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Chapter 4 Aq

  • Thalia’s POV
  • Tyrus turned back to leave, and I went in with Daciana.
  • "You look thin and malnourished. Have your bath and I will get you some good food.", Daciana seemed nice and caring. It felt really good but I knew I couldn’t trust anyone.
  • The den was really large with several rooms and a number of young wolves who may have been displaced. It looked really good but it didn’t feel like home.
  • As I sat at the table to eat, someone came to sit beside me.
  • "Hi, I'm Mia.", she whispered.
  • Mia was a lively, young pretty werewolf and the moment I saw her, I knew we were going to be friend.
  • "I'm Thalia", I smiled.
  • "Where are you from?", she asked. I didn't respond and she went on to tell me the story of how she became a part of the pack.
  • "That's how most of us came. When Tyrus came, he didn’t seem so nice. We were quite afraid of him, now he is so loving and kind. He makes different werewolves that have been displaced are well taken care of. I believe that’s one of the reasons you are here, don’t worry, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here", she continued.
  • "Thank you, I replied."
  • Soon enough, the sun was down, and the moon was up giving its ethereal glow. As I looked out the window, I recalled that this was the time that Valen usually comes to my room.. I took a deep breath, grateful that I have escaped all of that. So, I went to lay down where I have been shown to sleep and as I shut my eyes, I kept turning restlessly. I saw flashes of fearful sights and I was sweating profusely.
  • Valen was forcing himself on me again but this time I had a little knife I had kept to stab him with. As I was about to pull it out, he caught me and pulled it out of my hand, then he gave me a thunderous slap. He began to beat me up and started pulling me away.
  • Then I felt a hand touch me and I shouted.
  • "No!, Don't take me. Nooo!!", I literally felt my wolf struggling.
  • "It's okay, Thalia.", Mia's voice brought me back to consciousness. I opened my eyes and it was all a dream.
  • I stood up panting heavily. She patted my back, trying to calm me down.
  • "I'm okay, I'm okay", I said in a hurry while still panting.
  • "Are you sure?” She asked on.
  • “Yes sure, I’m fine.”
  • “Okay, if you say so but it's morning already so you do not need to go back to sleep. You can come with me, so I'll show you around, then we'll come back to do our morning chores and have breakfast. Are you in?", She asked, smiling.
  • "Okay", I forced a smile as I stood up.
  • Immediately we stepped out of the door, Tyrus was standing there.
  • "Thalia! I was just about to check on you. Hope you rested well? How are you doing, Mia?", he said excitedly.
  • My wolf leaped for joy within me the minute I saw him. It was not Valen so I was in safe hands. Despite the fact that Tyrusmaltreated and handled me roughly when we were still both under my step father’s roof, I still liked him especially now that Mia had assured me that he has changed.
  • "Good morning, Tyrus.", Mia greeted excitedly.
  • "Good morning, Yes I rested well.", I responded. Mia eyed me because of the response, and I smirked.
  • Tyrus noticed the body language but decided not to say anything about it.
  • "So where are you girls headed?", he asked.
  • "Oh, I'm showing her around", Mia responded quickly with excitement.
  • "Okay, That's great. But how about I do that instead? Is that okay, Mia?", he asked.
  • "Sure. I'll just go back in to start my chores for the day.", she smiled and left I and Tyrus to do the walking together.
  • "Are you sure you slept well?", Tyrus asked with sincere concern as we walked.
  • "It's a new place so I'll certainly not feel at home yet but asides that, I was well taken care of, and I rested well. Thank you", I said, trying to escape his gaze.
  • "Okay, if you say so", he responded.
  • Throughout the walk, Tyrus kept telling me several stories to make me laugh and feel comfortable with him. Every accidental eye contact or body touch stirred a whirlwind of emotions that we both fought hard to deny. In the midst of it all, my mind kept going back to my dream.
  • "Wow, it's almost midday. I didn't realize we have spent so much time together. You are a great company; I must confess but I should take you back now. ", he said.
