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Chapter 13

  • ***
  • Writer's POV:
  • After hearing what Leandro had done for Kloe, Donnica called him to thank him with all her heart. Leandro had in truth donated some blood to Kloe because of Donnica. He didn't want her depressed, especially in times when he or Anthonio were absent and she and Lodovica had to take care of the twins alone.
  • Now that Kloe was sure to live on, he had no worry about Donnica.
  • Surprised to hear the news, Anthonio called his brother.
  • "I heard you donated blood to Kloe?"
  • "Yeah. Though the girl didn't bother to call herself and thank me. It's been three days now. Anyway, I don't care. It's not like I did it for her after all."
  • "Oh, I understand now. Let me guess, Donnica called you too? She was more than sad."
  • "Yeah, it was the least I could do."
  • "Well, that's nice. It is surprising Kloe didn't bother calling to thank you. Does she even have your number?"
  • "She has my card."
  • "Hmmm. Maybe she's still in the hospital..."
  • "Or ungrateful."
  • "Maybe. So how's the business? Any odd thing noticed?"
  • "Not yet. Everything seems well. The deliveries are carried out perfectly. But I'm still investigating on my own though."
  • "Okay then."
  • ******
  • Months passed, Kloe never called Leandro, he'd not seen her either since she'd fainted about two months and a half or so ago. He went on with his undercover life as a member of the Chicago cartel.
  • He was beginning to lose some patience as he noticed that after all the time spent in Chicago, he'd seen nothing suspicious going on with his dark business. He wondered if the person stealing knew about his presence. That, he was still to discover.
  • As for his little job he'd created to seem as normal as any other citizen, it was flourishing. Surprisingly, he had a lot of customers and clients, majority of which were the women. And of course, Leandro gained a lot of benefits along with his pay if you know what I mean.
  • --
  • Soon, September and autumn set in. The leaves began to fall and the whether changed. There were more of cold winds than anything else and soon everyone could be seen wearing warm coats, pullovers and jackets.
  • ***
  • Leandro's POV:
  • I put the groceries at the back of my car then got into the driver's seat. That night, I had Vanessa that had promised to come visit and she'd asked that I make her pizza. Amongst my numerous talents was cooking.
  • Vanessa was one of my clients. She'd come for a portrait of herself a few days ago and I'd flirted with her. And like most of the others, she accepted to see me again. Let's just say I was leaving the playboy life.
  • I was going to start the car, when like in a dream I spotted Kloe walking down the sidewalk on the other side of the empty street. She was in the company of another girl I didn't know.
  • I thought of minding my business and ignoring her but I couldn't. I felt that urge to know why she didn't call to say thank you. Not like I cared but I wanted to tease her about it.
  • I stepped out of the car just when she was passing on the other side.
  • "Pssst!" I caught her attention.
  • She stopped in her tracks when she saw me and it was evident she was doubting if she should cross and come to me.
  • I smirked at her and motioned with a finger for her to come to me.
  • She raised a finger and did same, motioning for me to come over to her instead.
  • I smiled, amused. She was definitely playing with me and it surprised me. I even saw the slight trace of a smile on her lips.
  • Knowing how stubborn she was, I gave up and began to cross the empty street. Suddenly, she did same and was heading towards me, leaving her friend, wondering.
  • We finally met face to face at the center of the road.
  • "Hey." I said.
  • "Hello."
  • "I believe you know why I motioned you over." I started, playfully folding my arms. She smirked and nervously ran her fingers through her hair.
  • "Did you just smile at me?" I asked and she playfully rolled her eyes.
  • "Don't start." she muttered, looking at her feet. "I know why you motioned me over but it's not what you think."
  • "Oh really, then what is it?" I asked.
  • She looked up at me for the first time.
  • "I lost your card." she said, her lips twitching in amusement.
  • "You lost it." I repeated with a hint of disbelief in my voice.
  • "Yeah." she was trying not to laugh, "Okay, truth is I tore it when Denise gave it to me."
  • "Oh wow..."
  • "But that was before you helped me!" she cut in quickly.
  • "I see." I pretended to be angry and turned to leave but surprisingly, she grabbed my arm.
  • "Leandro." she called, amused. "I'm sorry, okay?"
  • I looked at her and smirked.
  • "I'll forgive you only after you call me and tell me you're sorry." I stated, giving her another card.
  • She took it and put it in her coat's pocket, a little smile on her lips.
  • "You just love playing games." she stated.
  • "You're beginning to know me."
  • I said.
  • She shook her head, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I held her hand as it was coming down. I looked at the expensive watch she had on.
  • "Nice watch." I said.
  • " I said
  • "
  • Thanks."
  • "Lemme guess," I started, looking into her eyes, "...your Tyler's gift?"
  • "I can buy expensive stuff for myself Leandro." she stated.
  • "I don't doubt. Call me." I said slowly.
  • She smirked and withdrew her hand.
  • "Bye." she turned and walked back to her friend and they walked away.
  • She could be cool when she wanted.
  • Kloe's POV:
  • "Mmm, who was that? One of your exes I don't know about??" Anna cooed.
  • "Nope. Um, just someone I met in Rome."
  • "Just someone?? Hmm! Y'all did seem kind of close." Anna laughed.
  • "You're ridiculous. It's just– well, that's the guy that donated blood to me."
  • "Oh! The Diego? You finally found him."
  • "Yeah, I did some researches." I lied, clearing my throat.
  • "Wow. Damn, he's fine. You should tell your father and Tyler about it."
  • "No fucking way."
  • "Why?"
  • "Um, because he wants to stay anonymous. I respect his decision."
  • "Okay. I saw him give you his card. Will you call him?"
  • "I don't know."
  • I really wasn't sure of calling Leandro. I definitely still feared him and I didn't want him to have my number. But I still had to thank him. Right?