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Chapter 10 The Syndrome and Enormous Medical Expenses

  • As Danny spoke slowly, a playful smile appeared on Lydia's face.
  • "Not bad, it seems you do have some knowledge. It's quite extraordinary for you to even know about my childhood illness. However, I've already recovered."
  • A hint of disappointment appeared in Lydia's eyes. She had high hopes for Danny before she came and was very interested. Although he had shown his medical skills, it wasn't as impressive as she had expected.
  • "Recovered?" Danny chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "I believe that your illness hasn't been cured; rather, it has become more severe."
  • Lydia raised an eyebrow, a hint of displeasure appearing on her face.
  • Danny ignored her and continued, "The reason you haven't experienced the weak and sickly condition from your childhood is only partially due to an increase in your immune system."
  • "As a person grows, their blood and qi gradually strengthen, and their strength and speed increase accordingly. Your syndrome hasn't disappeared but has merged with your blood and qi."
  • "As a result, although you can temporarily suppress this coldness, it will penetrate your blood and qi over time, continuously eroding your vitality."
  • Danny's words made Lydia's eyes show a hint of disgust. She felt that his words were baseless.
  • "During your monthly menstruation, you should feel extremely cold, with unbearable pain, and a feeling of being on pins and needles. No matter what method you use, you can't solve it. I wonder, Miss Dawson, am I right?"
  • After Danny finished speaking, he confidently looked at Lydia.
  • This so-called syndrome was a rare congenital condition that was almost incurable. Most people with this condition would die at an early age.
  • At his words, it was as if Lydia had been struck by lightning. Her eyes widened, and her face turned pale as paper as she looked at Danny in disbelief. What he described was exactly the same as what she had experienced! Yet, how did he know?
  • As her illness was quite private, Lydia only told her mother. Even when she went to see a doctor, she had someone else go and get the medicine for her. Her identity was special, and if it were to be known, it would surely cause a commotion.
  • "At most three to five years or at least ten months to a year, you will probably perish, Miss Dawson."
  • Danny's expression gradually became serious as he solemnly spoke.
  • Boom!
  • Lydia was stunned, and her mind went blank.
  • What is he saying? Am I going to die?
  • The next moment, a burst of radiance appeared in Lydia's eyes as she stared at Danny intently. "You can cure it, right?"
  • "Since I can talk about it, it is natural that I can cure it." Danny nodded.
  • The illness was quite tricky, but it was not difficult for Danny. The Azure Sac Immortal Scripture had countless methods, including the syndrome. Even incurable diseases would be easily treated when Danny broke through to the third level. Now, the set of Seven Star Needles in his hand was enough to cure Lydia.
  • "Then please save me." Lydia's expression was resolute as she requested immediately without beating around the bush.
  • Danny smiled. How straightforward.
  • "I'll give you the medicine. Take it after sunset. Use the medicinal power tonight to suppress the accumulated illness in your body. Come find me tomorrow for treatment. If I were to treat you directly, once the illness erupts, it would be disastrous. Your body is too weak to bear it, and it could lead to calamity."
  • Danny stood up, walked behind the counter, and packed several packets of medicine for Lydia.
  • "Do you know how to decoct the medicine?" Remember, use low heat to evaporate all the medicinal power. Forget it... I'll write down the steps for you so you won't mess it up." Danny muttered to himself and wrote down the method of decocting the medicine for Lydia before stopping.
  • Holding the medicine and looking at Danny before her, Lydia suddenly smiled. It was a stunning sight, enough to collapse mountains and even rivers. At that moment, the only thought in Danny's mind was, What a beautiful smile!
  • "I'm leaving. The payment is on your desk, and the password is your birthday."
  • Lydia scrunched, picked up the medicine, and turned to leave. The sunlight fell on her skin, giving her an even more enchanting, fair complexion.
  • "The password? My birthday? How does she know my birthday?"
  • Danny was stunned, murmuring in confusion.
  • He had only prescribed some medicine, and the treatment hadn't started yet. How much did she pay for it?
  • On the consultation table, the bank card was extremely eye-catching.
  • "Miss Dawson, did you give too much?" Danny hurriedly chased after her, shouting at Lydia's back.
  • Could it be that there was only ten or twenty dollars in the bank card?
  • He didn't think Lydia would play such a prank on him, especially since she would still need him for treatment. After all, it was unlikely for a patient to play tricks on a doctor.
  • "This is the payment for two people. Take it, and rest assured!"
  • Lydia didn't turn around; she waved her arm and disappeared around the corner.
  • Two people? Danny was a little puzzled.
  • After a moment, in front of the ATM, Danny entered the password and waited for the screen to change. When he saw a series of numbers appear on the screen, Danny's eyes almost popped out, his brain buzzing, and his heartbeat pounding like a drum.
  • 1.5 million!