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Chapter 3 Five Years Later

  • Rosaline walked out of the bathroom in a white towel, slipped into her fur slippers, and walked towards her phone that beeped, indicating that a notification had just entered.
  • She picked it up and opened the picture her informant had sent to her, and smiled. This was a picture of Cassandra coming from a cab, with luggage.
  • She dialed the number and the receiver picked up almost immediately. “Ma’am.”
  • “Where’s she heading to?” she asked.
  • “I don't know. I've been following her since she lodged out of the hotel room this morning.”
  • “Keep following her,” she started.
  • She needed this woman out of their lives completely.
  • “Take her when you get the chance and scare her. Threaten her. I repeat, only threaten her to stay away from Lucian. Don’t be stupid to mention my name. Make sure she's scared enough before you let her go. Okay?”
  • “Yes, ma'am.”
  • “Good,” Rosaline added and then ended the call.
  • She threw her phone on the bed, strolled towards the table, picked up her glass of alcoholic wine, and sipped it slowly.
  • Last night, when Lucian had come to her place. He had told her that he had signed the divorce papers.
  • What he probably didn't know was that Cassandra had left the house in the morning and she knew because she had men prying into the woman’s daily life.
  • At first, she was going to wait till Lucian cast the woman out of the house himself, but it was getting longer than they had planned.
  • The plan was to divorce her after a year of their arranged marriage.
  • When it seemed that Lucian wasn't going to send Cassandra away anytime soon. She tried to dig up dirt on the woman. But, damn, Cassandra was just too committed to their arranged marriage.
  • So, she had no other choice than to do it her way.
  • She paid some washed-up prostitute, took pictures of her, and then had it photoshopped.
  • Technology had advanced. No one was going to believe it wasn't Cassandra in those dirty pictures.
  • She sent them anonymously to Mrs. Brenda Go, Lucian’s mother.
  • She was surely more than anyone that Mrs. Brenda wouldn't let that go.
  • Of course, Lucian fell for it!
  • After all, he also needed reasons to toss the woman away.
  • She'd do anything to help in tossing the woman away if it meant she could be with Lucian.
  • Lucian and she were childhood friends and since they were kids, they have always promised to marry each other.
  • Everyone knew of their love together, her parents, Lucian’s mother except for his grandfather who suddenly turned cold to her for some reasons best known to him.
  • She could care less. She didn't know how much influence the old man had on Lucian till he suddenly wanted him to marry Cassandra. And to her utmost surprise, Lucian had accepted without much protest!
  • Rosaline after spending the night with Lucian last night felt as if Lucian was having second thoughts about the divorce. It could be her thoughts because she knew better that Lucian couldn't have the woman so close to him.
  • She needed Cassandra to go far away on her accord. It was going to be a disaster if Lucian suddenly wanted to find his ex-wife again. After all, Lucian was so unpredictable.
  • ***
  • Cassandra finally stopped walking and then looked around again. She had been walking for a while and had no idea how long she had walked.
  • She had nowhere to go and that realization kept bringing tears to her eyes.
  • Before her marriage to Lucian, she was the type of person that kept few friends, and when the news of her marriage with the billionaire spread. People stayed away from her.
  • She didn't have a house to return to, and neither did she have anyone waiting for her.
  • She had spent the night at a hotel, and Cassandra knew that she couldn't live there forever. She needed to go out and find another place to live.
  • She still had some money, and hopefully, it would be enough before Lucian sent the Alimony as promised.
  • Maybe she was too impulsive, maybe if she had stayed back to beg the man more, he might have given her another chance.
  • ‘Oh, poor Cassie, this is definitely not the time to blame yourself or anything. It's over now!’ she scolded.
  • However, it didn't take long before she noticed the black van that had been trailing slowly behind her.
  • At first, it was her imagination till she stopped in front of a motorcycle, titled the mirror, and watched the van stop moving.
  • Those people were following her, and she was sure of that.
  • Who sent them?
  • Lucian?
  • Lucian’s mother?
