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Chapter 5 – Last Day Of Alpha School

  • (Early Morning)
  • On Alexander's final day at Alpha School, restlessness gnawed at him, making it difficult to focus on anything other than his impending return to Calir. As the sun started to rise above the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple, he found himself wandering the school grounds, unable to find solace.
  • The weight of guilt pressed heavily on his shoulders. He couldn't shake the memories of the days he had spent away from Andromeda, unable to communicate with her or be there for her. It’s been over three years since he last saw her. Despite the excitement of completing his training and becoming a full-fledged Alpha, his heart ached for the bond he had neglected. He hadn’t meant to ignore her. He wanted to share every aspect of Alpha School with her. All the training he completed, the lessons he learned, all the history of their kind. Everything.
  • As time went by, Alexander felt the need to withdraw from her, to not burden her with his loneliness or his anxiousness of becoming the next Alpha King. In the end, he made the decision to cut ties with her completely until he came back to Calir. To avoid seeing her, he decided against returning home at all costs, including skipping school breaks, by choosing to remain on the grounds instead. Seeing his family wasn’t an issue because they came to see him often as they always had official business on that side of the kingdom. The hardest part was not responding to her calls or text messages. It broke his heart to see the sadness in her text messages. He just couldn’t bring himself to respond.
  • As he entered his dorm room, he was met with the sight of a random girl lying in his bed. Her blond hair sprawled out across the pillow, bare back facing the door with the blanket tucked in around her waist. A pang of regret hit him as he realized the empty connection he had sought in moments of loneliness. He knew he should have resisted such temptations, but he found himself numb to anything that wasn't Andromeda.
  • There was always someone around who wanted a piece of him, some way, somehow. Whether it was a girl trying to become his mate or some macho Alpha trying to prove himself on the field. Someone was always testing his patience. He never shied away from either. Girls filled his bed constantly, and he was challenged on the training grounds almost daily. Everyone wanted their chance with or against the future Alpha King.
  • Sighing with dread, Alexander walked over to the bed and shook the random girl awake.
  • “Hey there. It’s time to wake up.” he said. Shaking her a few more times, the girl finally opened her eyes slowly and yawned.
  • “Morning Alpha. What time is it?”
  • “It’s a little after 5AM.”
  • “Ugh, it’s so early! Wake me up after 8AM.” she said as she fell back to the bed.
  • “Suit yourself. You will have to be the one to explain to the dorm warden why you are in my room, outside of curfew.”
  • As soon as he said that the girl got back up and jumped out of the bed looking for her clothes. Alexander sat on the couch and watched her run around grabbing her belongings as she muttered curse words under her breath.
  • “Shit! I am going to get in so much trouble. This will be my third violation this week! I am going to be on dorm arrest!” She exclaimed.
  • “That’s why I woke you up now. So, you don’t get in trouble. The wardens don’t usually get up this early so you should have time to get to your room.”
  • “Ugh, thanks Alex. So today is your last day, huh?” she said as she put on her shoes and stood up.
  • “Yea, I’m headed back home. Training is over.”
  • “That’s too bad. I had a lot of fun last night. I wish we would have hooked up sooner.” she said as she walked over to him. Crouching down on to her knees, she started to rub his thighs and stared at him seductively.
  • “Maybe I can come visit you in Calir, and we can pick up where we left off.”
  • “Nah, I’m good. You have your mate and I have mine. We had our fun, so you better be off now.”
  • She got up and huffed as she walked to the door.
  • “All you guys are the same. Don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” she exclaimed as she opened and slammed his door shut.
  • Alexander, sighing with relief, got up and locked the door. There was no use in trying to go back to sleep, so he headed to the bathroom to take a shower. As he stood under the cold water, his mind drifted back to Andromeda, wondering how she was doing, whether she was safe, and if she still cared for him after all the time they had spent apart. Feeling anxious and nervous was new to him, but that was the effect she had on him. Getting out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to the closet. After pulling out some jeans, a long sleeve shirt and his jacket, he got dressed, brushed his jet-black hair and put on some cologne. Staring at himself in the mirror, Alexander couldn’t help but wonder what Andromeda would think of how he looks now.
  • The last time Andromeda saw him, he was shorter and skinny. Now at twenty-one years old, he possesses a commanding presence that demands attention. Standing tall with a muscular build, his hair falls in tousled waves that frame his ruggedly handsome face. Piercing blue eyes hold a mix of determination and compassion, and a scar etches a path from his forehead, slicing through his eyebrows and trailing down his cheek. A loud knock on the door shook him out of deep thought that took him back to the battle that shaped him.
  • Opening the door, Alexander found his Beta Logan, with a huge grin on his face, and his Gamma Carmine, eating a cinnamon roll.
  • “Morning Alpha!” they both said.
  • “Carmine, why are you always eating? And where did you even get a cinnamon roll from? Cafeteria isn’t open yet.”
  • “I banged the girl who makes them. She promised me rolls if I’d let her ride me. So, I did.” Carmine said between bites.
  • “You’re a dog, man.” Logan said as he sat on the couch.
  • “I do what I gotta do. Plus, we’re leaving. It’s not like it matters. I have needs, she has needs, so we satisfy those needs, together. It’s not like I have a mate or anything.” he chuckled sitting on the couch next to him, across from Alexander, who was sitting on the bed, looking out the window.
  • No one needed to tell the Beta and Gamma what was on his mind. They knew him well enough to sense his unease and turmoil. Over the years, they both tried to offer reassurance, reminding him that he had made a difficult choice for both of their sake.
  • “Andromeda on your mind again?” Logan said as Alexander nodded his head and looked down.
  • “I know it's hard, but you made the right decision,” he said firmly, as he got up and patted Alexander's back reassuringly. “You needed to focus on your training, and you had to be strong for the kingdom.”
  • Carmine nodded in agreement. “Andromeda is strong, Alex,” he said. “She'll understand that you had to do what was necessary for her sake and to protect the realm.”
  • But Alexander couldn't silence the guilt that nagged at him. He wished he had found a way to communicate with Andromeda, to let her know that he was thinking of her every moment he was away. He vowed to do better, to never let anything come between them again.
  • “Come on, let’s go to the training grounds to say our goodbyes.” Alexander got up and said. He opened the dorm door and headed out, with Logan and Carmine close behind.