Chapter 11 Apology
- What he should have done is just come out and say he needs some sort of domestic assistance. After doing the dishes, I was so damned irate that it was unsettling. When I finally got back to my room, I was still pouting. It's not even that I was obligated to do them. I can't stand it when he always outplays me and wins. Indeed, I find it really annoying. I can't stand it when he always gets to make the ultimate decision.
- This isn't how things are supposed to go. I need to be extremely irritating to him till he finally gives up on me. However, the opposite is true in this case. Sorry, but I'm really, really irritated.
- This is not the way things should be. From now on, I have to begin devising solutions. Because if this arrangement continues, I fear I will become his actual slave. However, the type of slave is not specified.