  • Or, Rosaline?
  • She resumed walking, this time faster than before.
  • It didn't take long before the van stopped in front of her, giving off a loud screech.
  • Cassandra flinched, unconsciously dropped her bag, and turned to look into the van that just opened.
  • “Hi, where are you going? You could use a ride,” one of them said with a wide grin.
  • “N…no, thank you.” she trembled and then lowered to pick up her bag.
  • “Come on, don't be stubborn!” he got down from the van and grabbed her hand.
  • “I don't need a ride. I'm home already. That's my house there,” she shivered as she pointed randomly.
  • “There? There is no house there.”
  • Cassandra turned to look where she had pointed and before she knew it, the man had carried her up and then dropped her inside the van.
  • Another man held her while the man grabbed her bag, threw it inside the van, and hurried in.
  • “Where are you taking me to?! Do you know who I am?” She screamed as soon as the car got in motion.
  • “Oh, please, shut her up. Will you?” The man behind the wheels groaned.
  • “How much were you paid? I’ll give you more. I have so much money and…” she was still saying when she felt a handkerchief cover her nose. She couldn't protest for long before she allowed the darkness to take over her.
  • ***
  • Cassandra opened her eyes with a frown and looked around slowly. Realizing that she was alone in the vehicle, she sat up hurriedly and the wave of nausea hit her, making her remember that she was pregnant and needed to be safe for herself and her baby.
  • Cassandra moved to the edge of the car seat and took a peek outside the opened van only to realize that she was alone in the unfamiliar and secluded environment.
  • She alighted from the van gently, tiptoeing, and walked away from it slowly. Cassandra hadn't walked quite a distance before she heard, “Where the fuck do you think you are going?”
  • She turned to look at the men who were standing near the van and then got into a race.
  • “Fuck, get her!” one of the men shouted and she could only increase her pace.
  • “Gosh, she's fast!” she heard one of them shout but only kept running.
  • She's not going to let these people kill her. She bet they had no idea how large her survival instinct was.
  • *
  • After a while of running, Cassandra halted abruptly and glanced down. ‘Gosh, this was a dead end,’ she mumbled to herself as she kicked a stone down the cliff.
  • “Nowhere to run to anymore, milady?” one of the guys finally arrived, panting heavily and the others arrived shortly after.
  • “What do you want from me?! Did Lucian send you to do this to me?!” she shouted.
  • “That’s why you should not be obsessed with what wasn't yours,” he said
  • “How much did he pay you? I will give you any amount you ask for. Trust me, I have money. You don't believe it, right?” she asked with a smile.
  • A smile that made her seem crazy.
  • “What is she saying?” one of them frowned.
  • He took a step closer to her, removed a knife from his pocket, and unsheathed it which made the woman move back unconsciously.
  • “I am just going to warn you. I'm being generous right now. Leave the country and never come back,” he said, walking towards her.
  • “Talk from there. Don't come any closer!” Cassandra shouted.
  • “I just want you to understand me well. Stay very far away from Lucian if you don't want to meet with your death.”
  • ‘What was he saying? I think I'm going to die now.’
  • She thinks miserably to herself.
  • “Answer me!” with that, the man charged at her.
  • Unconsciously, her leg slipped and she struggled to regain her balance.
  • “Fuck, no!” one of the men shouted and rushed to grab the bed hand.
  • He was late.
  • He watched the woman fall horrifically down the cliff.
  • “Gosh. Did she fall?” one of them asked.
  • “What? Did she fall? Are you blind that you can't see what just happened?!” he thundered.
  • “Fuck, what do we do?!”
  • “Should we tell her?”
  • “We should. She would probably like the news.”
  • “What? She clearly said we shouldn't touch her, fuck!”
  • “So, what? Deny it? We better tell her. If she finds out later herself, we are doomed! You know that!”
  • ===
  • Five years later.
  • “What did you say?” Vasilisa Hathaway, the most sorted-after lawyer in the United Kingdom asked.
