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Chapter 2 The Devil's Bargain

  • Liam made his way to the couch as his assistant walked in.
  • "You can't be serious!" Isabelle's voice was shaking with a mixture of shock and outrage. "I will not do it. I will not marry him! "
  • Liam Callahan's cold look was fixed on her eyes and his jaw was firm. "I am afraid you have no other option, Miss Marino. Your mother has already agreed to my offer.
  • Isabelle turned towards Gina, her eyes begging. "Mom, don't you dare say that. How could you? How could you just sell me off like some kind of a product?"
  • Gina's smile which was perfectly painted never left her face, but still, a tiny bit of irritation came through her eyes.
  • "Don't act so overdramatic dearie. I did what was necessary to secure our future. You should be thanking me."
  • "For selling your daughter? Is that what you are saying?" Isabelle's voice got emotional.
  • It is a bothersome cooperation, Gina said, raising a hand to dismiss the idea.
  • "Mr. Callahan becomes a husband and we get the money and security. It's a win-win for both of us."
  • Isabelle felt nauseous due to the repulsion. "You are thinking out of the box if you believe I will join this. "
  • Liam cleared his throat, and the attention of everyone was once again on him. "I believe you cannot choose, Miss Marino. Your mother has already signed the contract." The thickness of his tone weirdly sent shivers down my spine.
  • He intimidated me even in broad daylight as he looked like one not meant to be crossed.
  • "Show her Leo." His assistant took out a legal document from the inner pocket of his immaculate suit jacket and put it in front of her so that she could see it.
  • Isabelle's heart dropped when she saw her mother's dainty signature at the end of the letter.
  • "No . .. " she whispered, her legs behaving strangely and becoming weak.
  • "The terms are evident," Liam said, his voice impersonal. "For the sake of ten million dollars, you will be my wife for a time of at least two years. If you don't keep your end of the deal, your mom will be the one to pay the whole thing plus the interest. " Then his tone darkened like stone dipped in water. "And I'm certain you wouldn't want that." His piercing emerald eyes, pierced through her eyes like they were staring right at her soul.
  • Isabelle's head was dizzy as the gravity of the situation was hovering over her.
  • Through her mother, she had been sold into a loveless marriage, all in exchange for the promise of money.
  • "You can't do this!" She cried out in despair, the claws of desperation grasping her chest. "It's. . . it's barbaric!"
  • Liam raised a single eyebrow.
  • "I'm sure you might be wondering why I'm telling you this, but it's legal. Your mother has given her permission to your side." Liam stated while his assistant retreated.
  • Gina put her hand on Isabelle's arm for a friendly gesture and to show that she was sorry.
  • " Don't cry now, sweetie, it is not the end of the world. This is a great chance for you."
  • Isabelle, not wanting her mother to touch her, backed away from her.
  • "What are you saying? You've exchanged my life for something else!"
  • "I've allowed you to live in luxury," was Gina's retort, her tone becoming firmer. "No more living on the edge, no more stressing about the end of the month. Mr. Callahan can provide for you in ways that you could never have thought of before."1
  • Isabelle looked at Liam, her eyes glimmering at the sight of the expensive suit on him and the air of wealth and power that he emanated.
  • She realized that her mother was completely right, he was a billionaire, a man with enormous influence and resources.
  • But at what cost?
  • "I won't do it," she said, her voice so soft that it was almost inaudible. "I won't trade my soul.
  • Liam's expression darkened. "You have no option at all, Miss Marino. The contract is not negotiable."
  • He then pulled his jacket, this time getting a phone of sleek design.
  • With a mere swipe of his finger, he turned the screen toward her, and that was when Isabelle saw a bank account balance that left her breathless.
  • "This is the money your mother has already gotten in advance," he said in a serious tone. "If you do not keep your promise, she will be forced to pay back every penny, plus interest like l said before. So how do you intend to do that?" His tone could be compared to fine wine, only that it had venom in it.
  • Isabelle stopped breathing when the consequences of her own decision became clear to her.
  • Her mother had already taken out the cash, leaving them both in Liam's web.
  • "You, you jerk," she hissed, tears of frustration and helplessness boiling in her eyes.
  • Liam's lips shook into a bitter smile. "I like the name 'businessman ' and in business, a deal is a deal. "
  • He shut the phone and closed it, which decided Isabelle's fate.
  • "Let me know your decision and you will have some time to make up your mind. My assistant will be in touch with the details. "
  • Thus, he turned on his heel and walked through the door, leaving a trail of Isabelle's broken dreams in his obedience.
  • As the door clicked shut behind him, Isabelle came to her mother, who was as trembling as a leaf, with a huge amount of rage and betrayal in her body.
  • "What were you thinking, Mom?" she murmured, her voice straining with unseen tears. "How could you do this to me?" is a sentence that requires rephrasing because the speaker is asking a question.
  • Gina's look was of a hardened expression, any remnants of the motherly warmth disappeared from the eyes.
  • "Don't be so over-the-top Isabelle. I did what was needed to make our future secure. You should be grateful to me. "
  • Isabelle was shocked and somehow felt as if someone had slapped her. "Anyway, I appreciate you for selling me like a thing?"
  • "I gave you the chance of a lifetime!" I said my beautifully coiffed mask, which I wore to perfection, slipping for a second. "Can you imagine how many women would give anything to be in your situation? To be married to a man like Liam Callahan?"
  • Isabelle's stomach puked up with disgust. "I don't want his money or even his 'opportunity. ' I want to have my life back!"
  • Gina's lips started to curve into a sinister smile. "Hon, it's already too late for that, honey. You're his now.