering last night made me sad so the rest of the time I was lost in my thoughts.
  • I can't believe he actually broke my violin..
  • by breaking it, I feel like I lost a big part of my heart and soul. and the worst thing is, he never felt sorry about it.
  • *****************
  • we were at my closet chatting about math test.
  • "guys can we not talk about it? I'm not in the mood today". I said focusing my eyes on the floor. "oh my god what's that on your cheek? ". Anna asked me taking a closer look on my wound.
  • "this is nothing, it's just.. my violin.. I broke it last night so a sharp piece flew over my face and cause this wound". I said but a tear found her way out of my eye.
  • "what? you broke your violin?, you okay?? ". Anna said hugging me. "I knew something was wrong". Jason said touching my cheek with his thumb. "wait,this doesn't make any sense,why would you break your violin?, this isn't like you". Eric said. "you okay? ". he continued trying not to ask about it. my friends know that I can't talk about it till I want to. so they don't keep pushing it.
  • "Awe, this is really not something I wanted to hear, I was gonna ask you to play at my parents widding's anniversary. I was hoping that you would play, cause I heard you playing before ,and it was perfect ". Joshua said with sad eyes.
  • "Oh, and I heard about spring competition between schools, they said the winner would have the chance to get a scholar ship at Walton raider orchestra school ". Natalie said with a sad brown eyes. "I'm sorry for you girl, if there's anything we can do". Nat continued saying.
  • "it's okay guys, I'm fine".
  • I wasn't fine.
  • especially with spring competition after three months. and a scholar ship at Walton raider school?!! whoa!.
  • but my violin's broken.
  • I'm sure I can come up with something.
  • "guys!! stop looking at me like this!!, seriously I'm fine. ".
  • *************************
  • "So ,my grandma found us in her backyard talking to her flowers, i remember we gave them names like Rosie, Mrs.jasmine,it was horrible ,thank god she didn't tell dad"now that was hilarious.
  • Jason was talking about his very first time with alcohol.
  • "And you were only twelve? Well That's not something you see everyday" i said laughing at Joshua's reaction, he still surprised.But he looked at me with a smile when he realized i was laughing at his reaction instead of laughing on Jason.
  • "Wait till i tell you about getting drunk and make a prank on dad,i remember i was cleaning my dad's car the next day,i was cleaning his car and asking the whole damn time what am i doing? Why am i cleaning his car?"Joshua said, this is so funny.
  • Anna was staring at me, she knows me..
  • "I'm sure he had something to do with you breaking your violin, especially him living at the same house with you, I'm sure it's too much to take". Anna said studying my face to confirm she's right. but I took a bite from my sandwich running away from her eyes. my friends aren't stupid.
  • "one thing i know about the guy, he's not..a jerk". Eric said.
  • what?! does he know..
  • "we met in my gallery, we kind of hang out,I must confess, we have alot of things in common ". and now he's saying that?
  • "how come you never mentioned this before? ". I asked.
  • "well, I didn't know it's important to you".
  • important? pffft.
  • "it still not important ". I said looking away from Eric.
  • "guys!! check this out!! I just got a text from Jeff, he's throwing party at his place tomorrow !! it's party of the year everybody ". Jason said getting up. "cool, I'm totally there". Anna said looking excited already.
  • "add me on the list". Eric said with a grin.
  • "I guess I don't need anyone to invite me, I'm already there, ladies? get ready, parties man is on his way". Joshua said raising his hands and started dancing not afraid of what people think about his weird dance , i giggled not believing what i'm witnessing!!
  • "I don't think I'm coming guys have fun". Nat said. I thought it's just me who's not into parties.
  • "oh come on!!!! ". Jason said "it's youngblood , and you're waisting it, don't start acting like a nerd!! how many time you'll be seventeen? time's running away, someday you'll grew older and regret waisting these times ". Jason ended up his speech with a breathtaking smile.
  • "okay, count me in". Nat said with a smile.
  • suddenly all heads turned at me. "why are you looking at me like this? ".
  • "no way!! there's no chance I'm gonna be at the party guys, I'm not into crazy parties". Jason slapped his forehead.
  • "you know what's my dream? it's to make you come to one of the parties with us, just like typical best friends, but you're making it a mission impossible every time".
  • "I don't think I'm your ferry guard mother to make your dreams come true". I said rolling my eyes. everyone burst out laughing.
  • "burnnnnn". Anna said still laughing.
  • "come on Scarlett, you know it's our last year together in highschool, we won't get the chance to live these days anymore". Jason said with his sad brown poppy eyes.
  • it's just one party.
  • "okay, okay, fine, dear god, you're a mean horrible person you know that? ". I said while everyone started cheering up. "but I'm the best admit it". he said with a wink.
  • "the best as a disturbing source? yep still on top". I said slapping him right on his stomach.
  • "ouch, but I still love you". he said covering his stomach with both hands.
  • everyone started walking towards their classes. so we followed them.
  • *****************
  • I finally got home . i saw Anthony eating a nutella sandwich.
  • we were home alone.
  • there's no escape. it's like a nightmare.
  • but this nightmare ? is in my face the whole time. him being around me the whole time had never bothered me this much before, but since my violin's broken,a new war has started..
  • he broke my violin so he'll pay for it.
  • "you're creepy when you don't talk". he said trying to play on my nerves.
  • but I'm not gonna give up. I'll keep on ignoring him.
  • "hey pinky, pink panther just called he wants his color back" he said making me remember the first time he saw me with my pink PJs, I felt my cheeks burning. "you know I just threw away your jar of pinut butter , well I thought it might be great to get rid of it since i'm allergic to it".
  • Nooooo!! not my pinut butter!!.
  • "so, iguess no more pinut butter then ". he continued.
  • "that's it you freak, you're the worst person I've ever met, you know what? you're a monster, you're a.. Aghhh". I half screamed at him.
  • "that's better ". he said looking satisfied.
  • I entered the kitchen and made a nutella sandwich. he was standing there watching me.
  • I felt his eyes focused on me and I start feeling uncomfortable.
  • I took a bite of my sandwich, and yet he still looking at me.
  • "what????! ". I said almost screaming at him . again!!.
  • he moved closer to me. his eyes were focusing on my face , but he's not looking into my eyes.
  • he was moving closer and I froze, not able to move.