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Chapter 6

  • When Celine left the office, Leon stood up again. "I can't believe I'm getting jealous of my brother!" he furiously utters.
  • But Leon can't blame himself because not a day goes by that Celine doesn't talk to Luke. Sometimes his half-brother visits to say hello and just talk to Celine.
  • Sometimes he even caught the two laughing happily while watching a movie.
  • It's not adultery, but the problem is, Celine and Leon never did that! They never did what a normal couple does, so Leon is furious with the trend of their relationship.
  • "Where are you going?" Celine asked, seeing Leon with his coat.
  • "Going out," Leon's cold responded and resumed walking.
  • There was frustration in Celine's eyes because she even prepared a snack for her husband, but couldn't voice the desire to stop him from leaving.
  • "Careful on the road..."
  • Leon is long gone but Celine is still looking at the door where her cold husband came out.
  • ------------
  • Leon Drake Bridgerton is not the only one who has a problem with the closeness of Celine and Luke; even Elise, Luke's wife, feels the same way.
  • "Busy again..." Elise murmured with annoyance. She threw the phone in her bag and drove the car fast.
  • "What's with these Celine?!" She's been bothered by the closeness of her husband with the girl.
  • Elise Bridgerton is a frontline reporter, with her strong mind and determination she became successful in her field without any help from others.
  • Elise doesn't care much about her surroundings except for her relationship with Luke. He's the most important person in her life that is why she's pissed off with Celine.
  • "I won't let you snatch my husband from me!" Elise furiously whispered. Her car stopped at the tallest building in the city. The Bridgerton Empire — where her purpose lies ... Leon Drake Bridgerton, Luke's half-brother and Celine's husband.
  • Every worker in the building greeted Elise with admiration and envy since she is the embodiment of a successful woman.
  • "I need to talk to your CEO, is he here?" Elise asked the receptionist.
  • The receptionist smiled politely. "I'm sorry ma'am but the CEO is in the meeting and I'm afraid it will take a while before it's over ..."
  • Knowing that Leon is in the building, Elise did not wait for the receptionist to finish her remarks, she turned around and walked into the elevator, the reason for the latter to be worried so she called the secretary of the CEO to inform him of the arrival of Elise.
  • ------
  • In the office of the CEO, Leon's sitting in his town while looking at the pile of paper on his table.
  • Until now Leon Drake Bridgerton is irritated with what happens in the house so he told his secretary to cancel all his appointments and don't disturb him no matter what or who arrives.
  • That is why he exploded when the door opened.
  • "Do you want to die? I told you not to disturb me," Leon's voice was calm but the anger could be heard in his voice.
  • "Hmm, I'm not ready to leave my husband with others so no I don't want to die, brother-in-law..." Elise responded as she sat on the couch.
  • Only then did Leon look up, "Elise, what do you want? Luke is out for a meeting," he said and turned his attention back to the papers.
  • "I'm here to ask you something," Elise did not care about the cold remarks. She and Leon are similar so Elise is not bothered by the indifference he gave her.
  • Leon put down the folder and looked at the girl. Like Luke, Elise is clueless about his other identity.
  • "Luke and I will celebrate New Year's Eve so I wanted you and your wife to come and celebrate with us ... " Elise stated. Since she doesn't know Celine's personality, she wanted to meet her personally.
  • "Did Luke ask you to invite us?" Leon doubted that question. He remembered the conversation he had with Celine earlier.
  • Elise shook her head. " No, he said you hate celebrating..."
  • "That's true... I don't do holidays," Leon agrees with a cold glare.
  • "You don't do holidays but your wife—I'm sure she loves to enjoy this day with you," Elise answered with a sweet smile on her face.
  • "You're right, she does..." Leon signs as he acknowledges her remarks.
  • Elise's smile widens. " Then it's settled! You and Celine will celebrate the holidays with us!" After stating this, she stood up and took her shoulder bag.
  • Perhaps it would be best for her to leave the house for a while ... Leon thinks that is why he decided not to object to Elise's suggestion.
  • "Then, I will call you with the details ... And by the way, tell your wife to expect a call from me," Elise added before finally leaving the office.
  • Now, I have a reason to see and talk to you! Elise uttered, referring to Celine.
  • --------
  • Elise and Luke's resident...
  • Luke frowned seeing his wife in the living room. "Elise? I thought you on the field?" he asked with delight. With his wife's work, it is rare to see her in the house early.
  • "Hmm, it looks like my husband is disappointed to see me ..." Elise sniffed, opened her arms, and jumped to Luke's arm.
  • "Hmm, I'm disappointed because if I knew you were waiting, I would have declined the dinner meeting with the shareholder of the company ..." Luke responds before claiming Elise's lips.
  • The kiss takes a minute before it ends. "Hmm, I wanted to surprise you because I have good news," Elise seductively whispered.
  • Luke sits on the couch while Elise is still on his lap. "Hmm, that's new ... but before you tell me, did you eat?"
  • The concern in Luke's voice made Elise feel better. "Hmm, I had coffee ..." she admitted with a childish smirk.
  • Luke frowned and looked at his watch. "I told you not to skip a meal ... Wait here, I'll cook for you,"
  • "Hmm, Since I took leave for my work, I'm sure I won't skip a meal ... "
  • Luke's attempt to stand was halted. "Is that real?" He asked to make sure he heard correctly. Luke knows how dedicated Elise is to her work so even though he's worried he can't ask her to stop.
  • "Yes, and we will celebrate the holiday with your brother and sister-in-law..." Elise declared.