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Chapter 2

  • Scarlett's POV:
  • "Good morning, attention please" the teacher started his lesson.
  • math…
  • If I don't follow what the teacher is saying I won't understand.
  • I looked towards Anthony, he took my seat. again!!.
  • it was pretty obvious that he was interested to what the teacher was saying. He kept answering the teacher's questions like a crazy genius.
  • He was good.
  • Class was over and I have to hurry to catch up with chemistry.
  • Anna and Eric don't have chemistry.
  • Jason was walking beside me.
  • "You know we still have 5 minutes to catch up with the second class don't you?" Jason said with a bothering voice. "Well, yeah I know but I want to sit next to the window".
  • Stubborn? hell yeah.
  • I almost run to class.
  • "You're crazy, I swear to god!! " Jason was laughing when I started running.
  • Finally!
  • I sat next to the window.
  • Anthony walked after we did, he seemed to notice that i took the seat next to the window, but didn't react instead he sat next to me but said nothing.
  • He was calm.
  • Hum weird…
  • "The pH scale and the use of indicators to measure pH is explained as are standard reactions - acid + metal; acid + oxide; acid + carbonate; acid + hydrogen carbonate." The teacher was explaining.
  • "Less talking more working." he ordered.
  • "Sir aren't we gonna choose our partners?" A girl from my class asked "no, everyone will work with the one sitting next to him, for the rest of the lessons we have" the teacher exclaimed, I could hear gasps and annoyed voices but he calmed them again. he knows if everyone choose his friend they're not gonna work more than they chat.
  • And I was sitting next to the guy I don't like to be around the most.
  • I think you know who's this person is?
  • My new partner.
  • He started working already without even saying a word.
  • We were working silently.
  • "The only partners who don't need to talk, but they're doing a great job already", the teacher said, we were working on our laboratory experiment, the teacher was above our heads watching us, we looked at each other, i smiled at Anthony and he smiled back...
  • Woaaah!! he can smile?
  • It was the first time I see him smiling!!
  • Not a happy smile but still, it's a smile!!
  • a really breathtaking smile!!.
  • my brown eyes met his dark black eyes.
  • and I was lost in them.
  • He didn't look away he was looking into my eyes too!!
  • The teacher let a small laugh " i can see that another successful experiment is happening right now" the teacher said making us realize we were staring at each other for a long time. And with that ladies and gentlemen i felt my face turning red.
  • That was embarrassing.
  • From the corner of my eye, i swear i could see Anthony grinning.
  • We were now working. "And you had to sit next to the window...why you keep on sticking in my shoe the whole damn time?" he said shooting me one of his deadly glares. i opened my mouth to say something but can't understand one thing, how come he has this amount of arrogance? "You know? I was just about to ask you the same question, since you’re the one who saw me sitting here first, but you joined me anyway? so, guess who's sticking to whose shoe's now?" I said scanning him from top to tue. He rolled his eyes not saying a word...two can play this game 'Smith'
  • **************************************
  • I’m in the class, finally my favorite subject.
  • Literature.
  • Our teacher was having my attention cause he was talking about "William Shakespeare", let me just tell you one thing about him, he's the love of my life, if he's alive I would do anything, like anything to marry him.
  • Mr. Anderson noticed that someone didn't care about what he was saying "you? the new student? can you tell me who wrote ‘the tempest’?" He pointed to Anthony, who was totally lost in his thoughts. He was looking to his book, but he was totally not paying attention.
  • He didn't answer, the teacher's voice now was louder than before.
  • Anthony turned to the teacher and gave him an "I don't care" stare, ignoring the teacher's question.
  • Okay what was that? Is he seeking for a detention?
  • "I guess you have to visit the principal’s office. Right now!". The teacher ordered him angrily.
  • Anthony stood up and started walking towards the door, but before walking outside the classroom he stopped "the answer would be the great William Shakespeare" he said without turning to the teacher.
  • And with that he walked outside the classroom.
