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Chapter 5

  • I gave the key to her and stormed out, not after giving Olivia a glaring look. Getting a taxi was easy and I was soon on my way to the mall. Hannah sent the list to me, as I was about to enter the mall. I found it difficult to shop for food, but with the help of the sales clerk, I was able to get everything on the list.
  • On my way home, I texted my friends.
  • I am sorry girls. I won't be making it to the art exhibition. Olivia's in-laws are coming over for dinner.
  • That's good news but it's bad you are not coming to the exhibition. Lucy replied.
  • I am so sorry I messed up today.
  • You don't have to be. Girl, we've got you. Claire wrote.
  • We will send you every picture we take. You won't miss a thing. Lucy wrote.
  • Thanks, girls. I love you.
  • I stared out of the window and realized I was close to the house already. I quickly texted Claire and Lucy.
  • I have to go. I am home already.
  • Have fun! Claire wrote and I scoffed.
  • There is no fun for me in the house.
  • I placed my phone into my coat pocket and stepped out of the taxi. Taking the bags, I headed inside the house.
  • "Are you just getting back?" my dad asked and I nodded.
  • He was seated on the couch with some papers in his hands and some books on the table.
  • I dropped the bags on the floor. "You seem busy."
  • "Yes. I am having a meeting tomorrow." he said.
  • "Can I come with you to..."
  • I noticed he wasn't listening to me and I sighed.
  • He gestured with his hands. "You should join Hannah in the kitchen. She needs all the help she can get."
  • I shrugged. Not like I can cook or do the dishes. I do not know how to do any proper house chores. I will practically be useless in the kitchen anyway.
  • "I will" I muttered, before joining Hannah in the kitchen.
  • "Hi, Hannah. These are the items you..."
  • "It's a good thing you are back. Drop them over there and wash your hands to join me." she pointed at the table.
  • I dropped them on the table and sighed.
  • "Is there anything I can eat? I feel so hungry right now."
  • "You should take some cereal. I haven't made any food since you left."
  • I rolled my eyes. "I will get myself some."
  • "Pass me the cabbage on the table.". I passed the cabbage to her. "Eat quickly, Olive, so you can help me out."
  • I nodded and went to the cabinet to get a pack of cereal and a bottle of milk. I poured some cereal into a bowl and added some milk and sugar before settling down on the stool to eat.
  • I brought out my phone and began to press it.
  • Lucy sent me some pictures and I whined slightly.
  • "Are you okay?" Hannah asked.
  • I showed her the pictures on my phone. "I should be with them."
  • She sighed. "You should be but you aren't. Get yourself together."
  • I nodded. "I know I should and I feel so bad about it."
  • "I know you do. But Olive, you can always go with them another day. Right now, you are needed here."
  • I sighed. "What help can I render here?" I asked.
  • "You can help with the vegetables. But that will be after you clear up that table."
  • She pointed at the empty pack of cereal and bottled milk and i rolled my eyes. "I will do that."
  • I cleared the table and turned to face her. "Can I get to work now?"
  • She nodded. "I hope you can cut them properly?"
  • I scoffed slightly, walking closer to her. "If you know I can't, why do you need my help here?"
  • She sighed, facing me. "Olive, we both know that you are not good with house chores."
  • I shrugged. "Does that matter here? I do not think it does."
  • "Olive, all I want is for you to be a better person and..."
  • I rolled my eyes. "Hannah, spare me your sermon, please."
  • She sighed but said nothing. I began to rinse the vegetables she gave me. After washing a few of them, I sighed.
  • "Olive, wash them properly," Hannah said. "We can't afford to have dirt on them."
  • I nodded. "I will try my best not to leave dirt on them."
  • "And please chop them quickly." she added.
  • I began to chop them and Hannah would not stop nagging. "Olive, chop them properly," she said. "Those are too big. No, these are really, too small. Olive, chop them quickly."
  • I groaned. "Hannah, can you let me do this at my own pace?"
  • "I can't let you do that. There is no time. We also have to do a perfect job to leave a good impression on those coming."
  • "That has nothing to do with me." I murmured.
  • "Olivia would have done them better," Hannah said and I dropped the knife with a thud.
  • "Are you going to chop them yourself?" I said almost in a yell. "Or you ask your beloved Olivia to get them done". Hannah stared at me. "You know what, I am done here. I do not care what anyone has to say about it. I am leaving!"
  • I washed my hands and dried them with a towel.
  • "Olive, you are not leaving. Are you?"
  • I pulled off the apron. "I am done!"
  • I left the kitchen and found my way to the living room.
  • My dad stared at me. "Are you done...". I shrugged but said nothing. "You seem to be heading out. Where are you going?"
  • "I am going to see my friends," I said walking towards the door.
  • "Olive, are you not going to help out in the kitchen anymore?"
  • I stopped and turned to face him. "I am not needed". He furrowed his brows and I sighed. "I do not do things properly. I do not do things the way Olivia will. I am not needed here and I will remain invincible just like you and Mom wanted.". I waved at him, walking away.
  • "Olive!" my dad called after me.
  • "Bye, Dad."
  • I walked out of the house, texting Claire that I was on my way to the art exhibition. I met my mom and Olivia on the way.
  • "I knew it," my mom said and I sighed.
  • "Where are you going?" Olivia asked.
  • "To see my friends" I muttered.
  • "Are you done helping Hannah?" my mom asked but I said nothing. "Get back inside." she commanded.
  • "I won't do that" I replied.
  • "Olive!" my mom called.
  • "Please, mom. I have to go." I said walking away.
  • "Will you at least be back before the Campbells will be here?" Olivia yelled after me.
  • "I can't promise that." I replied.
  • "Let her go," my mom said.
  • Without looking at my mom or Olivia, I stopped a taxi and headed to the art exhibition ground. Claire and Lucy waited for me outside.
  • "I thought you were joking when you said you were coming," Lucy said.
  • "I wasn't." I replied.
  • "I can't believe you left the house when you should be helping out. Are you done helping out in the house?" Claire asked and I frowned.
  • "Are you happy to see me or not?" I replied with an eye roll.
  • "Of course we are," Lucy said. "We do not..."
  • "I don't want to hear any other words. Knowing that you're happy to see me is enough."
  • Claire tugged me slightly. "It's good to have you here though."
  • I smiled. "I know. Can we go check things out? I am so eager to do that"
  • "There are lots of sculptures you will love," Lucy said.
  • "Anyone from the faceless sculptor?"
  • "I think there is." Lucy answered and I shrieked in happiness.
  • "Can we check that out first?"
  • Lucy chuckled. "Of course, we can."