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Chapter 4

  • Sebastian strode towards Amelie and she cowered back almost instinctively. He growled, angry that she was scared of him because of whoever the idiot was.
  • He turned to the man, rage that he has never felt before swirling around his chest, throughout his entire body.
  • He strode to him and picked him up by his shirt and then slammed him on the wall. He didn't waste time to put his hands around his neck.
  • “What gave you the right to think you could lay your filthy hands on my future wife?” His voice was terrifying, meant to strike fear and yet Amelie could find herself liking the way his voice sounded.
  • It made her feel hot, the way he spoke because he was angry that someone had tried to hurt her.
  • She felt protected.
  • Maybe she would like the marriage arrangement after all.
  • She rushed to them when she saw that his right hand was wrapped around her father’s neck, his face turning from red to blue.
  • “I asked you a question, lowlife.” He taunted.
  • “Wait, if you continue like this, you'll k..kill him.”
  • “That is exactly what I want to do.” He snarled.
  • “But if you go to prison, who w..will marry me?” She mumbled.
  • He barked out a laugh, releasing James as he struggled to take in breaths.
  • “You're so cute. You know that, right?” He chuckled.
  • She could feel her skin grow hot once more. It always seemed to do that around him. She decided to change the subject as she was uncomfortable with receiving praises.
  • “Why did you come back?” She asked.
  • “I turned around because you were sounding uncomfortable. I do not like taking any chances.” He said.
  • Her father stood up behind him and Amelie took several steps back, wanting to put as much distance as possible between herself and her father. She could see Sebastian’s jaw tighten, as if he was clamping it hard.
  • He turned to James.
  • “Get out.” He tilted his head towards the door.
  • “You have no right to tell me that. This is my home and I..”
  • “Get. Out.” He gritted out.
  • James looked at him. Taking note of the way Sebastian’s hands were balled by his sides, his gray eyes promising destruction if he even thought to harm Amelie.
  • “I’ll get you for this. I swear.” He said, hobbling out the door.
  • “Are you okay?” He asked, holding her arms and making her to look up at him. He touched the wound on her forehead and then pulled her towards one of the sofas, sitting her down.
  • “Where is your first aid kit?” He asked.
  • “On the kitchen top,” she pointed it to him and soon he returned with it.
  • He cleaned the wound carefully, making sure that it wouldn't hurt her too much and then he put a plaster on her forehead, kissing it. Then he stood up and dropped the kit back. Amelie could hear the tap water running as he washed his hands.
  • Soon he returned and lifted her face to his again, checking if she was okay.
  • Amelie’s heart pounded as she met his gaze. Suddenly, she wanted to kiss his lips. And it wasn't fair that he was this close to her where she could see his luscious lips.
  • Lips that she knew what was capable of.
  • Lips that could take her to heaven and hell.
  • “Um, Sebastian. I..” She paused, her thoughts making her cheek flush.
  • Sebastian leaned in playfully, a playful glint in his eye.
  • “Yes, mia bellezza. Say what you want.”
  • Her breath hitched as she leaned into his body not even realizing that she was doing so.
  • “I.. I.. Please can you step back. I just..”
  • Sebastian chuckled as the glint in his eyes changed from playful to seductive.
  • “Why?” He asked, taking a step forward as she took one back. “Do I make you nervous? Do I break your heart beat faster and your body flush?”
  • “N-no, I just..”
  • Before Amelie could finish her sentence, not that she would even be able to. Sebastian put a finger under her chin, raising her face to meet his. Their eyes locked and her heart skipped a beat. She leaned even closer, wanting, no needing to feel his lips on hers once more.
  • Suddenly, Sebastian pulled back slightly, a teasing grin on his face.
  • “You might want to aim better than that if you're planning on kissing me.”
  • She laughed nervously.
  • “I wasn't.. I was just..”
  • “Relax, bella. I was only teasing you.” He chuckled softly.
  • Amelie couldn't help but smile even though she was still embarrassed at her behavior.
  • “Do you want to go on a date?” Sebastian asked suddenly.