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Chapter 6

  • Neil’s POV
  • One moment I was enjoying this delicious cupcakes and teasing Alice and the next moment I was on the ground with a growling mate straddling my hips and growling in my face. Now this kind of position could make a mans imagination go really wild.
  • It looks like I underestimated a woman’s passion for ger cupcakes. She looked kind of pissed, and I only took one bite. Now let me tell you one secret that not many people knew about me since I had to maintain my reputation as a heartless and cruel Alpha. I loved cupcakes and judging by my mate’s response to me taking one, I would say she loved them as well. And even though I was in a really weird position I could not help it but chuckle at the realization that hit me, but my mate seemed to not understand what was funny in all this, “What are you chuckling at mutt? I will chew your head of your neck if you dare to touch one more cupcake. Those cupcakes are mine. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. You need to realize this is not your pack and people will do whatever I tell them to do, no matter the fact if you are an Alpha or not. Here people respect ME and no one else, and I had to work hard to get their respect so believe me when I say a spoiled Alpha will not ruin my reputation and respect among my people, do I make myself clear?”
  • Now she hit a nerve. First of all, she called me a mutt which brought back memories of y father who used to call me that even when I had my hands wrapped around his neck and he was at my mercy. The second mistake would be her calling me a brat, spoiled Alpha and all the “nicknames” she gave me since the moment we arrived. And the last straw was probably when she threatened me. No one dared to threaten me, and I was most definitely not expecting to be threatened by my own mate for fuck’s sake!
  • So, in the next moment I rolled around and caught her underneath me in one single move. Now she was at my mercy, and she will listen to me, “Listen to me princess. By your name alone we could have a long discussion as to who is more spoiled. I was never referred as a prince or anything similar, while every pack that exists knows you as a princess. But still, I never called you spoiled, or a brat now did I? Because you see my dear, I like to know a person before I make any assumptions. And never again call me a mutt or I would not be responsible for what follows. You have no idea what kind of memories that single word brings to the front of my mind and believe me, you do not want to know the person I was in those moments, where the memories come from. And lastly, let me inform you one thing. No one dares to threaten me, usually those who dare end up dead, but since you are my mate, I have a different way of torturing you if you dare threaten me one more time. Now, do I make myself clear?” what surprised me was the fact that I managed to tell her all that and stay completely calm, well, calm if you do not count my wolf going crazy since he could feel our mate and smell her and he wanted to claim her as soon as possible, or in his words, preferably right here, right now. But otherwise, I was completely calm.
  • At first Alice only looked at me with eyes wide open, I guess she was used to getting her way and no one standing up to her, which I knew was not because she was spoiled or a brat but rather because she really had a fearful reputation and no one in their right mind would dare stand up to her honestly, but I guess you could say I was not in my right mind since the moment I laid my eyes on her for the first time. But just a moment later she regained her composure and narrowed her eyes at me, “How dare you! Making demands or whatever that was in my pack! Who do you think you are?! Being my mate does not mean you have any kind of ownership over me, in fact it means nothing to me. This mate bond can brake today, and I would not even blink an eye!” now, this part I knew was a lie. Why? Because any wolf that was in a pack felt the break of the mate bond in the most painful way. And I knew for the fact that even that first time when she saw me and tried to break our bond, it hurt her, even though she did not finish her sentence. It was written in her eyes as clear as the day. And sadly, I must say I was not a really smart person when a chance to tease her presented to me, especially since she gave me the chance to tease her all on her own, “Really princess? Why did you not try to reject me again after that first failed attempt? I am sure you have a good reason. Since it looks like you do not want me, then why do you not try to reject me again?”
  • I know I am playing with fire here. Well, and my heart as well, since if she rejects me for real this time when she knows my name, the feeling would be extremely painful for both of us and it would not go away if she would not take back her words, or in case I accepted her rejection the pain would only intensify. There were many cases when rejection ended up with one dead wolf or in some cases even both of them. Some managed to survive the pain of rejection but I was not really willing to try if I was strong enough. And honestly, I was not really fond of pain either. I know it sounds weird since every story about werewolf speaks about violence, pain and the fact that we heal quickly, which is true, but the pain is no walk in the park. In fact, I think our pain is even worse, because we go through the stages of healing so much faster.
  • But my mate was not willing to accept defeat just yet, “You bastard! If I wanted to reject you, I would do so the moment you walked into the kitchen! But I said to myself, why would I do something that could cause me pain? I can just wait for this week to pass and for you to go back home to your pack and we can live like we did before, like we never met. But that you had to go and take one of my special cupcakes, those who my omegas bake just for me, and they are made by a secret recipe which is not known even to me. My father shared it only with two people in the whole pack and even though he died a long time ago, when they make those cupcakes for me is like he is sitting next to me again. Even if the feeling lasts only a few moments, I live for those moments. But I have no idea why I am telling you this since a heartless monster like you, does not know a single thing about a love of a parent, since you killed your own father.”
  • Ouch. Her comment really hurt, but I decided to move from her and sit right next to her so we would still be able to talk. She had to hear my side of the story. Somehow, I just could not live with the fact that she thought so lowly of me, “You might be right in some of your points. I did kill my father, but other things you are wrong. I do know what it is like to have a loving person, in my case, that was my mother. she loved me and she loved my father, her mate. She was a perfect Luna, always putting everyone before her needs, so even when my father had her chained with silver chains in the basement, her only request was, if he had to kill her, to make her a promise and never hurt me or any of the pack members. He made that promise and to his bad luck he made it on a full moon, so each time when he tried to break that promise it was like he was battling a wall. I guess the Moon Goddess alone did not allow him to break the promise he made. And yes, once I found out what he did to my mother, I killed him, and even now I feel no regret for my actions. Why? Because he killed the only person that ever cared about me.” My last words were just a whisper, but I knew she heard me. We had good hearing. But what she did next surprised me, nonetheless. She took my hand in hers and squeezed lightly so I looked into her eyes, “I am sorry for making assumptions, and I am sorry for your loss. I guess we are both damaged somehow. My mother managed to betray her own mate and destroyed our whole pack with her army of wolves. So that is the reason why I became such a ruthless bitch. I want her head, as much as you wanted your father’s after you found out the truth. But I have no idea where she is. I made it clear I want everyone to call me by that nickname because it reminds me of the only person that cares about me now, since my father is dead. It is a nickname my brother gave me, and that night when my mother attacked our pack, he was kidnaped. But I can feel it in my gut he is still alive. I have no idea why, but I know I need to find him soon, because I have a feeling he is running out of time.” All I could do was just stare at her.
  • She was right. We were both damaged and surprisingly in a similar way. The only difference was that both my parents were dead. One by my hands and one by her mates’ hands. Alice still had her mother alive, but she wanted her dead which I could completely understand. From her story I could tell that her father and brother were those who gave her love and taught her how to be the person she is today, and her mother was just a distant relative in a way for her.
  • I might regret this later, but as I was looking in her eyes I could not find it in me to mind the regret that might hit me later, “I will help you find her and destroy her kingdom of rogues.”