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Chapter 5 His Enemy's Daughter

  • Levi Pov
  • Lunch’s venue was at mum’s favorite place. That was how I knew she was in a good mood.
  • To her, I had discovered the unbroken hymen, broken in and spent the night in another woman’s embrace and so I was smitten. She wasn’t wrong about anything else but the last. I wasn’t smitten, I was more curious instead of who the damn girl was, because she wasn’t Mia.
  • “Mr Donovan, we have arrived,” my Chauffeur informed me and pulled the car to a temporary halt in front of the building. A staff member got the door for me, opening it for me to get down.
  • I got down and made for the booth my mother had always reserved for us, waving my hand in acknowledgement to the staff that littered the road. I knew the place like the back of my palm and could find my way blindfolded.
  • “Mum,” I called as I reached her private booth. She jumped up in excitement and leaped into a hug. I held her in my embrace for a while before my father stood up to give me a shoulder pat, his way of acknowledging me.
  • “Come sit, come sit,” mum squealed impatiently, pulling me in the direction of my chair.
  • “So, how did it go?”
  • I paused, thinking of a way to tackle the issue.
  • “Fine,” I said, after some time. The answer hadn’t satisfied mum, not in the least.
  • “So find any hymen?” She asked casually as the waitress dropped off our meal. The poor girl faltered in her step as she placed the tray on the table.
  • “Yes.”
  • “And did you break it?” This time, the girl choked on her own breath.
  • “Yes mum, and I spent the entire night with her.”
  • Mum erupted with happy noises. “I am so glad Levi, at least now you'll be married. The wagging tongues can be laid to rest. I really hope you were too excited and forgot to put on a condom. She could be pregnant.”
  • I shrugged in response. I did infect forget to wrap up and had definitely spent all my cum inside her. I suddenly felt uneasy.
  • “That is good news, so why do you look like you’ve swallowed lime?” She asked as the waitress left us.
  • “It should be good news, except the person I had done all of this with wasn’t Mia.”
  • The booth went silent, both of my parents were stunned. I decided to help myself to a serving of the curry, it was the only thing I had the appetite to try even though the food that was brought was enough to feed ten people.
  • “What do you mean she wasn’t Mia?” Mum asked.
  • “Well, when I woke up this morning and took a look at the girl who had all of her makeup smudged over the white cased pillows, it was not Mia Weston.”
  • “Does that mean the Weston’s tricked us?”
  • “They did, but I am handling it. I have plans to spoon feed them an equal ratio of the damn drugs they gave me,” I replied with a calm that I didn’t feel.
  • “Just don’t do anything stupid okay?” This time, it was dad who spoke. He looked tired and exhausted.
  • “I already clocked thirty a while back, father. I know what and what lines not to cross, I’m not a kid. I’m not even calling off the engagement, not yet.”
  • The look on mum’s face was one I didn’t have a name for.
  • “This evening, I will be sending the family a message and I will ensure that you’re aware of all of its content. I just have a little digging to do.”
  • *
  • I dug and found a cave filled with skeletons, rotten flesh and pieces of dried bones.
  • The woman I had fucked was supposed to be my sister-in-law. Rina Weston.
  • Dandy had come over to my home hours after the wonderful lunch with my parents. He had news that was best delivered in person, he said.
  • I called his bluff. Personally I just had a feeling he had wanted to witness, first hand, my look of shock when he exposed some truths to me.
  • Now I remember why she looked vaguely familiar. I had seen her a couple of times in passing at family functions, maybe once or twice or even more, I couldn’t tell.
  • “That isn’t all Levi, there’s a lot more I uncovered in a few hours and you would not believe it.”
  • I didn’t know if I was ready to take more shocking news from him.
  • “Go on.”
  • “The Westons adopted her, so she isn’t their biological child. They hadn’t even legally changed her last name, it was like they only took her in out of pity and didn’t really value her as their own.” He went on.
  • “So what’s her last name?” I asked, as some semblance of calm fell over me. She wasn’t biologically related to Mia, so even if I hadn’t discovered it I wouldn’t have screwed two blood sisters, one sacrificing herself for the other.
  • “Fredrick.”
  • “You say it like I am supposed to know something about her last name. The only Fredrick I know is the asshole who killed my wife and our unborn child. The fucker I’ve been searching for to kill the entire time.” I went into a rage at the memory. The memory of the bastard who took everything away from me.
  • “Well, it might please or displease you to know that she’s the kid to that Fredrick.” I freeze. “The man had probably abandoned her for her safety, so she could grow up and live a normal life without the stigma of being a killer's child. He did it out of love probably. And now his amazing daughter whom the Westons had been raising the entire time had opened her legs for you last night. Both the Westons and Fredrick have offended you and I suggest you use her, the one stone that would kill two birds.”
  • The implication of his words floated around the room and I gave it a hard thought. It was enticing and it helped me succeed in at least two of my goals.
  • I plastered a bright smile on my face and rose to my feet stretching out my hand for Dandy. Dandy rose to his feet as well and took my hand.
  • “You are a good man Dandy,” I tell him, giving him a firm handshake.
  • “And so are you Donovan,” he replied. I nodded my head and let go of his hands ringing for a footman. He appeared a few minutes later.
  • “Yes sir?” “Have the chauffeur prepare the vehicle. We shall be going to the Westons to deliver a message before nightfall.”
  • As the footman left, Dan
  • dy cocked his brow at me.
  • “The engagement is still on, only this time I am to marry Rina.”