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Chapter 3

  • Alice's POV
  • "Are you sure it's a good idea?"
  • Jessy must have asked me the same question at least a thousand times already.
  • "Yes Jessy. I am sure. I was hiding behind a mask every time we left our territory for the past 6 years. I think it's time I show myself. I am tired of hiding. You know me. I never was a coward."
  • She gave me a soft smile and a hug.
  • "I know Alice. But you know we worry about you. You may be our Alpha, but you are still our best friend."
  • I looked at Ashton who was sitting on the sofa not far from us. He was also nodding his head even though ever since that horrendous night he didn't speak much.
  • Since my mother was the traitor, it hit us all hard. We all lost both parents that night and my brother was kidnapped. I could still not wrap my head around the fact that she was able to kidnap and harm her own son.
  • Ever since we tried to find him, but to no avail.
  • The worst part was we had to take over the pack the same day we lost everything.
  • But I was convinced I did not deserve my position in our pack especially not a leading one, since my mother was the one who betrayed us and was the reason that all our leading families were dead and many other wolves as well. There were at least five hundred deaths that night and the whole pack had a hard time dealing with the loss. But we over came the obstacles and build back our reputation, making sure everyone knew we were to be feared.
  • It took Ashton and Jessy almost a full year to convince me, that the position was rightfully mine and that I was a good and respected Alpha among our pack members even though I was a woman. But there were still days when I felt unworthy of their trust.
  • Ashton though felt he had to take care of me and Jessy since he was the only male in our trio. You could say our pack became much more matriarchal since I took over the pack.
  • Ashton did everything in his power to always keep me and Jessy safe.
  • A few times he barely got away alive in fights with rogues, but I found my powers were not limited only to the wolf's side.
  • Each day I found something new I was capable of.
  • So far, we found out I could help my pack heal faster with my powers, I could "smell" when someone was lying, and when I got really pissed, it wasn't good to be anywhere near me. When anger took over my body my eyes became neon green colored, and it felt like some force was pushing its way from my insides.
  • Anyone that was the source of my anger was immobilized from the force, and that way we captured many rogues in the past and managed to question them before ending their miserable lives.
  • I guess the worst was when we found out that my mother was still alive and was now the queen of rogues. She ruled next to the king.
  • But we had no idea who the king was, it was obvious though they wanted something from our pack, since they kept coming back, and the only difference between that awful night and each of the attacks that followed was that I was expecting the attacks.
  • Also, the night they took everything from me, was the night my soul froze.
  • I was incapable of loving anyone except for my pack.
  • Everyone else that stood in my way was just collateral damage.
  • I can't even remember the last time I cared about someone that was not a part of my pack.
  • I still ruled the same way my father did, just with a little bit more thirst for blood.
  • Everyone in our pack was still treated equally.
  • My pack respected me. And I don't mean just higher ranks. I mean everyone. Even those who others saw as only lower ranked wolves.
  • They were as important as warriors or my beta and gamma.
  • But where we fought for our pack, they made sure we weren't hungry, they took care of anyone that got sick, made sure kids were educated etcetera.
  • So, you see everyone had its role in our pack and everyone was respected for it as well.
  • We might have lost many warriors that night, but we managed to build back our power and respect among other packs.
  • Well respect was mostly built on fear, but I did not care.
  • I was willing to do anything to keep my pack safe and prevent what happened 6 years ago.
  • You might wonder why I am thinking so much about that day at this moment.
  • It was because once more I was standing in front of my mirror looking at my reflection.
  • This time I was wearing a silver dress with long sleeves that hid my ink which spread on both my arms and down my back.
  • I wasn't trying to hide it, I was proud of it, but it sure made a better first impression without intimidating other alphas that were coming to our pack for the ball.
  • My blond wavy hair was falling freely over my back and only a few pins kept it from falling on my face.
  • I decided to go make -up free today and the only jewelry I had on me was the necklace my father once gave me.
  • The pendant on it was in the shape of a heart and decorated with a huge green stone.
  • The color matched my eyes perfectly.