  • "I enjoyed the walk as well. Thank you for making me feel welcome in this amazing pack.", I smiled.
  • “What about Father?” I asked him.
  • “I haven’t see him since I left our pack to rediscover myself and start anew.” He said.
  • Maybe Tyrus had really changed I thought as I looked at him while he spoke.
  • "Say we continue tomorrow? What do you think?", he asked.
  • "I'd be glad to do this again with you.", this response made him come close to me, staring deeply into my eyes, he touched my face. His wolf seemed to be calling unto mine with a deep longing and desire. I wondered what Tyrus was playing at. This was the same lady that disgusted him so much, why was he liking me in a different way? But just as though Tyrusremembered something, he took his hand off me and turned.
  • "Can you trace your way back to your den?", he asked.
  • "Of course. I have sharp senses.” I replied.
  • "Sure?" He asked.
  • "Very sure. I'll be fine.", I responded. "Alright then, enjoy your day.”
  • I was turning back to leave but he held my hands and I stopped. I’ll have to take you myself. Just to be extra sure that you don’t miss your way.
  • The day moved so fast, and the pack was so full of excitement. I wondered if this was how they lived, in peace and harmony, worry-free without enemies.
  • Then came another night fall, I laid down and Mia started a conversation.
  • " Tyrus is so fond of you. I think he likes you", she started, whispering.
  • "Why would you say that?", I asked.
  • "I see the way he looks at you. Since he came here, he has never been close to any female wolf. Even though he’s caring, he keeps his distance and stays in doors. It looks like he’s always brooding over a thought, focused to achieve something. Who knows? The moon goddess may have orchestrated your meeting.", she continued.
  • "No. It's not as serious as you make it sound." I laughed at Mia’s words.
  • “My mother was taken by Tyrus’ father as mate after my father died. We grew under the same roof for a while before he left .” I continued.
  • “Oh really? Wow! I thought you both just met.” She replied.
  • “No, we didn’t.” I said.
  • “That’s super cool. It doesn’t mean you can’t be his Luna. This type of mating are even the most successful in our wolf community. It’s just perfect to continue what your parents started.” She continued.
  • “Stop pushing it, Mia. Tyrus is just fond of me, moreover, I don’t want to be anyone’s Luna. I can’t live that life of slavery.” I said as I kept seeing pictures of myself in that cage Valen kept me.
  • "Alright, if you say so. Good night, Thalia."
  • "Good night, Mia."
  • "Tomorrow is going to be a great day, I have a good feeling about it already.", she said finally as she laid to sleep.
  • I laid down on the bed with my eyes opened for a while, different thoughts kept coming and it was so difficult to sleep. I forcefully shut my eyes to sleep and there she was again, my sister. I took care of my sister, Serena until she grew after our mother’s death and now she has been turned against me. I didn't want to believe she hated me. I knew she would realize she was wrong and apologize soon enough. Every night, I had nightmares of her chasing me and I always ran for my dear life but this time, she came to apologize, just as we hugged, there was an attack and she asked me to hide while she goes to fight the opposition. I begged her to stay with me but she insisted.
  • “I’m not doing this for just you but for the baby you are carrying.” She whispered.
  • “Baby?” I touched my belly in shock and then she ran. I kept waiting for her with my hands on my belly and she never returned. I kept screaming out her name but the more I called unto her, the darker it became until I sank in the darkness, unable to see or hear anything. All I could hear was my heartbeat.
  • I gasped as I woke up with my hands on my belly. I checked and it was still midnight and Mia was fast asleep.
  • I stood up quietly and began to pace the floor while thinking.
  • What if I wasn't safe here? What if Valen has a way to get in here and find me? What if Tyrus cannot be trusted and he plans to harm me?
  • I looked at my tummy and wondered, was there really a baby in my womb?
  • As I thought about it all, I became afraid. I went to the kitchen to take a glass of water to calm my nerves. Then I went to lay down again but these thoughts made me restless until morning.