  • Unfortunately, I have detention today too, after school. It's all because of Anthony ...after our little chasing this morning i was late when i got back to class...the teacher was already explaining the lesson...he warned me, but said i deserve detention as well...yep. So it's obvious I'll be meeting him in detention later.
  • the bell rang making us all head to the cafeteria for lunch.
  • I was waiting for Anna and Eric till they came.
  • "We're sorry Scar we just..."Anna stopped talking "are you okay?" she asked sitting next to me, "I mean you told us you almost had a fight with Sophie?" both of them seemed worried.
  • "You guys are you freaking kidding me?" I asked angrily, "i waited you a lot!! where have you been?" Anna looked at Eric "well we just wanted to have a breakfast but we ended up missing these two classes" Eric said.
  • "Okay guys don't worry about Sophie it's fine really. Anyway my morning was suck, I have detention, and there's something else I wanted to tell you." I told them everything about Anthony living with me, but not the hate part, knowing my friends they'll beat the shit out of him. I also didn't tell them anything about how Sophie pushed me, and how she bullied me, they know she's angry cause she didn't won that competition, but they don't really know how much she's annoying me.
  • **************************************************
  • We were walking together to our classes but suddenly i bumped into someone.
  • "Excuse me…"the girl said with apologizing eyes.
  • "It's okay, it happens the whole time" i said smiling at her.
  • "Hey my name's Natalie Brian, and I'm new here" the girl said looking at me and to the boys behind me.
  • "Oh, hey my name is Scarlett Willis and I’m very old" i said with a wink.
  • "Nice to meet you" Natalie said "this is Anna and Eric" i continued "And this is Jason". i said looking at Jason.
  • "Sup" Jason winked at her and nodded his head.
  • "the pleasure is mine" Natalie said. "So...guys i have Algebra now and I'm kind of lost ,can you show me the way?" Natalie said.
  • "You have Algebra? Cool, i have Algebra too, we can go together" i said smiling.
  • "Let's go then". we were heading to the class "guys do you wanna go and have ice cream after school?? we haven't hang out in ages!!" Anna asked me "I have a detention ,remember?" I said rolling my eyes.
  • God!! i love ice cream.
  • Chocolate ice cream is my favorite.
  • "okay then enjoy it " Eric said with a laugh.
  • "Yeah, i owe you that ice cream guys", i said feeling myself boiling from the inside.
  • "Yeah , right "he chuckled.
  • "just don’t forget I’m still standing right beside you", I said approaching him.
  • “you know I can never make you mad, none of us” he said looking at the rest of our little group, I chuckled patting his shoulder, “don’t worry, we’re cool” I said grinning at him when he raised an eyebrow, “you still have detention later though” he said making me remember, I sigh.
  • I know!!
  • ***************************************
  • This is my first detention.
  • Like ever.
  • I grabbed my notebook and started working on it, I like writing better than just sitting here doing nothing.
  • Suddenly, Anthony appeared. I knew I'll meet him here.
  • I kept glaring at him, he avoided looking at me. What a jerk!! He's the reason i got this detention.
  • He took a seat and grabbed a copybook, he started writing something on it.
  • Maybe drawing.
  • Out of sudden, he closed his eyes and closed his copybook ,he turned his head towards me, he shot me a deadly glare, saying 'you’re such a stalker'.
  • Oh my god.
  • "i didn't...mean...i" yes i was stealing looks at what he was doing.
  • Stupid, idiot me, why would i want to do that?
  • He turned his head and ignored me.
  • Okay my fault.
  • Time passed fast cause i was working on my notebook. Which it's something i enjoy doing.
  • I even finished my homework.
  • Detention was over and freedom called my name, finally.
  • **************************
  • "mom?" I called for mom, i haven't seen her all day.
  • She wasn't here maybe she’s still at work.
  • I entered my room, i kept thinking about what happened, about my first detention ever, And Anthony . I laid on my bed taking a deep breath closing my eyes.
