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Chapter 2

  • “Grandma,” I choked out as I stumbled into our room. Everything was thrown off when I abruptly entered, and clothes spilled into a disorganized mess on the floor. “Brayden... he’s a beast. I saw him change from a wolf into a human!”
  • I stared at her, expecting her to be as shocked as I was. But she remained quiet, continuing her task of transferring the clothes from the luggage to the dresser. I tilted my head in confusion, unsure of how to interpret her lack of response.
  • “Did you hear me?” I asked softly, reaching out to touch her arm. “He’s a monster, Grandma. And not just because of how he acted toward me.”
  • Grandma Estelle paused, lowering herself to sit in front of me. Her eyes held an odd calmness. “I know, Aliyah. The Connor family, including the servants, is not ordinary.”
  • “N-no way...” My mouth parted as I gazed at her. “Are you saying that the entire house is full of... of werewolves? And we’re living among them?”
  • It was a fact that I was curious as to why Grandma Estelle seemed so unbothered by what I’d just told her. But the confession itself made me even more uneasy and terrified. So all the Connors were unordinary, and that was in a bad way. It was as though anytime soon, there was someone who would attack our door and hurt us. Or perhaps someone was actually listening in and watching us right now!
  • I wrapped my arms around my body as goosebumps formed on my arms. The idea that we were literally trapped in this mansion with potentially dangerous secrets was making it hard for me to breathe.
  • Grandma Estelle nodded gently. “Yes, dear. I know it’s a lot to take in, but this is the world we now live in.”
  • Feeling dizzy, I stumbled over to the small water station in the corner of the room and poured myself a glass. The cold liquid did little to quench the fire of confusion burning inside me. Taking a deep breath, I sat down again in front of my grandmother, my questions bubbling up like a pot about to boil over. “Grandma, how can this be real? I mean, werewolves, supernatural creatures... It all sounds like something out of a storybook.”
  • “Oh, Aliyah,” Grandma Estelle said, reaching out to hold my hand. “I know it’s hard to believe, but there are many things in this world that we don’t fully understand. And sometimes, those things find their way into our lives, whether we’re prepared for them or not. Okay, let me enlighten you a little...”
  • I just stared at her, not knowing what to say. I kept my mouth shut, but I did listen as she continued to disclose the secret about the Connor family and the world of wolf shifters.
  • “Alpha Theon and Luna Layla are the leaders of this pack, and their children, Brayden and Brenda, are Betas. But soon, Brayden will take his father’s place as Alpha, and Brenda will be arranged to marry another Alpha. She will marry another Alpha from a different pack. It’s preferable if her husband is also her mate.”
  • “Mate?” My confusion deepened, and it felt like my head was about to explode. “What does that even mean?”
  • “Ah, that’s a bit more complicated,” Grandma Estelle said with a small smile, patting my hand reassuringly. “But for now, just know that it’s an important part of their culture and traditions.”
  • “Grandma, this is all so... so overwhelming. I don’t understand any of it. And to think we’re here because of Dad’s hospital bills, I just can’t imagine how we’re ever going to pay off such a huge debt.”
  • The sharp sting of reality settled in my chest like a cold, heavy weight, and I couldn’t help but feel that life was cruel and unfair. Why do the less fortunate always bear the brunt of life’s hardships? And why did those in higher positions do nothing but push us further down, exacerbating our struggles?
  • “Grandma, I can’t believe the Connors would require us to pay off this debt. Dad worked for them for years, and they never mentioned it before. They must know how much we’re struggling. How are we ever supposed to repay such a massive debt?”
  • Grandma Estelle’s face softened as she hugged me close, her warm embrace somehow brought me enough comfort to ease my nerves. “Aliyah, don’t blame yourself or the Connors for our financial situation. Life is unpredictable, and sometimes hardships are unpreventable.”
  • I reluctantly pulled away from her hug. “But Grandma, how can you say it’s not their fault? They’re forcing us to live among these strange people. It’s terrifying and surreal!”
  • “I know it’s difficult, Aliyah, but the Connors are actually good people. Your father chose to work for them because he believed in their cause. The outer world is not safe, especially for someone like you. The Connor pack is our safest haven.”
  • “Someone like me?” I echoed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. But instead of pressing further, I chose to wrap my arms around her again, looking for comfort in her warm embrace.
  • As we continued to sort through the mess of clothes and belongings that now cluttered our room, Grandma Estelle paused for a moment and squeezed my shoulder, saying, “Remember, Aliyah, you must call Theon ‘Alpha Theon’ and Layla ‘Luna Layla.’ Sir or Ma’am won’t do here. And don’t forget to address Brayden and Brenda as Beta.”
  • I nodded reluctantly, though my unease only grew. “Okay, Grandma. I’ll try to remember all of this. But please, promise me that we’ll find a way out of this debt someday. I can’t stand living like this.”
  • Grandma Estelle’s eyes filled with determination as she took my hands in hers. “I promise, Aliyah.
  • ***
  • That night, I was expecting to be working in the grand lobby since I wasn’t yet familiar with the kitchen. But to my surprise, Beta Brenda assigned me to serve in the upscale dining area as the other servants were already occupied with their tasks. Preparing for the evening made me feel both nervous and excited. And when I entered the dining area for the first time, the upscale atmosphere and the aroma of delectable food filled the air.
  • I tried my best to move efficiently around the Connors’ dining room, acutely aware that their eyes were on me. It was as though my breaths were being counted as well as my every step. The room’s luxurious atmosphere seemed to increase my nervousness, making me hyper-aware of the delicate china that adorned the table. I was careful not to spill anything or make any sudden, clumsy movements as I served each dish. My hands were shaking a little.
  • Calm down, Aliyah. I kept reminding myself. There is no way they will eat you. The food on their plates is much tastier than you.
