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Chapter 3

  • Warning: this scene has some violence and rape. Viewers' discretion is advised.
  • ‘Where was I? Shouldn't I be dead or something?' I asked myself. I doubt that because my mother always told me when someone is dead they go to a place that is filled with bright light and beautiful places, so why was mine different? I was stuck in a dark room. Where was the bright light mum had told me about?
  • Suddenly, the memories of what happened filled my mind, the horrifying memories replayed like it was happening all over again. The fear on Clara's face wouldn't leave my mind, it was all over the darkness I was seeing and the promise I had made to her that I would protect her kept lingering in my mind.
  • I had to keep my promise to her. I haven't broken my promises to her before and I'm not about to do that now. My parents might have failed them by not protecting them, but as my parent's daughter and their future alpha, they all look up to me now to protect them and rescue them. I can't be kept in whatever darkness I'm in right now. I have to find the light and escape.
  • I had been so lost in my thoughts that it didn't dawn on me that I couldn't feel both my legs and hands until I had decided to take a step. My hands and feet were numb, I could feel something cold bonding them wide apart from each other.
  • I tried pulling at it to see if I could break free, but it was unbreakable, whatever material was used in making the chains were solid and someone like me wouldn't be able to break free that easily. What other ways should I break out of this hellhole I find myself being trapped in?
  • I thought of screaming for help, but then again, who would help a slave that was being sold for a ridiculous amount?
  • Slave, s3x slave… a new life I never thought would be attached to my name. Once a princess and now a slave, who would have thought things don't last forever? The happiness, the joy, the laughter, families, friends, and so on would last forever. Nothing seems to be forever. Just a snap of the finger and everything will be erased, leaving nothing but darkness, sorrow, pain, and death.
  • Yes, death, that's what I should be expecting now from the one to whom my life is now being indebted to. I don't know what will happen from now on, but I won't give up on everything just yet. I will try my best to play by their rules till I get my chance at revenge.
  • “I can see you are up, welcome back from the dead,” I heard a voice speak which startled me, but then the voice sounded familiar and then it clicked, it was the voice of the one my life belongs to. The one who bought me for that huge amount all because of the lies being fed to him.
  • He is also the one I plotted revenge on, the leader of it all. I can recall the way everyone bowed to him in the arena when he walked to claim his prize, and if my calculations are right, he is the one who ordered the attack on my family. The one I have to kill if I have to get out of here alive.
  • “I hate it when I'm talking and my subjects are not answering, it annoys me and pushes me to the point I don't want to get to. Won't it be so bad of me to have your face all smashed up before I even began with you?” he asked.
  • I wanted to reply too badly, to swear at him and tell him to do his worst, to tell him he was nothing but a worthless werewolf that would meet his end soon, but I decided to remain quiet. I wasn't going to be subject to agreeing to speak up just because he asked me to. I was going to irritate him, anger him and do everything till he slips and I kill him.
  • “Answer me you bastard!!!” he yelled out and a smirk formed on my lips, though I couldn't see him right now but could tell he was angry just by the way he snarled, and to prove I was right, I felt his fist connected to my face and my head tilted sideways. I felt something like a liquid flowing from my lips and I knew his punch must have split my lips, which made me bleed.
  • Instead of replying, I sucked on the bleeding lips and listened to his heartbeat to know the direction he was and when found, I spat on him, which made him curse out.
  • “I was going to go easy on you but your character stinks, and just as I told you earlier on, I hoped you paid your last respect to your parents because, with your character, you would be joining them soon," he threatened.
  • “Oh, I'm scared… please forgive me,” I told him before bursting out in laughter which startled him, “I bet that's what you wanted me to say, in your dreams. You took so many precious things from me and rendered me useless. Watch your back. I will tend to give you back everything you have done to me.” I told him and glared at him and I could hear him chuckle.
  • “Why bother having a conversation with you? After all, you are a slave, my s3x slave. You are meant to be doing my bidding"
  • I watched as he unbuckled his belt, and slowly removed the belt, and threw it away, followed by his trousers and his shirt. The only thing left on him was his brief, which hugged him and I could see the shape of his member.
  • He was so huge that I couldn't hide the fact. I didn't know if that would fit in there, seeing I was a virgin.
  • He walked up to me and before I could say anything he was tearing the robe which was my only valuable left and I was naked before him, my legs spread open with no undies and my breast lay bare before him. I saw as his eyes never leaving my body as he scanned it, the lust in his eyes plainly evident. He was like the rest of them, a ruthless beast.
  • “I thought I could resist it, but damn, you are hard to ignore when you have that body calling to me. You are not allowed to cry or make any sound, no matter how rough I am. Failure to do so will attract punishment. Is that clear?" He asked.
  • “Do your worst,” I told him, and before I could prepare my mind mentally for what was about to happen, I felt a sharp pain and felt something hard pushing its way into my hymen. I almost screamed out but I bit my lips, holding back the sobs that came with the pain.
  • He smiled as he thrust in and out of me at a fast pace, not giving me a chance to adjust to his size. He pumped his cock in and out of my wetness, not caring if I was in pain or not. His eyes never left me as his hips moved in an up-and-down motion.
  • He smiled as he pulled out and released his seed on my body before entering again, going faster than the previous time.
  • I tried controlling the tears. I wasn't going to show him that he was hurting me. This was the reason he paid the bill and I would accept it.
  • I clenched my hands as each thrust was nothing but pain to me. My eyesight was getting blurry again. I wanted to endure it much longer until he was fed up, but I guess the soul was willing but the body wasn't. I felt a tear slip down my cheeks, followed by another.
  • Then he stopped, stood up from me, and wore his briefs.
  • “I thought you were strong, but you are just a weakling after all. You could have endured it to the end, seeing that you broke the rules. You should be punished” he said, before walking towards the door, leaving me in a state of mess. The bed was sticky beneath my ass, it was my blood, he just took the sacred value I wanted to give to my mate.
  • Just then, the door opened and he walked in with two more men. I was scared. Was he going to tell them to take turns with me? I haven't recovered from the three rounds we just went, and I felt sore down there. I can't deal with going another round.
  • “Take her to the dungeon. She is not allowed to be fed or given water for the next three days. Make sure you get her washed and send someone to clean my bed. It reeks of her and it disgusts me,” he ordered.
  • They approached me and they removed the locks from my hands, each guy holding me at each side. We were about to walk past him when he told them to stop.
  • “Tonight I will be claiming you again, you are here to satisfy my needs. I will break you till you have no resolve or will of yours. Get her out of my sight” he yelled.
  • I was taken to a place where a woman walked in with a bucket of water and poured it on me. I was freaking cold as I shrieked, and I trembled as she washes my body. It was cold and the cold bath wasn't helping.
  • “If I were you, I wouldn't talk back at the alpha, do what he says and soon he will get tired of you and you will be able to work as an omega, but if you insist on being rude to him, you will end up as manure to the earth. I feel sorry for you but we were all like you, take my advice” the woman said as she poured another bucket of water on me and I yelped again.
  • She gave me a sweater to put on and a pair of trousers.
  • “Thank you, your name please?” I asked.
  • “Briella and please pretend you don't know me, it will be best for us,” she said before leaving me alone, then guards came and took me to the dungeon.
  • The sweater and trousers couldn't help me from the cold wind and ground. I trembled, tears spilling down from my eyes.
  • I wish this was a nightmare and it would end soon.