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Chapter 3

  • ***
  • Kloe's POV:
  • I woke up with a headache. The room was dimly lit because of the thick curtains that covered the windows, preventing the sun rays from getting in.
  • I way laying on my side and was blankly staring at one of the windows, waiting for my vision to adjust and for my headache to stop.
  • My heart skipped a beat when I started to realise it wasn't the room I was supposed to be in. I tried to move and that was when I noticed I was wrapped in the sheets.
  • By reflex, I looked underneath the covers and what I saw shocked me. I had nothing but my panties on. Trying not to panic and keeping my cool as much as possible, I turned, intending to get out of bed. And that was when I stopped breathing and for a second I thought my heart had stopped beating.
  • Comfortably asleep close to me was my nightmare. Leandro.
  • "Oh no..." I whispered, suddenly breathless.
  • "Oh gawd. Why? Why?!"
  • I ran my fingers through my hair, shutting my eyes tight and trying not to cry or do anything crazy.
  • I took a deep breath and sat up, covering myself with the sheets. I turned to him and tapped his arm continuously. He was dressed and only his suit and shoes were off.
  • I tapped him until he got up. His eyes fluttered open and he stared up at me. I frowned, trying hard to control my temper.
  • Leandro's POV:
  • The look she gave me could kill and it amused me. I knew what she was thinking.
  • "Why did you do this?" she muttered.
  • It surprised me how contained and calm she seemed though she was clearly furious within. It was at that moment that I realised that she wasn't a hysteric person. She took her time to think before reacting. And such people could be dangerous. Kloe was like a time lag bomb. She could explode at any moment.
  • "Do what?" I asked, unable to contain a smile.
  • "Leandro," she started, " not tempt me. You slept with me. I know you did." she growled slowly.
  • Her coolness baffled me. Someone else on seeing her would think it didn't affect her at all but it actually did. Very much.
  • "First of all," I started, sitting up too and stretching, "...Good morning."
  • She stared at me, hatred full in her eyes. I was used to getting such looks.
  • "You're not answering?" I asked with a smile, getting off the bed.
  • She watched my every move and I knew that in less than a minute she would take the vase on the table close her and try aiming it at me.
  • Slowly, I walked to her side and took the vase away.
  • "I didn't sleep with you, princess." I said smoothly, looking for my shoes. "Well literally, I did sleep with you. But I didn't fuck you."
  • "I don't believe you." she muttered.
  • I smirked and walked up to the other table in the room where I took the mini camera I'd hidden there for my night with Amelia.
  • "If it were only for me, I would've taken advantage of you with no regrets. But I didn't. For the sake of my brother and his wife. This is proof."
  • I showed her the camera.
  • "What's that?"
  • "A mini camera that's connected to my phone."
  • "If you didn't abuse me then why am I close to naked underneath this?" she asked
  • I smirked.
  • "I don't know. But I wish I did."
  • "You're sick." she muttered with disgust.
  • "I hear that often."
  • I walked up to her and played the video.
  • Writer's POV:
  • Both watched the video silently.
  • -
  • It showed how Leandro stepped into the dark room, a drunk Kloe in his arms.
  • He carried her to the bed where he dropped her. She'd lost notion of time and place.
  • Leandro took her shoes off and made her lay correctly. Kloe had been in some sort of trance and when's she'd looked up to see who it was helping her, all she could see was Tyler.
  • -
  • Kloe watched the video and shock took over her when in it, as Leandro bent over to cover her with the sheets, she grabbed his face and tried to kiss him. But he withdrew, yet she held him in place.
  • Kloe watched the video intensively, waiting to see what madness she'd committed the night before.
  • -
  • "I know you think I'm a burden." she said in the video, staring into the Mafioso's eyes. "But don't disappoint me."
  • "I won't..." Leandro had replied, seeing the whole situation as amusing.
  • The drunk Kloe then leaned in and placed a soft and simple kiss on the mafioso's lips. He didn't react but got out of her grip.
  • "Sleep señorita..." was his reply and Kloe shut her eyes.
  • Later on, she'd gotten up and pleaded with Leandro to stay by her side until she found sleep which he did but later on he fell asleep too.
  • Later that night, Kloe still drunk and sleepy, under the sheets, took her gown off because of the heat, thinking she was all alone. And that was it.
  • -
  • Kloe's POV:
  • 'I can't believe this.'
  • I thought to myself. I felt ashamed after watching the video and didn't really know how to react or what to say. I should've never accepted to drink.
  • "You see?" Leandro started, "I didn't do anything. But the blame is always on me." he chuckled.
  • I gave him a cold stare.
  • "I don't see what the hell is making you laugh." I said dryly, "You know what?" I got off the bed, "I don't understand people like you and I'm not even trying to. I'm outta here."
  • I searched for my gown and shoes.
  • "Here..." he said, handing them over to me. I seized them and started heading for the door.
  • Leandro's POV:
  • I grabbed her arm and she turned to me.
  • "Let go off me. Now."
  • "You can at least thank me for last night." I teased.
  • "THANK. YOU." she said in a sarcastic tone, making me smile. I loved it when women were aggressive and irritated due to my presence. To me it was some form of weakness.
  • "Why don't you like me?" I asked, amused.
  • "Why the fuck should I like you? Let me go now." she ordered rudely and that got me a little annoyed.
  • "Change that tone." I warned slowly.
  • I smiled a lot but when I got irritated, annoyed or angry, it was a different story. And this woman was beginning to get me angry. No woman had the guts nor the rights to speak to me the way she was doing. I tolerated some things but never arrogance from a damned woman.
  • She gave me an ugly stare and looked at my hand on her arm.
  • "I'm not changing no tone. Let me go now." she warned too.
  • "What if I don't..." I growled through gritted teeth, pulling her until she was face to face with me, my grip on her arm tightening.
  • "Ah! Y– you're hurting me." she frowned in pain.
  • "You call this pain? Mess with me again and I'll show you pain." I said angrily.
  • "You're really hurting me!" she squealed, trying to get out of my grip, her eyes suddenly watery.
  • I had only one thing in mind and it was to teach her a lesson. If it were up to me I would break her arm. But the highest I could do at the moment was give her a bruise. I was going to give her one.
  • "Ow! Leandro!" she cried, "Let me go!" I tightened my grip the more and she gasped in pain.
  • I smiled wickedly, staring straight into her eyes, waiting for her to shed tears. She stared back and I saw that fear I loved in her eyes. She was terrified.
  • "Now you acting less tough?" I chuckled, "Show me your sweet tears."
  • The look on her face went from pain to coldness. Her features changed and she looked at me like she could kill me.
  • "You can dream. Sick ass." she hissed.
  • Writer's POV:
  • Her sudden change surprised the Mafioso. She grew hard and cold almost immediately. She was daring him and this was new to him. Not even Donnica had behaved the way she was.
  • "Let me go!" she screamed, succeeding in getting out of his grip.
  • At that moment, the door flung open and a surprised Lodovica was staring at both of them.
  • She noticed how breathless and angry Kloe looked. She was wrapped in covers with her gown and shoes in her hand. But Lodovica most especially noticed the bruise on the young woman's arm.
  • "Kloe, what happened??" the lady asked, afraid.
  • "Nothing serious, ma'am." she said, then turning to Leandro she added, "...but if you insist to know, ask this fool."
  • And with that, she stormed out of the room. Not caring about the fact that she'd insulted him in front of his mother.
  • Leandro looked at his mother who gave him a cold stare. He sighed and shook his head.