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Chapter 5 Into The Bellerose Mansion

  • Antoine began to cough, sputtering and choking as the coffee he’d just swallowed slipped in the wrong direction.
  • He definitely did not see that coming.
  • "Are. . .are you okay?" Juniper stuttered in concern, half-rising to assist the man in any way possible, a deep-seated instinct she'd developed from years of caring for her sick mother—who had eventually passed.
  • "I'm okay!" Antoine managed in a croaked voice, gesturing with a raised hand to reassure her. “I’m fine."
  • He must have been taken aback by that news, Juniper thought. Her eyes drifted to his wife and apparently, Antoine wasn't the only one stunned.
  • Florence was staring at her wide-eyed and her mouth a perfect O. She feared that the poor woman might dislocate her jaw at any moment.
  • Maybe she shouldn't have dropped the bombshell on them that hard. But, some pieces of information were best delivered promptly without a moment of hesitation. And this one fell squarely in that category.
  • Florence’s words almost disappeared in her awestruck whisper. "This is. . .quite the surprise."
  • "Indeed it is," Antoine concurred in a strained voice, an aftermath of his coughing fit. Then, he turned to address Juniper. "Please forgive our reaction, Miss Laurent. We were not anticipating news of this nature."
  • Florence’s voice remained low, almost as if she was speaking to herself. "We knew of her inability to have children but she seemed okay and waved off the topic even when offered to help in any way. Vivienne never hinted at wanting a surrogate."
  • Antoine’s expression was apologetic, but firm. "I'm sorry to say this, but I must ask that we verify this information, Miss Laurent. I'm sure you can understand."
  • "Oh, I do. And I brought proof to my claim," she countered.
  • Juniper reached for her fancy tote, nestled beside her on the sofa. She delved into its depths, retrieving a thick envelope, from which she carefully slipped out a contract and several sonogram images. She handed them over to Antoine with a steady hand.
  • "Here. . . is the agreement Vivienne and I signed months ago," she explained. "You can check thoroughly to be certain it's her signature. And here. . . are the ultrasounds that prove both the development of the fetus and its gestational age."
  • Juniper recounted the entire chain of events without leaving any detail out. From the very first day, Vivienne had appeared at her doorstep, offering her a generous sum she wasn't dumb enough to refuse, to when she'd lost contact with her.
  • Antoine took a moment to go through the documents and sonograms in his hands before he passed them to his wife for her own review.
  • Florence pored over the materials in silence, her expressions totally rueful. "My God!" She turned to her husband, her eyes gleaming with tears. "Vivienne. . . she must have really wanted a child and she kept her struggles private from us, probably not wanting to cause us to worry. We thought she was alright with everything. She was carrying this burden all by herself and we didn't even realize. We've been terrible parents, Antoine."
  • Antoine reached out, gently patting his wife's back in an effort to soothe her as she began to sob softly. Then, he turned to Juniper. "Look, Miss. Laurent, I'm going to be frank with you. This is a bit overwhelming for us to process immediately. So if you would be so kind as to allow us the time to think this through and discuss this as a family, we would be grateful.
  • Juniper nodded sympathetically. From the expression on his face, she could tell right away he was also struggling to suppress his own emotions. "Of course. I completely understand you feel confused and uncertain, I would be too if I were in your position. Take the time you need. I’m in no rush."
  • Gathering her belongings, Juniper rose from her seat and offered Antoine an old, slightly outdated business card she had printed a few years prior when she'd drastically decided to begin an accessory store.
  • And yes, it had not worked out as she planned.
  • "Here's my contact information. You can take as much time as you need to reach a decision. Whatever you decide, I'll respect it." A warm, courteous smile graced Juniper's lips. “Thank you for your time, and for welcoming me into your lovely home. I'll be waiting for your call."
  • * * * *
  • And Juniper waited.
  • For hours that turned to days and days that eventually turned to a week. And just when she thought all hope was lost, a sleek, black limousine rolled up to her doorstep one fine evening—courtesy of the Clermont Family.
  • Along with it was a clear invitation for her to pack a suitcase and accompany the vehicle to the Bellerose mansion which could possibly be her new home.
  • With delight coursing through her, Juniper wasted no time gathering her belongings. Not that she had much to pack anyway. All her life's possessions could fit in a purse with room to spare.