  • I heard Anthony's door opens and then shut, so he's home too.
  • I got up from bed, i held an old picture it was on my table, in that picture i was only 4 years old, i was with Anthony, we were on the beach playing.
  • "I don't know why you became this arrogant jerk" i talked to the boy in the picture.
  • "I've never forget about you Tony boy" I said calling him by the nickname I used to call him back then, everything was simple, now everything is complicated.
  • I missed my best friend Anthony, It's been a long time, the last day i saw him was the day his mother died.
  • I cried allot, i wasn't able to be with my best friend at his mother's funeral, I couldn't do anything to be with my best friend, it was the hardest moment in his life, but I wasn’t there only because he didn't want me to.
  • I don't know why I remembered this suddenly
  • I changed my clothes and went downstairs.
  • I wanted to eat something and then watch TV but the jerk was already there.
  • I stood there next to him, he was watching what seemed like cars was time for my TV show, and he was there on the sofa holding the remote.
  • I was blocking his vision, he looked at me, "what?" He asked, "in case you haven't realized yet, but I'm in the middle of watching something on TV, and we can't call it TV when someone is in your face" he exclaimed.
  • "How mature" I said "I want to watch my TV show" I said looking at him" this a TV show too" he said, "No, not the one I'm watching".
  • "I bet you're the kind of girls who watch romance fiction movies and series," he said smirking.
  • “Don't think you ever think you know me, you don't know me" I exclaimed while he stood and starts walking towards me. "I bet the TV show you're whining about is vampire diaries" he said and i was shocked !! how come he knows?
  • "Oh well.." I started saying but he smirked as if he won the golden globe, "I told you" he continued saying.
  • "Okay, give me that" I said while I tried to reach the remote he was holding, but he raised it up, and to my luck I was very short while he was very tall, I could never get it...unless i had a plan..
  • "Okay fine...I don't need that stupid show...I'm telling mom" I started threatening him so he pretended he was scared for a moment, eventually he mouthed "bite me".
  • I noticed he has lowered his hand the one holding the remote so I jumped , I caught the remote and changed the channel, I sat on the sofa, but out of sudden the TV screen went black, I noticed that he turned it off, from the TV button.
  • "Turn it on!! right now!!" I ordered, he smirked not moving his hand from the TV button.
  • "Make me" he dared, and with that I was now making my way towards him, trying to push him away from TV spot, but I couldn't, it's as if I was moving a mountain...he was very heavy, every time I was trying to push him I end up falling.
  • He laughed at me but stay still, i was about to give up when I noticed his phone that was on the sofa.
  • A brilliant idea popped in my head, why not? I started walking towards the sofa, but he already knows what I'm up to.
  • "Don't you dare!!" he started saying, but I ran towards his phone, I held it and ran away, he was now chasing after me, I didn't realize how slow I was till he caught me and tried to take back his phone, but I didn't let go, I was screaming not believing how strong he was trying to take the phone away from me I jumped off him and started biting his hand so he would let the phone, but he started pushing my head away with his hand we stood there in that position fighting over the phone "let goo" he exclaimed..."give me the remote first" I ordered.
  • "What the hell is going on? you two should be ashamed of yourselves" we both let go when we heard mom entering the house.
  • "He started it" i said
  • "she started it" he said...we said at the same time pointing at each other..
  • "Me???? You!!!!!" We said together one more time.
  • And then we started shouting at each held her head, she was annoyed from all the noise we were making, she started walking towards us "enough both of you, upstairs now!" she exclaimed.
  • "Yes ma’am “we both said going upstairs without any other word.
  • When we were in front of our rooms Anthony turned his head to me "you still can't watch your show" he said with a grin.
  • "Oh don't worry about it, there's something called laptop" I said with a wide smile" we'll see about that, since I already turned off the Wi-Fi. "he winked at me and walked inside his room leaving me there with a frown...
  • "Noooo!!" I shouted... wait the worse is yet to come...
  • *************************************