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Chapter 6 Mystery Note

  • Juniper was beyond startled that she couldn't control her eyelids from fluttering wildly.
  • Who the hell was this weird dude? Smoking hot, no doubt. But also pretty much weird.
  • He released her from the embrace, gazed intensely at her for a brief moment, and then pulled her back into a tight squeeze.
  • But it didn't seem like he was going to budge.
  • "Uh. . ." Juniper chuckled awkwardly, her eyes veering to the Clermont sisters, silently pleading to be rescued from the enthusiastic man.
  • And luckily, they picked up on her distress signal.
  • Chloe rolled her eyes to the ceiling. "Alright, Dylan, dial it back a notch. You're creeping our guest out with your over-the-top theatrics."
  • "Not to mention suffocating!" Audrey slotted in, her attitude mirroring that of her sister's.
  • Finally, the man released his grip on Juniper, his moist grey eyes locked onto hers for a delicate moment before they shifted to the Clermont sisters in a petulant glare. "What's wrong with a little enthusiasm?" he protested in a tone of wounded innocence. "I'm just genuinely thrilled to finally meet her!"
  • He turned his attention back to Juniper. "Sorry about getting a bit too emotional," he apologized, putting forth his hand for a handshake. "I'm Dylan Dupont, Vivienne's fiancé. . . or at least, we were supposed to be married."
  • Juniper's eyes widened in understanding as she took his hand, nodding sympathetically. "Ah, I see."
  • But almost immediately, a confused expression played across Juniper's face as the new information sank in.
  • Wait a minute, though. Fiancé? Vivienne had never mentioned anything about having a fiancé. She had even assumed that her sister merely wanted a child without the hassle of marital commitment.
  • Well, perhaps, they hadn't been close enough to share such intimate details. Vivienne had been kind and easy to get along with, but she'd seemed really tight-lipped when it came to her personal life.
  • Definitely a trait she got from their father.
  • Anyway, if Dylan was indeed her sister's fiance, then that meant he was the obvious sperm donor. Great! At least the baby would have a clear family lineage, without the need for a future paternity search.
  • Just as the conversation was about to continue, the humming sound of vehicles approaching filled the air, snatching their attention.
  • "Ah, that must be Mom and Dad arriving!" Audrey exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
  • "Absolutely," Chloe agreed, then turned to Dylan. "Hey, Dylan, you should join us for dinner. I think this conversation may involve you too."
  • "Of course!" Dylan replied readily.
  • Audrey promptly fused her arm with Juniper's again, pulling her towards the door. "Come on, let's go! It's time for a family gathering!"
  • * * * *
  • Hours later, the Clermont family and their guests seated around a majestic marble dining table, its snowy white surface streaked with shimmering threads of silver and gold, glowing softly in the light.
  • In no time, the table was covered with a sumptuous spread of delightful delicacies that Juniper had only ever dreamed of. Platters piled high with tender meats, steaming vegetables, and savory pastries filled the air with an irresistible aroma that made her want to give in to the hunger surging through her and dive into the feast like a ravenous beast. But then again, she didn't want The Clermonts assuming she was a lunatic. Or worse, throw her out the front door.
  • As everyone at the table began to dine, Antoine Clermont addressed Juniper in his usual gentle tone. "You must have waited quite a while for our response, didn't you, Juniper?"
  • Juniper's gaze snapped up from her plate of juicy Wagyu beef, her eyes meeting the older man's warm stare. She quickly swallowed the last morsel of steak and she replied with a cheerful smile, "Oh, not at all. It was just a week."
  • Her eyes had been literally glued to her phone. Constantly checking her messages and emails. Waiting, praying, going cray-cray each passing day.
  • That was one week Juniper wished she would never relive.
  • "Please accept our apologies for the delay," Antoine said, his knife gliding smoothly through his steak as he expertly cut a bite-sized piece. "We had to meticulously verify every document and signature you provided, and I'm pleased to report that each one was genuine and authenticated."
  • Florence nodded in agreement, a warm smile spreading across her slender lips. "Indeed, we're fortunate that was cleared out," she asserted. "Our legal counsel recommended we take the extra step of genetic testing to confirm paternity, but we refused. We couldn't bear the thought of causing any unnecessary distress or harm to you or the little one."
  • Juniper let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Oh, no need to explain. Really. I understand."
  • Antoine savored his champagne and proceeded, "So, here's our proposal: you'll stay with us at the Bellerose Mansion until the baby arrives. Once the little one is born, we'll settle the remaining balance of your payment and take full responsibility for the child."
  • His gaze shifted to Dylan, who had been listening with rapt attention. "And of course, if you're indeed the child's father, we'll ensure you have equal parental rights. We wouldn't dream of denying you that privilege."
  • Dylan's face lit up with a wide smile. "Thanks, I appreciate that," he said with a sigh.