  • In no time, she was at the Bellerose mansion once again. And when the door swung open, she was expecting to be greeted by the middle-aged housekeeper. But, to her surprise, she met two extremely extra gorgeous ladies with opposing hairstyles—one with jet-black straight-as-a-pin hair and the other with a wavy ombre of ginger and wheat blonde.
  • "Hiiiiii, you must be Juniper!" chirped the two-toned-haired woman in a high-pitched trill, wrapping Juniper in a tight embrace.
  • Her exuberance was almost infectious. . . but extremely overwhelming.
  • Juniper chuckled nervously. She had not anticipated such an enthusiastic welcome. "Oh! Ah. . . Um. . . Hi!"
  • The other woman pulled out from the embrace, giving just about enough space to look at Juniper and still hold her in her arms. "Nice to meet you. I'm Audrey," she intoned cheerily. "And the ugly-looking lady behind me is my big sister, Chloe."
  • Chloe scoffed nonchalantly. "Ugly? Don't you wish?" She neared the distance between them, flashing a close-lip smile at Juniper. "Hi, Juniper. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
  • Juniper returned the smile. "The pleasure is mine."
  • "Now," Audrey cut in abruptly, linking her arm with Junipers as she tugged her into the hall. "I think it's time to give Juni a tour of the mansion— It's okay I call you Juni, right? You see I have this thingy of giving people I like pet names."
  • Juniper chuckled. "Uh. . . Sure!"
  • "Awesome," she singsonged. "It's really fun having another sister."
  • Juniper's smooth countenance instantly marred with a frown. "Sister?" She echoed.
  • These people were seriously taking her by surprise with their words and actions. Color her strange but she was expecting the usual amount of pomp and. . . arrogance. Plenty, plenty arrogance. Just like every other rich kid she'd ever encountered in the past. But here they were treating her like a long-lost sibling.
  • Well, coming to think of it, Vivienne had been equally as kind to her right from the first day they met. Maybe this family did not send their children to the same Hogwarts School of Bitchery and Snobbery that every other rich kid out there attended.
  • "Of course," Chloe chimed in, beating her sister to the punch. "Vivienne—bless her beautiful soul—was our sister and you're her sister. That makes you our sister too. A sister of Vivienne is a sister of ours. It's simple math."
  • "What she said," Audrey concurred. She paused and then laughed amusedly. "See how she keeps emphasizing the word ‘sister’? She's a bit of a sentimental sap. But seriously, I'm really, really, really thrilled to have someone new to hang out with. This one. . ." she gestured at her sister. ". . .is already sick of me!"
  • "Exactly!" Chloe retorted, shooting Juniper a sympathetic look. "And you'll get why when you spend even a day with this brat."
  • Juniper couldn't help but laugh at the sisters' cute squabble. Anyone could tell they really have a great relationship.
  • "So. . . are you a big or little sister, Juni?" Audrey asked, fluttering her lashes as she anticipated an answer.
  • "Well, I don't know," Juniper replied with a shrug. "I'm 25."
  • "Big sister then! To me that is. I'll be 23 in a few months. But little sister to Chloe. She's 28. . . and still single, if I may add," Audrey rapped, whispering the last part.
  • "No one asked for the input, Audrey," Chloe protested, in feigned annoyance. "And what makes you think I'm single? I have a boyfriend. I'll introduce him to you guys someday."
  • "Yeah riiiight. . ." Audrey drawled obnoxiously. "Anyway, moving on. . . The elders are currently in an important meeting—so they say—and our job is to make you feel at home until they arrive. So let's begin with a tour by your ELEGANT tour guard, Audrey Clermont."
  • Juniper glanced at Chloe. "Is she always this extra?" She whispered in a chuckle.
  • "You have no idea," Chloe returned, shaking her head.
  • After what seemed like an endless journey through every crook and corner of the mansion, the tour finally came to an end, and the trio made their way to the living room.
  • Just as the sisters asked Juniper what she would prefer for refreshment, the door burst open, and a stunningly dashing man sprang through the doorway, his purposeful stride eating up the distance between them.
  • His chiseled features and piercing gaze left Juniper breathless as he approached but before she could breathe a word, he wrapped his arms around Juniper, showering the crown of her head with tender kisses.
  • With his words muffled by her hair, he exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Oh my God! I've finally met you!"