  • “L.G group of companies message just came in. It's an offer to be their legal advisor,” Nina, her secretary repeated.
  • “Okay!” Vasilissa clapped her hands.
  • “Are you not getting too obsessed with L.G? Now that an offer just came in. Don't tell me you're going to leave here.”
  • “Why? Do you have work for me here?” Vasilissa raised a brow.
  • “No. I don't,” she shook her head and pressed her lips.
  • It was best to not say anything anymore. Her boss was very scary whenever she got angry.
  • “Cancel my schedule for the day. I'm stepping out,” Vasilissa grabbed her coat, and walked out of her office.
  • *
  • Ignoring the greetings from her juniors at work, she got into the car, started the engine and then drove off.
  • Her dream of many years was finally happening. Now that she was going to return to the USA, an unsavory look spread on her face.
  • After many minutes of driving, she pulled her car in front of the cottage, got down from it, walked towards the gate, and then placed her finger on the fingerprint sensor which unlocked immediately.
  • “Mama!” came the tiny voice of her daughter, Hazel.
  • “Hey, my baby. How much do you miss me?” she lowered and lifted her from the ground.
  • “So much!” Hazel grinned.
  • “Father,” Vasilissa said softly as soon as she entered the living room.
  • “Did you get the message? L.G wants to hire you,” he said instead.
  • “How did you know?” she furrowed her brow. She had just gotten the news in less than an hour.
  • But then again, nothing gets past her foster father.
  • “So, you're leaving?” he asked and Vasilissa nodded her head slowly.
  • “Why? Are you not happy? You've been waiting many years for this,” he raised his brows.
  • “I know, but… I'm feeling so unsure right now,” she shook her head.
  • “Come here,” he patted the chair beside him.
  • “I will support whatever decision you make. You know that,” he patted her back.
  • “I know.”
  • “Good. Do whatever you want to do, and I will support you, Cassandra,” he said and hugged her.
  • “Thank you so much, father,” she sniffed.
  • Vasilissa exhaled and twitched her mouth. The long awaited day was approaching. Soon, she was going to meet those who had tried to kill her.
  • ***
  • A month later, USA.
  • Vasilissa finally stepped into the tall building after many minutes of standing with sweaty palms and walked to the reception.
  • “I'm here to meet the chairman,” she said.
  • “Do you have any appointment with him?”
  • “Yes. My name is Vasilissa Hathaway,” she stated.
  • She watched the woman pick up the telecom and make a call and she unconsciously glanced around.
  • “Okay, he will see you now,” she said.
  • “Go straight from here and you'll see an elevator on your left hand side. You're to go to the 67th floor,” she directed and Vasilissa only nodded her head and then turned to leave.
  • *
  • Vasilissa waited till the elevator pinged open and she stepped in, pressed the 67th key and then moved aside for the two ladies that had just stepped in and waited till the door closed.
  • After what seemed like eternity, the elevator finally stopped, the door opened and she stepped out of it.
  • She clenched her first nervously as she headed to the door that had the sign ‘Chairman.’
  • She knocked on the door and when she didn't got a reply after a while, she pushed the door open and then entered.
  • She strolled in slowly, looking around the large office till her eyes fell on the glass on the table that had names imprinted on it. “Chairman Lucian Go,” she read out softly and then, the door pushed open.
  • Vasilissa turned around swiftly and then locked eyes with the tall man in front of her who looked as cold and arrogant as portrayed in the news.
  • “Yes?” His deep voice rang deeply in her ears which reminded her how long she had been away from this man who didn’t look like he had aged one bit.
  • Finally regaining herself, she bore her eyes on him and her lips tugged into a soft smile, “I am Vasilissa Hathaway, L.G group of companies’ legal advisor.”
  • “Oh. Lucian Go,” he answered and then stretched his hand forward.
  • Vasilissa nodded her head, glanced at his hand and a smile spread on her cheek.
  • ‘I’d never for once forget your name,’ she said to herself.
  • How much was her revenge going to be sweet?
  • TBC…