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Chapter 5

  • ***
  • Kloe's POV:
  • It'd been a month since I'd returned from Hawaii. I missed Donnie in my everyday activities but I knew she was happy where she was.
  • I'd made sure to go to her parents' house after I'd returned. I showed them the wedding pictures and convinced them that Donnica was happy with her decision.
  • It'd been really hard for them but they'd ended up accepting the fact that their daughter and Anthonio were in love and had made their own family.
  • As for me, I decided to forget all negative things that had happened back in Hawaii and went on with the sweet life I lived with Tyler.
  • ***
  • "How was work today love?" Tyler asked, walking up behind me and wrapping me in his arms. I loved it when he held me that way.
  • "Work was fine. And you? How did that business reunion with the partners, go?" I asked, rinsing the dishes in front of me.
  • "It went well. I was so impatient to be with you tonight though." he chuckled and I laughed.
  • "Oh, really?"
  • "Yeah."
  • I turned to him and we shared a short but sensual kiss. My Tyler was handsome and he was the only guy I'd ever been in love with. I'd had many boyfriends but I'd been serious with none. I was the one who broke away from most of my past relationships. Donnica had named me the heartbreaker back when we were in college.
  • "So, I guess you're way to tired to cook dinner?" he asked.
  • "You know me well." I replied.
  • "Okay. I propose we go out for dinner. I know this chic restaurant that opens only thrice a week. It's always full."
  • "What if all tables are taken by the time we get there?"
  • "Don't worry, I reserved a table."
  • "Okay love."
  • ***
  • Writer's POV:
  • Months passed and soon it was mid June. Kloe lived her life and Leandro lived his on his side. None of them worrying about seeing each other again. Or so they thought.
  • *
  • Leandro sneaked his way back into the headquarters' mansion one night at past midnight. His meeting with some of his men had not turned out the way he'd wanted and he was more than furious. He'd discovered that someone was also funneling money from the Illinois cartel. And most of his trusted henchmen went missing or were found dead. He was furious and impatient to discover who was behind all this. Who was trying to overthrow him or his business.
  • An angry Leandro was a devilish Leandro and whosoever betrayed him was going to pay with his skin.
  • "How did it go?" Anthonio said, appearing from the kitchen. He frowned when he noticed how angry his brother seemed.
  • " Qualcuno sta cercando di morire (Someone's trying to die)." Leandro muttered, a lump in his throat as he collapsed on an armchair close by. He was very angry.
  • Anthonio joined him, taking a seat.
  • " Che cos'è? (What is it?)." he asked.
  • Leandro leaned in and told Anthonio everything.
  • " E nessuno sa nulla? (And no one knows anything?)" Anthonio asked his brother, beginning to feel angry himself.
  • "That's what they claim. Anthonio, I threatened them. You know how scared they are of me but they still claimed not to know anything."
  • "Meaning they're sincere. This is bullshit." Anthonio said angrily.
  • "Whoever it is, killed Julio, Aaron and Florian." Leandro said, his anger becoming close to uncontrollable.
  • "This is sick."
  • "I'm gonna find out who's behind all this."
  • "When you do," Anthonio started, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "...give me that honor to cut his head off. It's been long I've shed blood."
  • "Sure. Right after I torture the Stronzo (asshole)." Leandro replied, giving his brother a personalised handshake.
  • Though Anthonio had made a promise to Donnica, it was one he found it hard to keep. When anyone attacked him, his family or loved ones, he just had to react. He was still an assassin after all. But that was a secret between his brother and him now.
  • "So how do you plan on taking care of this?" Anthonio asked.
  • Leandro stared at him for a while before replying.
  • "I have no choice but to go to Chicago and see for myself how things are functioning."
  • "The thing is, will it work?"
  • "Yes. None of those Americans working for me have seen me. They function according to the instructions given to them through intermediaries."
  • "I bet it's one of them behind this."
  • "That's exactly what I think. The only men murdered and gone missing are the ones I personally sent to supervise our goods and businesses. All Italians."
  • Anthonio clenched his jaw. He was now as angry as Leandro. And that meant nothing good.
  • "See why I miss bombing their country up? Right now what's standing between America and I is Donnica. And in your everyday life there? What's your plan on keeping your identity safe?"
  • "I'm gonna have to mix in with the normal citizens. So no suspicions are aimed at me. I'll probably find a decent job, self employed of course, that'll get me fully integrated as an everyday average citizen. And as for the cartel, I'll present myself as a new envoy from the boss himself, but trust me to take care of all traitors. I have no one standing between America and I. If I have to bomb a bastard up, I will."
  • "If you need me, you know how to get me. Call me and I'll be there."
  • "I know."
  • "When are you leaving?"
  • "At the end of this week."
  • "Alright them. Find those bastards and kill them." Anthonio said.
  • "Oh, you can trust me for that."
  • "Save some for me if you can." Anthonio said with a smile and his brother chuckled.
  • "You evil brat. Maybe I should've kept Armand to be taken care of by you."
  • "Leave his soul to rest in agony, okay?"
  • ***
  • And so then came the time when Leandro had to go away. He told his little family goodbye, saying he had some important business to take care of and that due to this, he was going to be absent for quite a while.
  • They returned his goodbye in wonder. Only Anthonio knew his real reasons.
  • Lodovica knew his reasons probably weren't good ones and all she could do was pray and hope for him.
  • *
  • Leandro had an unforgettable adventure awaiting him. One he would savor every instant and moment of.