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Chapter 35 The First Confrontation

  • Ruyman.
  • ""Don't tell me you can't find my mother, it's easy, look where the most people are gathered, in the middle will be Queen Diane, up to her usual antics, and my father like a fool, smiling at all her craziness."" I said to Lex while waiting for my wife to come back from the restroom.
  • I surprised myself with how easily I accepted that I was now a married man, even more, I was surprised that I didn't find it hard to say that Emilia Bencomo was my woman, my wife. My survival instinct kicked in again, halting all my pretensions. I've spent my whole life watching my father, out of love for my mother, allow all her craziness, a clear example is this wedding, I don't know half of the guests, maybe by sight from business meetings, or some event or gala, but from afar, I didn't understand why we had to have the wedding of the century, and in a week. But my father, instead of putting a stop to Queen Diane's craziness, accepts everything, just to see her happy. Madness.
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