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Chapter 18

  • The moment Easton walked out of the kitchen with the unknown guy, I lost my footing, staggering backwards as I felt the sharp pain shoot through my chest, my hands clenching tight over it but doing nothing to soothe the pain. My mind was racing with conflicting emotions, and only then did I feel the tinge of a connection between us, the pain of the rejection slowly filling every crevice of my body, each wave leaving me in utter dread, and just when I was about to hit the ground, I felt Jasmine's stronghold around me and her voice finally seeping into a part of my consciousness, her eyes filled with concern and worry.
  • If I had known the pain would be so much, I probably would've thought twice before rejecting him. The pain was doubled for me, seeing as he'd refused to accept my rejection, my words doing some sort of sick boomerang as they hit me back in full force.
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