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Chapter 4 - Escaping The Transformation

  • “Even better, I'm an ALPHA,” there was a tone of pride and honor in his voice, his majestic posture revealing his power.
  • “What is an Alpha?” I asked, still confused.
  • “You humans are so depressing…” He rolled his eyes in disdain.
  • I watched his posture carefully as I wiped away a stubborn tear that was running down my face. “I need answers. Who attacked us? Why do they want to kill Conan? How did they know my sister?” I exhaled after the questions that plagued my mind.
  • “You were attacked by the minions of the Crescent Moon Pack. I already answered your question about the pup… Don't be slow, human. Keep up with the answers,” his harsh words made it clear that my questions annoyed him.
  • “Alright, Mr. Rudeness.”
  • In a thunderous growl, he roared, “Mr. Alpha or King, impertinent human.”
  • His roar made me step back until I bumped into the crib. Conan woke up crying, as frightened as I was. I turned to pick him up, but a strong, rough hand cradled him before I could reach him. His speed was absurd, beyond normal.
  • “Don't hurt him, please,” I lowered my voice, afraid he would break my nephew in his strong arms. “Give him back to me, please.” I slowly stretched out my arms.
  • “He is my heir. My blood, my firstborn, and the future leader of this pack. Why would I hurt him?” His furrowed brow stared at me like a question mark.
  • Strangely, the baby calmed down in his arms, as if he had recognized him just by his approach. Maybe he was telling the truth, maybe he was the father of this child! My sister had warned that he was an extraordinary being, but none of it made sense. How did she meet him? Why was she hiding from him?
  • I raised my chin defiantly, forcing him to keep his eyes on mine. “How did you meet my sister? Why did she feel the need to hide from you?”
  • A fog lingered in his gaze, making me tremble under the weight of his presence. His eyes burned with predatory intent. Despite his intimidation, I didn't look away. I needed answers, and more importantly, I needed to know if we were in danger here!
  • As I put my calmer nephew back in his crib, he turned his icy gaze in my direction.
  • “You ask too many questions, man!” — There was an enigmatic tone to his voice.
  • “I told you, I need answers!” — I stomped my foot in protest. He continued to examine my body with his piercing eyes, making my skin tingle wherever his gaze passed.
  • At one point, his gaze settled on my ankle, causing me to instinctively pull my leg back.
  • “You're asking the wrong questions,” the man in front of me declared, his brow furrowed in curiosity. “You've been bitten, aren't you worried about the transformation you'll go through?” His eyes returned to mine, probing my reaction.
  • “Transformation?” — I looked down at my ankle, pondering his echoing words. I hesitated before asking, “What are you talking about?”
  • Suddenly, he moved closer and pulled my leg forcibly forward, revealing the freshly treated bite.
  • “You've been bitten by a wolf, and you're human…” — He continued to stare at me, his tone impatient. “Hmph, are all humans that slow?”
  • “And how many humans have you met that talk like that?” — I protested, crossing my arms. “You speak in riddles!”
  • “Enough to despise them,” he said, rising from my leg and standing inches from my face. I could feel his warm breath on my cheek and his controlled breathing. “You've been marked by a wolf; that means you'll undergo a transformation from human to wolf if you survive!”
  • “Maybe we should run away from here, my brave one. This place isn't safe,” I whispered to the beautiful baby.
  • The moon cast a silvery light through the window, illuminating Conan's little face as he slept peacefully in his crib. It was a comforting sight amidst the whirlwind of uncertainty that now filled my life.
  • I decided I couldn't let the transformation happen. I didn't want to be a part of something that had forcibly marked me. My sister Agatha and I had always been close, and I needed to find out what had happened to her, why she had run away and become a fugitive from the father of her own child.
  • Carefully, I took the baby in my arms, making sure not to wake him. He was my responsibility now, and I would do anything to protect him.
  • Silently, I left the room, gliding through the dark and cold cabin. The night breeze caressed my face as I reached the entrance; the door was locked, but I had to get out to find answers, avoid the transformation, and protect my nephew.
  • My steps were light as I walked down the shadowed hallway, my restless mind searching for solutions. I had no allies, no one to turn to, but I knew I had to find someone who could help me.
  • With Conan safely in my arms, I descended the stairs and stealthily left the cabin through the back doors. The crisp night air enveloped me, filling my lungs with the promise of freedom. I was determined to protect my nephew, uncover the truth about Agatha, and avoid the fate that loomed over me like a growing shadow under the full moon.
  • “Going somewhere, human?” he said abruptly, stopping me in my tracks. I turned to see him standing with his hands casually in his pockets, as if he had anticipated my escape, as if he had read my mind.
  • “It took you longer than expected to think about running, and you're slow too, aren't you?” Sarcasm laced his stance and voice.
  • “You expected that?” I asked, clutching my nephew tightly, ready to run.
  • “It was inevitable,” he shrugged. “Don't try to run with him in your arms; you'll end up dropping him, and I'll have to kill you for hurting him.”
  • “How can you…”
  • “I smell your fear and insecurity; you feel cornered, like easy prey,” he said, approaching with purpose. “It's not hard to predict your moves.”
  • “Let's go, please.” I swallowed hard, afraid of his approach. “I will stop this transformation and raise Conan away from all of this!”
  • “You can't stop the curse, fool. The pup is mine, and you will die anyway, but he,” he nodded to the baby in my arms, “has a bright future by my side.” His size was intimidating, twice my height. “How can you be so sure I'm going to die? I can survive the transformation, didn't you say so?” I challenged him.
  • “Only the strong survive!” he growled, taking more steps toward me with his eyes narrowed.
  • “Were you once human?” I asked, confused. Was it possible that the Alpha had once been human? This caused him to stop and assess my posture.