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Chapter 45 Medusa Helps Andromeda

  • Rihanna.
  • ""What the hell are you doing here? You're nothing but a fool. Isn't it enough with the horny teenager you have for a boss? And now, why have you come here to apologize to the new Mrs. Bencomo? Haven't you done that already two months ago?" " question after question multiplied in my head.
  • Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing on the campus where Emilia Bencomo studied. I only knew that I had to come. Since they transferred me, I had time to think. At first, when I met her, because of my foolish and stupid infatuation with my ex"boss, who never saw me as a woman, I made many mistakes, such as mistreating his lovers of the moment, creating misunderstandings, doing whatever it took to make them history."
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