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Chapter 6 Nemesis

  • Richard's POV
  • It was taking all the restraint in me to keep my sanity in check as my eyes bore through the laptop in front of me, the stocks were plummeting with each minute. I stood up, with my hands placed on my waist before kicking the chair in anger, my feet stung, but I couldn't care less as I fumed in anger,
  • I threw a glance at the door when it was yanked open and Darren stepped in, his face was stormy, and I could tell the answer already, “She is nowhere to be found”
  • I took in a deep breath, hoping that it would help me think better, but it did little to help, it was times like this when I needed Reina more, months without her felt so dark and I needed her,
  • “The shareholders? What exactly is going on?” I was trying everything inside of me to be calm, trying not to look at the system in front of me, but I couldn't. I bit on my nails anxiously as I waited for an answer,
  • “Speak!”
  • “ Somehow the news of what you have done found its way to the reporters, and they were all eager to get a juicy bite of it, seeing that your company hasn't gone through a crisis for a long time now, numerous people are calling you out, and that could be the reason many people are pulling out''
  • I sauntered toward the table, pulling out my phone which was lying on top of the table, “What the hell?” I blurted out, the articles were outrageous, and I already had an inkling who exactly was responsible for it. The Kourtney's.
  • I knew I had acted on impulse and talked out of point when I was with them, but this was too much, “What do we do? There has to be something that we can do, there has to be someone who wants to help, hmm? Right?” I bellowed while gripping his collars tightly, when he raised his head to meet mine before shaking his head to the side, I knew that I was done for.
  • “There has to be something, the banks? What about the banks?”
  • “No one is willing to listen to what we have to say, talk more of borrowing the company money, we are all alone boss, all alone”
  • I stood with my hands underneath my chin as it dawned on me, I was facing the punishment for acting in the way I shouldn't have.
  • “Go out” I chased him off my office with a wave of my hand," Do whatever it is that you can and find shareholders, we are going to sell lower if that's it, just bring in people, okay?”
  • He averted his gaze to the ground, taking a bow before walking away from my presence, I inhaled deeply, taking in a mouthful of air until I could breathe better. I needed it.
  • “Did you forget anything?” I had intended to flip my head at the door when the scent filled my nostrils, making me nauseous,
  • She sashayed into the room, swaying her hips before standing in front of me, “Richard love” she leaned forward, her hands stretched out as she moved them gently down my chest, she held me tightly, hugging me before whispering out,
  • " Do you require my help? You can tell me and I will do whatever it is just to help you, do not hold it in, I am here for you”
  • I took in a deep breath while appealing to whoever it was that was looking down on us currently to help me, so I wouldn't end up hurting her, “No” I finally managed to get her hands off,
  • She turned around, staring at me with a little pout on her lips, “Why? What is wrong with me trying to help you? I have your kid as well and….”
  • “ Don't you get it?” I screamed angrily at her," Don't you get what we have done? The magnitude of the mistake we made? Reina is gone and you are…”
  • “ Richard!” Her tone was deadly cold, her eyes bore into me,
  • " Are you going to act like it was just me? Like you had nothing to do with it? Come off it, we both enjoyed it, you kept telling me not to stop and yes…” she broke into a smile, her hands running gently on her stomach which was bulging already.
  • “This is a result of the affair you had with me, so get your senses together''
  • I was taken aback because this certainly wasn't what I was expecting, I stared at her with mouth wide agape," You should…”
  • The cell phone rang through the room, stopping me from saying another word. I flicked my head around, before picking it up, " Boss, what have you done? Why is Ariana with you? It is all over the news and the shareholders are livid with anger, you have to do something right now, chase her away, do something”
  • Slamming the phone back on its holder, my lips curved upward into a smirk, I should have known, she was always this sly.
  • “ Get rid of the child in your stomach, whatever it is that you want, I will give it to you, do not come close to me ever again”
  • “ It was just a spur of the moment, and you know that I have lost enough already, and I do not want to lose my company also, from the very moment you stepped into my life, it has been hell, and you know that”
  • She shook her head,” You cannot chase me away, you know that, gosh, what has gotten into you? I cannot imagine that you are the same person who sounded so happy about my pregnancy, what exactly is this? How can you”
  • “ Reina was pregnant! She was finally pregnant after years of us looking for a child, and you came in messing it up, why…”
  • “ What if she was pregnant?” She threw her hands up,
  • “Fine, she lost her twins and so what? I am here for you, your kid needs you, and if you want twins, I will do everything to plan toward it, so Richard please,” she took a step forward, intending to take my hands in hers when I stepped backward, squinting my eyes at her.
  • “Twins? How did you know all of this? How…..” my fingers dug into her shoulders as I demanded an answer from her,
  • “ Let go of me, Richard, you are hurting me” she bellowed, wincing out in pain with tears cascading down her cheek.
  • “ Answer me! Right now! how exactly did you know all of this?” I couldn't recall telling her about it, so how did she find out? My eyes bulged when it dawned on me,
  • “She called?” With her gaze that was averted to the ground, I have gotten the answer, "When? Gosh” I couldn't describe exactly how I felt, but I felt awful, I was a deadbeat husband, how could I have loved our kids?
  • I clenched my chest tightly, as pain shot through, numbing me, “I…. Can…. I can explain”
  • “Get out!”
  • “Get out this very minute, I would rather not see you ever again, the next time I do, I will make sure you never live to see another day." My eyes stung with unshed tears, and my mind was running wild as I kept thinking of how she must have felt when I didn't pick up, how broken she must have been, to know that she had given me a last chance before leaving
  • “Richy…you…” I glared daggers at her before yanking her with me, and pushing her out of the office,
  • Fixing my gaze on my secretary, I ordered, “This should be the last time she steps her foot in here because the next time she does, you will be losing your job as well"