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Far From Yours

Far From Yours


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • Scarlett's POV:
  • "what?" I said in a surprised tone to my mother who just told me that Anthony is coming back from London and he's going to live with us…
  • “I wanted to let you know before he's here, which by the way is tomorrow" mom finished saying as if it's not a big deal.
  • How could she do this to me? The guy who once was my childhood best friend, who once stopped being my best friend and hurt me…is now going to live with us. It's been a long time since we talked or met, it's been like twelve years.
  • And now all of sudden he’s moving back here, and live with me under one roof…
  • "Honey, I know you need some explanation…"she continued saying when she saw the confused look on my face, well duh?...I certainly need an explanation or a reason why I’m accepting this new turn of events...
  • "Mom, you know how much he hurt me, how can you do this to me?" I stood and was ready to leave the kitchen...I was no longer myself.
  • "It's all in the past and now you're not kids anymore, he was six then... he has to move back here because he had a huge fight with his father, his father was worried about him, which is why he trusted in me with his son, and you know how his mother and I used to be so close, she was my best friend, till the day she was gone, Jack and Katelyn used to be my best friends they were there for me when your father left us, they helped me a lot, i think it's the only way to return their favor back...they owe me this". she finished explaining with a sad look inside her eyes, i sigh knowing this conversation can change nothing since mom already made her choice.
  • "don't expect anything from me mom!" i just wanted to let her know, i went upstairs to my room, i can't believe this is actually happening, he was the last person i thought I’ll be seeing again...
  • **********************************
  • I was staring at the ceiling in my room remembering what mom told me last night. I can't believe this...part of me is so excited to meet Anthony again. I wonder what he looks like. I remember his black eyes and his black short hair. It was a lot of fun playing with him and talking with him back then, at least before he hurt me and then moved away...all the way to London.
  • I was curious at first not able to understand why he could possibly push me away just like that, or maybe it was his mother's death that influence him that much, but that doesn't give him the right to treat me the way he did back then, he even didn't want me to attend his mother's funeral, how cruel?
  • Suddenly a knock on my door cut that little conversation inside my head.
  • "Sweetie? come downstairs immediately i need you, and don't be late!! I’m waiting for you young lady!!" mom's voice on the other side of the door.
  • I think something’s up since she called me ‘YOUNG LADY’.
  • Mom's kind, but once you mess with her? I prefer not to talk about it right now!
  • I know it's just me and mom at home ,so I’ll just change later, i mean i feel like it's a big deal, so i don't want to be late more than i already am, i was wearing my pink PJS, I went outside my room In a hurry not even bothered to fix my hair, it was a mess, and fixing it can take a while.
  • "Mom ?what is it that you knocked this earl…"my eyes widened and i felt a bit daisy glaring at the tall boy who was standing in our living room..
  • OH CRAP.
  • He was there standing in front of me with his black eyes widened, he was glaring at the ugly creature standing in front of him. which was me!!
  • "Wha...MOM!!!!" I can't. Believe. Why didn't she tell me??!!!
  • One word to describe this situation.
  • The boy smirked, as I ran to my room as fast as I could, feeling my cheeks burn from humiliation.
  • As soon as I entered my room, I headed straight to my mirror and checked myself. Just like I imagined my look was ...i covered my face from embarrassment, and sat on my bed.
  • But wait a minute, was that...Anthony? I panicked at the idea of what our first meeting was like.
  • things weren't supposed to go this way? That was the first impression he's taking of me, me looking like shit.
  • I dressed up properly, not trying so hard, anything but PINK!
  • I wore my blue jeans with a red hoodie, I fixed my hair, and went downstairs. I found him sitting on the sofa talking to my mom, he didn't seem like a mean person, he looked like a decent kind person, mom suddenly glared at me, "it's not a good thing to let our guest wait this long without welcoming". Mom started saying but Anthony cut her words, "It's okay Marie, actually Scarlett did give me a cute short welcome earlier, you just weren't there to witness it", he finished wearing a smirk on his face.
  • "Alright then, I guess you both know each other, so i don't have to introduce you, I’m glad you two are grownups now, which is why I’m expecting you, both of you to be civil...and let everything in the past". I was still embarrassed of earlier. My eyes were focused on the floor, feeling my cheeks burning, I bet my face is still red.
  • I gazed up and looked at brown eyes met his black ones, he was gazing up at me, out of sudden he looked away. Maybe he's not as bad as I thought, maybe he changed after all. Mom left to the kitchen. while I was still there, beside him. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it when I noticed that he was standing.