  • Florence said to Juniper, her voice as gentle as a whisper, "We'd also be delighted if you choose to remain with us here even after the child's birth." She turned to her daughters for further approval. "Right, girls?"
  • "Absolutely, Mom," they replied simultaneously.
  • Juniper glanced at them as if she couldn't believe her ears. "Really?"
  • Audrey nodded, her smile reassuring. "Yeah! You're family now."
  • She beamed with teary eyes, unable to contain the overflowing feeling those words flooded through her.
  • Family? She'd almost forgotten what that felt like.
  • The offer to settle in this grand house was tempting, but Juniper knew for sure she couldn't accept it.
  • Her eyes wafted to every one of them at the table as she spoke, "That's sweet of you guys, but thanks I'll have to refuse the offer. You see, I've got this thing planned out with my life and I really don't see myself in this kind of environment. Don't get me wrong, I think you have a beautiful home and a wholesome family, I just feel out of my element here. I appreciate the warm welcome but I think I'll just stay until the child is born."
  • "Very well. If that's what you want," Florence said in resignation. "But for the time being, consider here your home. We'll provide for your every need so you have nothing to worry about."
  • "Yeah, don't stress around here. We're actual a fun and unique family?" Chloe added with a dismissive wave of her hand.
  • Juniper's eyes sparkled with curiosity, laced with amusement. "The ‘fun’ part is evident but the ‘unique’ part needs a little bit more explaining."
  • Chloe opened her mouth to respond, but Audrey raised her hands, interrupting her sister. "Allow me, sis." She cleared her throat dramatically, turning to Juniper with a mischievous grin. "So, here's a brief explanation of how our unique family began. . ."
  • "Eighteen years back, our mom moved into this grand mansion with Chloe, taking on the role of housekeeper. Little did she know that she and momma Celine—Vivienne's biological mother—would grow so close to become part of the family. Two years later, fate brought momma Celine and Dad together and they got married."
  • "I became a part of this family two years later after my family died in a tragic fire. Dad, being my father's brother, took me in, and we all lived a life filled with love and laughter. Until. . ." Audrey's vibrant voice waned, her words dripping with emotion. ". . .the unthinkable happened. Six years ago, Momma Celine's courageous battle with cancer came to an end, leaving us all shattered. But Dad was the worst of us all, he couldn't move on, and each day he slowly slipped into depression. Vivienne couldn't bear seeing him in that state so she suggested he remarry. And so, two years later, he married our mom, uniting our family not just in love, but in law, as we had always dreamed."
  • Florence chuckled softly. "To be honest, it was awkward at first," she slotted in, turning to her husband. "We didn't know how to feel about the whole situation."
  • Antoine laughed. "That's right. We agreed to marry solely to grant our daughters' wish for a "real" family," he said, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "But who would have thought it would blossom to something more, something genuine as love."
  • When Florence blushed, Juniper couldn't help but smile at the sweet moment. The more she listened to their family's story, the more she realized she knew nothing about them even though they were probably famous worldwide.
  • Well, in her defense, she'd spent most of her life working her tail off to keep up with celebrity news or gossip. She'd had no time for that.
  • Juniper's heart swelled with emotion as she found herself missing her own family. "You guys are the real deal,' she said, grinning from ear to ear. "I mean, despite all the ups and downs, you've got the best relationship with each other. I'm sure anyone would kill to be a member of your family."
  • Antoine's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with warmth. "Well, love and connection know no bounds and our doors are perpetually open to receive new members to the family— the more, the merrier."
  • * * * *
  • Later that evening when she got to the room they had arranged for her, Juniper realized how exhaustion was suffocating her.
  • Was this the infamous pregnancy hormones or just her body's way of screaming for a break?
  • Back in her debt-ridden days, she would have been on her sixth job by this time and still feel quite alright. But now, even the most infinitesimal task rendered her drained and yearning for a bed or any flat surface.
  • Without second thoughts, Juniper flung her drowsy body onto the plush bed, sinking into the softness of the mattress that felt like a cloud against her body—a far cry from the concrete of a bed she was accustomed to.
  • As her eyelids drooped like heavy curtains, giving in to fatigue, a gentle knock at the door jolted her back.
  • With a sigh, she sluggishly propped herself up and called out, "Come in."
  • As soon as the door swung open, a team of maids glided in, carrying an assortment of fresh linens, towels, and other essentials. With precision, they arranged everything in its proper place, before quietly exiting the room.
  • Juniper thought it was a good idea to at least take a refreshing shower before surrendering to slumber. She made her way to the ensuite bathroom, wrapping her hand around a neatly folded towel. Just as she began to unfurl it, a small, hidden note slipped out, fluttering to the floor like a tiny leaf.
  • A frown of puzzlement took over Juniper's face as she picked up the mysterious paper. With deliberate care, she unfolded the paper and written on it was a warning in explicit, bold fonts. . .