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Chapter 7

  • "Once again, His late..." Celine murmured sadly as she looked at the wall clock. It's nine o'clock at night, and the food on the table is cold.
  • Celine decided to cook for Leon, but her efforts were for naught because he never returned home. She walked out of the dining room with a shuddering shoulder, heartbroken.
  • Did I make another mistake? I've been following all of his rules, so what's his issue this time?! Celine utters as she slams the main bedroom door shut.
  • Celine threw the wine on the side table, irritated. Leon drinks it every night before bed, she notices.
  • "You will be my companion for the night, since my ruthless and cold husband has decided to ignore me!" As she poured the wine into the glass, Celine exclaimed. She drank it without hesitation... bottoms up!
  • (A cough! a cough!)
  • "God! Why is it so powerful?" Celine became irritated after a series of coughs. She could still feel the alcohol tickling her throat and the heat on her stomach.
  • But Celine didn't care because she was annoyed and poured again... and again... until she had half the contents of the bottle. Until her eyesight spun due to inebriation...
  • "What exactly are you doing?" Leon came to a halt in his stand as he entered the room. He had not expected to see Celine in such a state. That's why he was taken aback.
  • "Oh, you're back! Huh!" Celine stumbled due to intoxication. She stood up to greet Leon, but her world spun around so fast that she nearly fell.
  • "Careful!" Leon, thankfully, is quick. He quickly catches Celine before collapsing to the ground. "Looks like you're having a little party here... tell me, what are you celebrating?" Leon inquired, recalling a conversation he and Elise had about the holiday celebration.
  • "I'm celebrating my loneliness because you're always gone and I'm stuck in this house for the rest of my life!" Celine tries to break free from Leon's embrace, but she lacks the strength to do so due to her inebriation.
  • Leon's face darkened. He thought Celine understood why he was acting this way, but he was mistaken. She is still upset about her imprisonment here at home, it turns out.
  • "Let me go!" Leon let Celine go because she continued to mumble. She reclaimed the bottle and drank from it once more.
  • "You're freezing!" I thought you'd changed, but it appears I was mistaken!" Every tone of Celine's voice was depressing. Perhaps she dared to express her resentment while drunk.
  • Leon sighed and sat on the opposite side of the couch, watching and listening intently to Celine's every word.
  • "I know I'm not as beautiful or as smart as the girls in your world, but I'm your wife!" At the very least, greet me when you leave and return! Participate in the foods I prepare for you! Or call me if you can't get home in time!" Celine moans as she pounds.
  • "You're completely clueless..." Leon muttered, the corner of his lips twisted. He tried to reach out, but Celine was too far away...
  • "And I know it's risky to go out, but try taking me out for a once!" Bridgerton, Leon Drake! For the love of God! Who will attempt to harm me while I am with you?!" Celine locked her gaze on him.
  • "So, what is it all about...?" "You wanted to go out?" Leon's brow furrowed in surprise.
  • "Yes! "I'd like to go out with you!" Celine reacted angrily and drank the wine from the bottle again and again until it was empty.
  • "Do you want to go out tonight?" Leon inquired as he took Celine's bottle from her grasp.
  • Celine's eyes twinkle with delight, despite her dizziness. She stood up and spoke excitedly. "Yes, I want to go out!" she exclaimed joyfully.
  • Leon couldn't help but smile as he said, "Hmm, then we should make some remedy with your intoxication."
  • Celine has no time to react because her body rises to the floor. "What are you up to?" "I can walk..." she stammers, wrapping her hand around his neck out of fear of falling.
  • "How can you enjoy the outside world if your view is spinning?" Leon replied as he led Celine into the shower. He didn't waste any time in turning on the shower.
  • "Oh, Leon!" It's freezing!" Celine screams as cold water pours down her body.
  • Leon let her go but not before she left the water. "If you want to go out, stay in the water..." he said quietly, parting the strands of hair that hid Celine's face. Leon then remembered her earlier remarks about not being as beautiful and intelligent as the other girls around him.
  • "Leon ..." Celine's eyes narrowed as she spoke. She can't help but wonder who the real Leon Drake Bridgerton is... She often sees his ruthless and cold side, but there are times when his softness shines through.
  • "Where exactly do you want to go?" Celine's heart skips a beat when she hears Leons' soft voice.
  • "I'd like to see the city... "Every holiday season, I miss my parents and the things we used to do," Celine responded, a sad smile on her face.
  • "You can tell me what you miss the most, and maybe we can do something about it together..." Leon uttered and kissed Celine on the forehead gently.
  • "I'd like to cook and go grocery shopping with you..." Celine responded. It's superficial, but she misses what she used to do before bad things happened to her family. "I'd also like to stroll around the city with you..." Celine added, a shy smile on her face.
  • "Let's make a grocery list..." But tonight, let me take you on a city tour..." Leon stated as he kissed Celine on the lips once more.
  • The kiss didn't last long because Leon wasn't sure he could control himself if it did.
  • It'll be fine... But for the time being, I wanted to give her what she truly desired... Leon grumbled to himself.
  • Leon called out to his right hand, Soren, while Celine was getting dressed. "Celine and I will go out tonight, so observe in the distance," he says.
  • "Understood, sir," Soren replied politely.
  • Leon cut the call when Celine exited the dressing room.