  • He was very tall compared to how short Iam, his eyes met mine, his eyes were so dark so black, so...sad, it's like he wasn't the boy who was just talking with mom, it's like he’s someone else. "This doesn't change things between us...i hate you Scarlett Willis!", He said with the most hate tone I’ve ever heard.
  • What??!! i was shocked not able to believe what he just said?
  • " why?" i asked. "Oh you don't remember? how cruel someone could be to get to your level?" he said with a playful tone…"what the hell are you talking about? comparing to you I’m not cruel...I’ve been nothing but a good friend to you!!!" i hissed walking closer to him, he started walking upstairs ignoring my closeness, I cut his path. "you're nothing but a bad memory, I’m here only...because i have to, And because it's the only solution, i don't wanna deal with you, not ever, I’ll only deal with you if your mother asks me to". he finished looking into my eyes with his angry face.
  • "Oh well, you don't have to, cause mom would never ask you" i said walking away from him, "i don't know what happened back then, i honestly don't, and i was ready to talk to you about it, but since you're acting like a jerk? i don't think i want to, ever" i finished, when i was about to go upstairs he grabbed my wrist and made me turn to face him. "you should be prepared for what's coming, Scar…" he threatened tightening his grip around my wrist… calling me with that name, he used to call me that...when we were kids, he let go of my wrist and smirked at me, he walked away leaving me there in the spot speechless..
  • OOH he's not as bad as i thought, he's even worse!!!
  • ********************************************
  • I hate high school, i hate it for gossips and popular groups.
  • "You won that competition that's why your life's turning to hell". Sophie said taking another step closer to me, "I didn't choose to win. people choose me". I said not staring at her.
  • "So? I don't care. you'll regret winning that competition dork". She said pushing so hard that i fell on the floor, and so did all of my books. i sigh gathering my books and fixing myself, she was already walking away wearing an evil smile on her face.
  • It’s true that she’s talented playing Piano but she’s a bullied cheerleader, she didn’t take it so well when I won the winter competition, people loved my audition, what can I say? I know how to play Violin!!
  • I rolled my eyes knowing that what's coming is worse, Suddenly i saw him...He was staring at me, i think he saw everything. What an embarrassing situation!!
  • he started walking away ignoring what just happened. I Didn't expect him to talk to me about what just happened or something ,but somehow i don't know why i felt disappointed.
  • I grabbed my cell and called Anna.
  • "Where the hell are you guys?. i was waiting for you ,I'm alone and i almost had a fight with the Zombie Doll " pretty name for Sophie huh?
  • "Sorry we’re late, but we're almost there". Anna said with a nervous tone.
  • "Okay I'm waiting for you guys". I ended the call and walked to my classroom.
  • I was about to go inside the classroom, when i saw someone sitting on my chair.
  • Yes, my lovely chair next to the window was taken.
  • Give me a reason not to kill someone right now?
  • "Excuse me? what do you think you're doing?" I said with an angry tone.
  • My seat
  • Was
  • Taken
  • By
  • The jerk itself!
  • "Waiting for the teacher so I took a seat?" he said with innocent tone. As if he did nothing.
  • "Yeah about that, this is my seat" I said with a tone says you better get up you...
  • "Really? Cause I can't see any name, in here" he said pointing to the desk.
  • "Get up!!now" I i ordered not asked.
  • "Make me" he was daring me.
  • OH!! okay.
  • My eyes landed on his phone on the desk. I held it and started running like a girl who just stole a jar of cookies.
  • "What the hell??hey you!!! give me back my f@#$## phone" he was running after me.
  • I was running knowing well he'll catch me sooner than I think, I decided I should go towards the girls restroom, I know he won't dare coming there.
  • Catch me if you can !!
  • I entered the girls restroom and closed the door behind me.
  • Oh my god.
  • Phew finally I was able to catch my breaths again.
  • But suddenly the bathroom's door was swung open.
  • Crap…
  • "Are you fucking kidding me?" He said, he was not angry...if only there's another word to describe the look on his face.
  • He looked like a 'destroy everything you find in your way 'machine.
  • I’m dead.
  • He came closer to me.
  • "You thought you can just mess with me just like that, didn’t you?" He took his phone from my hand.
  • "That was my seat" I said…
  • "It's mine now" He said turning around, I stood there watching him walking away, he stopped "don't you ever dare mess with my stuff again. I think i just made my point clear" He said without turning his head to look at me.
  • He then walked away.
  • Oh my god what is this creature?
  • I could swear he's not a human.
  • His eyes…
  • There was no life inside them.
  • It was only hate and darkness…