  • Alpha Theon sat at the head of the table. His dark hair was slicked back, and his chiseled features held a stern expression, making me feel even more self-conscious. Luna Layla, on the other hand, exuded an air of poise and grace, her auburn hair falling in loose waves around her delicate features.
  • Brenda, sitting quietly and mostly unnoticed, appeared lost in her own thoughts. She seemed to be doing her best to ignore the tension that crackled around us, her eyes downcast and lips pressed into a thin line.
  • And Brayden...
  • The guy’s eyes seemed to follow me as I worked, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. His gaze made me feel exposed like he was trying to pry open the thoughts that swirled inside my head. I couldn’t help but wonder if his curiosity in me stemmed from my being a human girl or our earlier encounter when he had shifted from wolf to man before my very eyes.
  • “Is your name Aliyah?” Alpha Theon’s deep voice broke through the silence, causing me to nearly drop the serving dish I was holding. I felt my nerves heighten as every pair of eyes turned towards me. My posture stiffened, and I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond to his direct question.
  • “Y-yes, Alpha Theon. My name is Aliyah Martin.”
  • To my surprise, he softened slightly. “I’m sorry for your loss, Aliyah. Your father, Ruben, passed away only a month ago. His untimely death has left us all heartbroken.”
  • “We will always remember Ruben Martin as a kind and honorable member of our pack. You are not alone in your grief, Aliyah. We are here for you during this difficult time,” Luna Layla added as she placed her tea cup back on the saucer. “If there’s anything we can do to support you, please don’t hesitate to ask.”
  • I blinked back tears, trying to compose myself. Despite the Alpha and the Luna’s intimidating presence, I hadn’t expected them to have such a tender and genuine side. They seemed to really care. Guilt washed over me for feeling so much anger towards them earlier.
  • “Thank you, Alpha Theon, Luna Layla,” I murmured, gazing down at the table. “I appreciate your kindness and willingness to help. It means a lot to me.”
  • “You’re welcome,” Luna Layla said with a smile. “You are now free to leave and prepare your own meal. We’ll call you if we need anything else.”
  • Lowering my head slightly, I couldn’t help but think about how wrong my first thoughts about them had been. It made me realize that I should never judge someone by their cover.
  • As I retread back to the kitchen, I could feel my cheeks flushing. Seriously, why was I assigned to the dining hall when there were so many maids in the mansion? And why was Brayden staring at me as if I were food in his mouth? I took a few deep breaths as I prepared a vegetable salad for me and Grandma Estelle.
  • Bloated by my thoughts, I jumped when someone entered the kitchen. Expecting it to be Alpha Theon or Luna Layla, I turned and forced a smile, only to find Brayden leaning against the doorway, his gaze locked onto mine.
  • “We need to talk, Aliyah.”
  • I felt a chill in the air as he strode toward me. His piercing blue eyes sparkled, and he seemed to radiate a constant source of power from within. I trembled for a split second before our eyes met, and his enchanting smile seared my entire body.
  • “I’m so sorry,” he said knowingly, seeing my surprised expression. “But, before you storm out of here again, let me say this—friends?” He extended his hand. “Come on, I know it’s unbelievable, but we have to put our differences aside and try to be friends instead. So, can we start over?”
  • “Y-you want us to be...friends?”
  • ‘Why is he befriending me right now?’ Aside from our awkward first meeting, I was just one of their maids.
  • “Am I hard to treat as a friend?”
  • I was taken aback by his question, but I appreciated his effort to make me feel comfortable. “No, it’s not that,” I replied with a smile. “It’s just that I never thought someone like you would want to be friends with someone like me.”
  • He chuckled and said, “Well, you never know. Maybe I’m just pretending to be nice so I can lure you into my lair and eat you alive like a big, bad wolf.”
  • We both laughed and the next thing I knew, I was accepting his gesture of friendship. “Friends, it is.” I beamed, feeling my heart rate slow as I realized he meant no harm.
  • “Cool.” He flashed a charming smile, placing the plate on the counter in front of me. “And as my first friendship offering, I made dessert.” He gestured toward the pasta.
  • I couldn’t help but be suspicious, wondering what his hidden agenda was. But then I remembered Grandma telling me about the Connor family being werewolves with their own code of ethics and honor.
  • “Thank you,” I said gratefully, reaching for the plate and taking a bite of the creamy food. It was delicious; the flavors mixed on my tongue, leaving me wanting more. “This is really good.”
  • Brayden’s face broke out into a grin at my words. “Thanks,” he said, looking pleased with himself. “I love cooking. It helps soothe my wolf side.”
  • “Wolf side?” I repeated it, still struggling to come to terms with the fact that werewolves were real.
  • “Yeah,” he elaborated, leaning against the counter next to me. “We’re not just humans; we’re also wolves. We have two sides to us, and sometimes it’s hard to balance both.”
  • “That’s so interesting,” I said, genuinely intrigued. “So, do you feel like a wolf all the time?”
  • Brayden chuckled, showing off his dimple on the right cheek. “Not all the time. Only when the moon is full or when my emotions get too heightened. It takes practice and control to keep it at bay.”
  • His answer left me with even more questions, but I didn’t want to pry too much. His unique situation genuinely intrigued me, and couldn’t wait to learn more about it.
  • “Well, you’re really good at cooking.” I complimented him, feeling a strange sense of companionship with him despite our initial tension.
  • “Thank you,” he said, locking his gaze on mine that made me feel like I hadn’t felt before. “And welcome to Pack Connor.”
  • We stayed there for a while longer, chatting idly about nothing in particular as we finished our meal. I realized that my initial fears about living among werewolves were slowly dissipating. Perhaps this house wasn’t so bad after all.