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Chapter 2 Old Flame

  • In the blink of an eye, Juniper felt a forceful tug, wrenching her away just in time, a bare fraction of a second between her and a one-way ticket to the great beyond. Even as she and her rescuer tumbled onto the hard pavement, Juniper's eyes remained tightly shut, her entire body trembling with terror.
  • Then, for some inexplicable reason, she began to feel herself relax in the strong embrace of Mr. Mysterious Savior. She couldn't quite determine if it was the enticing fragrance of his cologne or the feeling of security in his arms, as though she was always meant to be there.
  • She couldn't tell.
  • In that moment, the stranger gently shook her, his voice—rich baritone and deep with concern—breaking through her stupor. "Juniper! Juniper, open your eyes. Are you okay?"
  • Now that was enough to make Juniper flutter her eyes open, her gaze landing on the masked face of her rescuer. Despite the disguise of a face cap and mask, she recognized him immediately. Those striking blue eyes were just too difficult to mistake.
  • Juniper blinked her eyes, hauling the name of the man she thought she'd never see again out of her lips in a ragged whisper. "C-Cedric?"
  • Cedric shut his eyes for a brief moment, his chest expanding with a deep, relieved breath. "Thank God!" He muttered under his breath. As his gaze returned to meet hers, he carefully scanned her face. "Are. . .are you okay? Can you stand up?"
  • Yes! She could stand up if she wanted to, but her useless legs were the issue. They were not proving to be a very reliable part of her body at the moment. She couldn't blame them, though. Not after the double shock she'd experienced in mere minutes.
  • CEDRIC?! Her inner voice echoed again. What on earth was her ex-boyfriend doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be on the other side of the world, recuperating?
  • When Juniper remained silent, gaping at him with her jaw slacking loose like a cartoon character, Cedric climbed to his feet and helped her up as well.
  • Clearly eager to avoid attracting further attention to himself than there already was, he intertwined his fingers with hers and hastily led her toward the parking area where his Lambo awaited.
  • Opening the rear door, Cedric gently guided Juniper inside before climbing in through the opposite door. He turned to his driver—who was no doubt unsure of what was going on—instructing him to leave the vehicle.
  • As the driver stepped out of the car, Juniper couldn't help but stare in fascination as Cedric removed his cap, revealing a head filled with flourishing, lush blonde hair—a stark contrast to its condition two years ago when she'd last seen him. Next, he peeled off his face mask, uncovering the rest of his stunning features.
  • Uncontrollable tears welled up in Juniper's eyes as she witnessed the vision of good health that danced on his face. His once ashen skin and pale lips now bloomed with exuberant life.
  • She knew it was a bad idea, given their relationship was way over since a couple of years ago, but she couldn't stop herself from stretching her trembling hand to caress his face. Slowly, her fingers gently grazed his cheek, jawline, his lips. . . as if trying to confirm that the man before her was, indeed, the Cedric she once knew.
  • As she tenderly stroked every inch of his face, Cedric's gaze remained fixed on her, taking in the play of emotions on her face that she was doing a bad job at hiding.
  • Just as she was about to slip her hand away from his face to touch his hair, he captured it, lavishing soft kisses on it and nuzzling his cheek against her palm. All the while never breaking eye contact.
  • Juniper felt her toes curl in her loafers and in that instant, she wanted to forget everything and surrender to the happiness of seeing him fully recovered— which she'd prayed for amidst the chaos of her life. But then, the memory of why she had ended their relationship in the first place rose to the surface, reminding her that letting him believe she had missed him every breathing second was certainly not a good idea.
  • Without warning, she retracted her hand from his reach, averting her eyes from the confusion engraved on his face.
  • Clearing her throat, she spoke the first thought that came to mind. "What are you doing here, Cedric? When did you get back?"
  • Cedric halted, watching her for a moment before he eventually answered. "A few months ago. I've been meaning to come see you ever since I arrived but it's been quite hectic for me." A smile lit his face as he continued in a dramatic gesture. "Well, I'm less choked with responsibilities these days. Hence, my utmost determination to see you."
  • Juniper peeked at him from under her lashes, the corners of her lips tilting slightly with the hint of a smile. "How did you know I'll be at the hospital?"
  • Cedric shrugged. "I didn't! I went to your apartment first, but you weren't there, so I got a coffee and thought I'd try again later. But then, I saw some beautiful idiot crossing the highway without looking. Turned out to be you."
  • Now, Juniper's smile widened. He always had that effect on her. "Oh, thank you for saving this idiot's life."
  • "Anytime," he replied with a wink. Then, abruptly the mischief in his face shifted, reflecting sincere concern. "Oh, and why were you at the hospital? Are you all right? You're not ill, are you?"
  • Juniper contemplated whether it was wise to share her news with him or not, but then again, she realized that if she wanted to keep him at arm's length, she had only one quick option.
  • She faced him squarely, struggling to keep her tone as firm as possible. "I was there for an appointment with my obstetrician. I'm pregnant."
  • The spirited glimmer in Cedric's eyes waned, swirling into a turbulent blend of confusion and anguish. A deafening silence stretched between them for what seemed like minutes but was probably only seconds. Eventually, Cedric's voice emerged, hoarse and unsteady. "Are you. . ." he cleared his throat and tried again. "Are you married?"
  • "Not quite."
  • "Then who is the child's father?"
  • Juniper arched a well-carved eyebrow. "Um! That's quite personal, don't you think?"
  • "My apologies!" He murmured with a barely hidden undercurrent of irritation in his voice.
  • Juniper could already imagine the thoughts racing through his mind, but she tried to convince herself it didn't matter. He was her past. And the past should remain in the past.
  • Desperate to break free from the suffocating silence and the penetration of his gaze, she feigned a lighthearted chuckle, striving to keep her voice even. "Um. . . I have to go now. I need to be somewhere," she lied, desperately seeking an escape. "I'm rather busy, you see."
  • Just as she began to exit the car, Cedric swiftly reached out and clasped her hand. "Hey, let me drive you home."
  • With a smile, Juniper shook her head. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. My house is close by, and I could use the walk."
  • Cedric opened his mouth to press further, but Juniper was already out of the vehicle. She paused to meet his gaze one last time. "I'm relieved that you're well now, Cedric. Really. And thank you again for saving me back there."
  • With a swift wave to the driver waiting outside patiently, Juniper hastened out of the parking space, fleeing before she succumbed to any stupid actions, she might live to regret.
  • After a short walk, Juniper found herself at the entrance of her modest, self-contained apartment that was about the size of a shoe box.
  • All she'd done on her way back was think of Cedric, unable to resist the lure of their history. But now that she was back, she censured herself to focus on the more pressing concern at hand which was finding her sister's whereabouts.
  • Sinking into the sole couch in her living room, Juniper dialed her sister's number. As she listened to the voicemail, she reached for the remote control lying next to her, subconsciously switching on the TV.
  • Just as she was about to leave a message, the unique tone of the breaking news chimed from the TV, stealing her attention.