  • I had my two friends beside me, but I couldn't help it.
  • In a way it felt like that day 6 years ago.
  • "Nothing will go wrong tonight, Alice. I promise. I've seen the future, and it might be the best night of your life if you just forget some things from the past."
  • I scrunch my nose at the words my wolf Lily said inside my head.
  • "Those things should never be forgotten Lily. You know the pain we went through. So don't try to convince me otherwise."
  • With a huff of frustration, she retreated into the back of my mind.
  • "Lily nagging you about your mate again?"
  • It was Ashton who brought me back from my thoughts. I gave him a nod and he rolled his eyes.
  • "I have no idea what it is with our wolves and mates. We are happy without them. I will never accept my mate. No way."
  • This kind of conversation was always something we could not agree completely. Jessy still wanted to find her fated mate and stay with him for as long as she lived. But me and Ashton did not agree with her. Even though we were best friends I had no idea what Ashton’s reasons were for being so against finding his mate, but my reasons were obvious. I would never trust my heart to someone that was chosen for me from the Moon Goddess and I was just supposed to accept him and love him unconditionally without any real reason or explanation.
  • I just gave him a smile and told both my best friends it was time for us to go downstairs.
  • First guests will be arriving soon.
  • I have no idea why but alpha of the Blood howlers let us know they would be here around lunch time, and as an alpha I had a duty to greet them once they arrived.
  • We were standing in front of our pack house when 2 black SUVs stopped in front of us.
  • First the drivers stepped out and I was surprised the other members weren't some spoiled alpha and beta. They opened their doors and stepped out.
  • And suddenly my heart began racing and Lily started panting in my head.
  • "What's going on Lily?"
  • "He is here. He came. Please don't ruin everything."
  • Her words confused me, but I had no time to dwell on it because suddenly Ashton growled at the man that stepped from the first car and was holding his hand out to a pretty brunette.
  • All eyes went to my gamma, but he had eyes on the woman.
  • Suddenly it all made sense when he growled out his next words.
  • "Mine!"
  • Shit!
  • He found his mate. But that was another thing that would have to wait because a strong intoxicating smell hit me.
  • It smelled of cinnamon and apples.
  • It was the best smell I ever encountered.
  • And another growl could be heard from the other side of me.
  • I turned my head to see a tall man with black hair and blue eyes that pulled me closer to him.
  • Without me even realizing it I was moving towards him.
  • But his next words made me freeze on the spot.
  • "Mate!"
  • No!
  • No!
  • Not now!
  • And why him? Why do I have to reject such a handsome mate? I was hoping for someone ugly that wouldn't make my heart go into overdrive but of course I wasn't so lucky.
  • "I, Alice Hell alpha of the Blood moon pack reject…"
  • My words died on my lips when he growled my way.
  • "You don't even know my name or who I am, but you are willing to reject me?"
  • Shivers ran down my spine. And to my horror they were pleasant shivers.
  • But I couldn't give in to the mate bond.
  • No!
  • The bond just made you blind to the truth!
  • But he was right. I didn't even know his name, and to reject him I had to know it!
  • "I don't want a mate! I don't care for your status, your bloodline, nothing! I promised a long time ago that once I met my mate, I would reject him. And here you are. Now your name so we can get this over with!"
  • A dark chuckle escaped him before he stepped right in front of me.
  • He had to bend a little so he could look into my eyes.
  • "Now that I know how badly you want to reject me, I think I will not give you, my name. Maybe if you manage to prove to me, we are not a good match, I will give it to you after the ball."
  • With mischief written in his eyes he gave me a peck on the lips and moved around me and to Jessy who introduced herself and led our visitors to their rooms.
  • I stood there frozen and lifted my head to look at the sky.
  • "Why moon goddess? Why would you send such a gorgeous stubborn mate my way?"
  • I shook my head and turned around, only to be met with my gamma kissing that brunette from Blood howler’s pack.
  • Well at least one of us changed his mind.
  • I was happy for Ashton but wondered.
  • If he could forget whatever his reservations were, why could I not?