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Chapter 3

  • Celine had been married to Leon Drake for a year, but it felt like it had been just yesterday. She remembers the last scene very well, especially the day Leon saved her.
  • She thinks about everything as she sits in the gazebo in the middle of the garden.
  • -------
  • Celine is crying and asking her uncle, "Please tell me why my parents did that." Still clear in her mind is the scene of her parents jumping off the roof of their house.
  • Since she moved abroad, she doesn't know anything. Celine's relatives from both clans didn't show up, so after she buried her parents, she went to her father's brother to find out what was going on.
  • "How dare you come to my house! Your father is a thief, and he's brought shame on the whole family," her angry uncle said to her.
  • Celine said, "Uncle, I know my dad would never do that." She didn't expect to hear that from his uncle because she remembered how her father helped him when he was younger.
  • "Then you're wrong! He already did, and what's worse, your father stole from the company where he worked. If I were you, I'd leave the city and never come back!"
  • When the door opened and a group of men walked in, Celine was about to answer.
  • "Well, well, well, it looks like you have a visitor," one man said to Celine as he looked at her.
  • "She is my brother's daughter..."
  • "Yes, I do know her. When we went to the cemetery, we saw her there,"
  • "Who are they, Uncle?"
  • "He's the guy your dad stole from!"
  • Celine was shocked and scared at the same time. When she looked at the men, she knew they had done bad things.
  • She quickly said, "Uncle, I'll talk to you later, I have to go," but a man grabbed Celine before she could leave.
  • The man said, "Since your father killed himself, I don't have the time to torture him, so you will take his place."
  • Celine yelled, "What are you doing?! Let me go! Uncle, do something!" But the person he thought would help him didn't. He didn't do anything but watch as the man pulled her up to the car.
  • Celine doesn't know where they are going because the man keeps beating her, which makes her lose consciousness.
  • Celine remembered being taken to the mansion, put in a cold room, and beaten.
  • Thank goodness Leon came... If he came just one minute later, she would die from the cold.
  • ---------
  • She breathed in deeply and stretched. Celine went inside because it was getting dark.
  • A year went by, but Leon still held Celine prisoner in this house.
  • She never tried to leave because she was afraid of what happened the last time she did.
  • Celine didn't run out of things to do because the estate is too big, and Leon gave her access to everything, so she knows everything.
  • "Hmm, the new book will help me with my sleeping problem," Celine said to herself as she walked down the hall to the study room.
  • But as Celine got closer, she heard a Latin song. It was smooth, so it interested her.
  • "It's coming to the study room?" Her forehead wrinkled as she carefully opened the door.
  • Is that LEON? Celine put her hand over her mouth because she didn't want the man who was moving to hear her.
  • Is he salsa dancing by himself? Leon moves his hand up, making it look like he has a partner while doing his sexy spin.
  • Celine did notice something, though...
  • Leon's eyes are sad ... Even though they've lived together for a year, Celine has never seen him like this...
  • LEON looks vulnerable right now.
  • -------
  • Celine couldn't sleep after what happened in the study room, so she left early.
  • "It looks like my lovely sister-in-law is thinking hard."
  • Celine smiled right away. "Luke, you're finally here!" she said as she gave him a hug.
  • Luke sat down in front of Celine and poured coffee into a cup. He said, "Well, hearing your annoying voice in the middle of the night is torture for me. Speak up, what's the problem?"
  • Celine asked, "The thing is... Does Leon have a girlfriend?" Luke is half Leon's brother, but Leon is very nice to him. In fact, LEON is so worried about his only brother that he never lets him join him in doing anything wrong.
  • Celine frowned when Luke laughed out loud. Luke says with tears in his eyes, "A lover? You're asking me if LEON was cheating on you? Are you insane?"
  • Luke's clear happiness made Celine frown. It seems like her question is a big joke. Celine thought, "What's so funny? Your brother is handsome, rich, and powerful. I'm sure a lot of women are crazy about him."
  • Luke sipped his coffee and said, "You're right. He is the dream of every woman, but he married you."
  • Celine did not respond ...
  • Luke was suspicious. "Tell me, why do you ask such a stupid question? Did you catch my brother with another woman?" But he doesn't believe...
  • Before she replied to Luke, Celine took a deep breath. "Last night, I saw Leon dancing alone in the study room. I could tell from his eyes that he was sad, so I thought Leon missed his lover." Celine turned away because she was embarrassed.
  • Luke paused with a sad smile and said, "He misses his mother. Yesterday was the day she died, and every time this day comes, Leon will lock himself in his study room and play music." "Leon loves his mother so much that he watches her dance and sometimes joins her on the dance floor."
  • Celine was taken aback. He has been married to Leon for a year, but he doesn't know that part of his life. If you don't try to understand your husband, how will you know? She says something to herself.
  • Luke said, "Like you, he also saw his mother and our father die," and he clenched his fist.
  • "They also killed themselves?" Celine asked in shock. She put her hand on its shaking lap to hide it.
  • "No, killed. That night, a group broke into the house and killed everyone except Leon. He was lucky, because even though three bullets went through his body, none of his vital organs were hurt," Luke said.
  • ---------
  • Celine couldn't sleep that night. She was still thinking about what she had learned about Leon. "Maybe Leon's family has a problem with the criminal world, so that's why..."
  • Ring the bell...
  • When Leon walked in, Celine asked, "What do you want?"
  • As Leon kept walking and stopped next to the bed, the corner of his mouth turned up.
  • Leon replied playfully as he touched Celine's chin and pulled her closer, "If I said I want you, would you give yourself to me?"