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Chapter 23 – Fallen Alpha

  • Andromeda tossed and turned throughout the night. Plagued with dreams of the Shadowrealm and her encounter with Prince Orion. In her dream, she could feel his breath on her neck, the sensation that moved through her body when his cold touch brushed against her skin. She woke up panting in fear and exhilaration. Not knowing what the dream meant, she glanced at her phone and saw it was barely 5AM. The sun was about to rise.
  • Giving up on the hope of getting anymore sleep, she slipped out of bed and into a cold shower. Thoughts of the last time her and Alexander were together started to overtake her thoughts. Suddenly her mind switched to the face of Prince Orion. Gasping for air, she shook her head, mumbling to herself.
  • “What is wrong with me!”
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